Going "JJ" makes no sense.

Then take lessons from me, you should see the looks I get when people find out I smoke. And to think, if they only knew where my cannabis came from.
Way to many people are bred to think that cannabis is the devil, yet they say with with a beer full of fridge and a wine full of cellar.
Bigotry and hypocrisy are all something we as society can overcome through peaceful debate and showing these brainwashed American citizens the facts of a wondrous plant
Bigotry and hypocrisy are all something we as society can overcome through peaceful debate and showing these brainwashed American citizens the facts of a wondrous plant
Yea, once we get the media to start reporting the news and stop trying to make it.
I'm trying to unwash my family's brains... but they used a tad bit to much bleach.
The BK bathroom aspect was hilarious, this is Talk and Toke where we may be more likely interested in laughing. Start a new thread about your newest gripes... if you want to have a serious conversation then don't start with A Given, like 2+ 2 = 4.

You'd be suprised how tough that is for some people.

I guess spelling isn't as strong as your math skills.
Sadly, no my spelling skills are horrid. I'm even worse at math! I can't figure out how to get my spell check to start working proper again. Please bear with me until then..
I guess I can lay off the spell check. There's always that one prick who thinks he's all high and mighty correcting people.

I just sit there and laugh. Language is a man made means of communication. There's no actual right or wrong. As long as everybody gets what we're trying to say.
I guess I can lay off the spell check. There's always that one prick who thinks he's all high and mighty correcting people.

I just sit there and laugh. Language is a man made means of communication. There's no actual right or wrong. As long as everybody gets what we're trying to say.
True, and laughter is universal.
Finally, this thread is going somewhere...
The BK bathroom aspect was hilarious, this is Talk and Toke where we may be more likely interested in laughing. Start a new thread about your newest gripes... if you want to have a serious conversation then don't start with A Given, like 2+ 2 = 4.

Sadly, no my spelling skills are horrid. I'm even worse at math! I can't figure out how to get my spell check to start working proper again. Please bear with me until then..

Ah whatever maaan,

I like to think that I'm the "enhancement smoker" mixed in with radical leftist activism.

For Example:
Like honestly, it's like that pill from limitless. and everything I do I get waaay to over zealous. I'm the only person I know who attacked somebody the first time I got high when I was (a number an admin doesn't appreciate me saying) years old.

Shit dude it's like bathsalt sometimes.
Like honestly, it's like that pill from limitless. and everything I do I get waaay to over zealous. I'm the only person I know who attacked somebody the first time I got high when I was (a number an admin doesn't appreciate me saying) years old.

Shit dude it's like bathsalt sometimes.
I attacked someone the first time I got high. Tried to put the joint down my shorts... that ain't happening.
Oh great... So it's just High school all over again. Whatever man, I can't unclench because I'm not clenched up about anybody. I just wanna talk about things relevant to the thread.

However looking back at every forum in like humanity... I can see that is rather tricky.

Yes, like high school. Maybe middle school. This is T&T, you'll never find what you're looking for here. You're obviously an intelligent dude, try the science/tech and growing subforums. You'll find serious, like-minded (ghey) people there with which to converse. Here you'll get trolled constantly attempting strictly serious conversations. Now you know...
They say weed grows brain cells. Damn fucking straight it does. W/O weed I dont know what I would be doing. It's like my eyes open up to reality while in that elevated state of being. all the torpid sensibilities that lay dormant within every atom of my body just goes into hyperdrive. I can see faster, everything is like HD. and the shit I can write is like even better than usual.
Like honestly, it's like that pill from limitless. and everything I do I get waaay to over zealous.

Exactly. We want legalization, but down deep, we're scared b'cos we know that smoking herb (or at least a good sativa) can be similar to smoking bath salts.
They say weed grows brain cells. Damn fucking straight it does. W/O weed I dont know what I would be doing. It's like my eyes open up to reality while in that elevated state of being. all the torpid sensibilities that lay dormant within every atom of my body just goes into hyperdrive. I can see faster, everything is like HD. and the shit I can write is like even better than usual.

Exactly. We want legalization, but down deep, we're scared b'cos we know that smoking herb (or at least a good sativa) can be similar to smoking bath salts.
Remember prohibition? When Alcohol was illegal and mobsters had that shit on lock and cops were trying to bust people for booze?! Like wtf? Now we have wine tasting festivals and that's a "classy" event. Pretty soon we'll have cannafests nationwide (fingers crossed).

My point is people get whitegirl wasted, black out and drunk drive and all that shit but alcohol is tradition.

My worst experience is chasing down my friend from the mental hospital down a fucking rocky beach. She flipped out and the paranoia was crazy ( we don't hang out). In fact all of my friends (or the people bother to talk to me) including myself have been either institutionalized or put in a psych ward.
