Donald Trump

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TRUMP will win NY,NJ, and California.

I'm more than willing to concede the dumpster will win the NY, NJ primaries those are closed primaries where only Republicans can vote, and no early voting so you won't have voting for the likes of Rubio or Bush to contend with, so yeah he will win those 2 states sorta like shooting fish in a barrel, if you ask any New Yorkers about Kasich they'll say "who the fuck is that" and if you say Cruz they'll give you the Brooklyn response 'fuhgeddaboudit'.

Cali is a whole different issue it's an mixed/open primary where members of any party can vote, that should be fun.

Yes, I've been to his speeches several times he does speak his mind I don't always agree with him but a very motivational speaker and one Bright Brutha! Boy is he one hard critic on Obama and to think he was a staunch supporter of his in '08.

Cornell grows that afro because he is so light skinned. Just like obama and rev. wright, can't pass for black unless they act ghetto and pander to the low income people.
I'm more than willing to concede the dumpster will win the NY, NJ primaries those are closed primaries where only Republicans can vote, and no early voting so you won't have voting for the likes of Rubio or Bush to contend with, so yeah he will win those 2 states sorta like shooting fish in a barrel, if you ask any New Yorkers about Kasich they'll say "who the fuck is that" and if you say Cruz they'll give you the Brooklyn response 'fuhgeddaboudit'.

Cali is a whole different issue it's an mixed/open primary where members of any party can vote, that should be fun.


Yeah, it should be fun. How many Democrats are gonna vote for Cruz again?
Cornell West.A doctor in what? He definitely ain't no medical doctor. The gap in his teeth and afro makes up for the white blood he obviously has, brother has less black blood than a leprhaucan.

He has a Ph.D. from Princeton. Ph.D. = Doctor of Philosophy (Doctor Philosophiae/Philosophiae Doctor). When you get a Ph.D. You get to be called Doctor. He was the first African American to graduate from Princeton with a PhD in philosophy.
He has a Ph.D. from Princeton. Ph.D. = Doctor of Philosophy (Doctor Philosophiae/Philosophiae Doctor). When you get a Ph.D. You get to be called Doctor. He was the first African American to graduate from Princeton with a PhD in philosophy.
He tries too hard to be black. That afro got him far with all the rich liberals at princeton.
Do you have a non racist point to this? Dr. Cornel West is a genius. Who gives a shit? He teaches African-American studies so in my opinion he's not trying too hard at anything.
He makes a living on race, teaching socialism and afro american studies to rich white kids, my observation.
He is more popular with whites, most black people never heard of him. He got called "uncle tom" as a child for being smart and has been actin' a fool every since.
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