Going "JJ" makes no sense.

You sound like a cheap bastard and a neophyte. But not a mathematician.

Still, i'd shake your hand in a BK shitter.

My frugality is from scarcity not greed.

On top of that, it's tough being a grower when everyone wants to take advantage of all your hard work. Once I get my grow under way, sharing is what I'm all about with my close friends.

All I'm trying to say is:
1. You don't get any higher.
2. I'm not going to smoke a blunt somebody decided to deepthroat
3. Why would I sit in a circle with people who either A) Expect you to pass it like it's NASCAR or B) hold the damn thing and tell an anthology of everything that's happened to them in the last ?

Fair enough?

Why are people being so harsh? Insinuating that I partake in homoerotic behavior? Calling me names, regardless of how pretentious you sound is still completely uncalled for.I never said anything derogatory now did I? All I did was share what turned out to be an "unpopular view". I'm just pointing out my logic behind my perspective on the matter.

I thought weed made you friendly. Even the stoner side of the internet is just as rough as the rest of it. What happened to community? Getting together? Sharing ideas? I'm here to converse to find truth not argue to be right.
My frugality is from scarcity not greed.

On top of that, it's tough being a grower when everyone wants to take advantage of all your hard work. Once I get my grow under way, sharing is what I'm all about with my close friends.

All I'm trying to say is:
1. You don't get any higher.
2. I'm not going to smoke a blunt somebody decided to deepthroat
3. Why would I sit in a circle with people who either A) Expect you to pass it like it's NASCAR or B) hold the damn thing and tell an anthology of everything that's happened to them in the last ?

Fair enough?

Why are people being so harsh? Insinuating that I partake in homoerotic behavior? Calling me names, regardless of how pretentious you sound is still completely uncalled for.I never said anything derogatory now did I? All I did was share what turned out to be an "unpopular view". I'm just pointing out my logic behind my perspective on the matter.

I thought weed made you friendly. Even the stoner side of the internet is just as rough as the rest of it. What happened to community? Getting together? Sharing ideas? I'm here to converse to find truth not argue to be right.

Relax, bro. They are just hazing you. But, I agree. They are ALL meanies. Not me, though. You held your own really well, don't be afraid to fire shit back, esp. about their moms. We understand and respect that. Now that you're in on the joke, have a great time. I bet you're a blast at parties...

Also, penis...
All I wanted to do was share my opinion, not get chastised for it.

It's not me versus anybody in this forum right now. It's US vs OUR LACK OF UNDERSTANDING. I could care less about what you think of myself.

Your comments don't faze me.
The only thing that fazes me is how some people aren't willing to have an intellectual and contiguous conversation about a subject.
I don't like passing because there's always someone who fucks up the puff puff pass rotation.... always. Damn moochers.
Relax, bro. They are just hazing you. But, I agree. They are ALL meanies. Not me, though. You held your own really well, don't be afraid to fire shit back, esp. about their moms. We understand and respect that. Now that you're in on the joke, have a great time. I bet you're a blast at parties...

Also, penis...

Oh great... So it's just High school all over again. Whatever man, I can't unclench because I'm not clenched up about anybody. I just wanna talk about things relevant to the thread.

However looking back at every forum in like humanity... I can see that is rather tricky.
My frugality is from scarcity not greed.

On top of that, it's tough being a grower when everyone wants to take advantage of all your hard work. Once I get my grow under way, sharing is what I'm all about with my close friends.

All I'm trying to say is:
1. You don't get any higher.
2. I'm not going to smoke a blunt somebody decided to deepthroat
3. Why would I sit in a circle with people who either A) Expect you to pass it like it's NASCAR or B) hold the damn thing and tell an anthology of everything that's happened to them in the last ?

Fair enough?

Why are people being so harsh? Insinuating that I partake in homoerotic behavior? Calling me names, regardless of how pretentious you sound is still completely uncalled for.I never said anything derogatory now did I? All I did was share what turned out to be an "unpopular view". I'm just pointing out my logic behind my perspective on the matter.

I thought weed made you friendly. Even the stoner side of the internet is just as rough as the rest of it. What happened to community? Getting together? Sharing ideas? I'm here to converse to find truth not argue to be right.
We are friendly, about as friendly as a carnivorous hamster having a bbq in your pants.
Naa really though, most people on here get along well enough we can poke fun at each other and ourselves. Just cock the hammer back and join in. As Tyler said, gotta learn to return fire. Just let me know when so I can strap on my flak jacket. Well assuming you did take the safety off your weapon. I keep forgetting to do that.:wall:
Oh great... So it's just High school all over again. Whatever man, I can't unclench because I'm not clenched up about anybody. I just wanna talk about things relevant to the thread.

However looking back at every forum in like humanity... I can see that is rather tricky.
You should have gone to the college I went to. We were brutal, but we'd go to bat for each other anytime. With plastic bats that is.
See here we just pick fun for fun, not because of someone's politics, gender, religion, sexual preferences. We've all reached the smart ass level of highness, you will too.

But yea, the only thing you'll get between 3 people and 3 joints is probably a burned finger, hole in the carpet, slobber lip and some dude who can't remember which way to pass.
Whatever man, I was under the assumption that people were just flagrantly ignoring the RIU thing about rude behavior. Even with the lack of mal intent, I just want the world to see us as not just good for nothing potheads, but as civilised intellectual people with morals and ideals.

I wanna be the successful stoner that nobody thinks exists. 70% of papers I've submitted freshman year of college are about weed. the professor and all the students are just so hard wired and brain washed by D.A.R.E. and the fear mongering propaganda pumped into our school systems that they look at me like I'm wearing a tin foil hat and shrug and laugh at me.

I just don't want to be a pariah amongst my own community.
Whatever man, I was under the assumption that people were just flagrantly ignoring the RIU thing about rude behavior. Even with the lack of mal intent, I just want the world to see us as not just good for nothing potheads, but as civilised intellectual people with morals and ideals.

I wanna be the successful stoner that nobody thinks exists. 70% of papers I've submitted freshman year of college are about weed. the professor and all the students are just so hard wired and brain washed by D.A.R.E. and the fear mongering propaganda pumped into our school systems that they look at me like I'm wearing a tin foil hat and shrug and laugh at me.

I just don't want to be a pariah amongst my own community.
Then take lessons from me, you should see the looks I get when people find out I smoke. And to think, if they only knew where my cannabis came from.
Way to many people are bred to think that cannabis is the devil, yet they say with with a beer full of fridge and a wine full of cellar.
Mathematically speaking. If you have a group of 3 people and all three bring one joint you WILL NOT get three times higher!!!

3 joints ÷ 3 people = 1

In other words you're either better off smoking alone, or sparking up your own individual joints per person so there's no rush or anticipation, you go at your own pace, you can talk and tell stories.

I get it, there's nostalgia about passing the blunt/joint/pipe/etc. It's a bonding group activity. But all you're actually doing is spreading germs.

And if you got different plugs and different strains, bad rolling skills etc. Somebody is missing out on their full experience that they paid/worked for.

I still do it though. It's just the ridiculousness doesn't outweigh the experience at all.

When I smoke alone, I prefer to be by myself.
Whatever man, I was under the assumption that people were just flagrantly ignoring the RIU thing about rude behavior. Even with the lack of mal intent, I just want the world to see us as not just good for nothing potheads, but as civilised intellectual people with morals and ideals.

I wanna be the successful stoner that nobody thinks exists. 70% of papers I've submitted freshman year of college are about weed. the professor and all the students are just so hard wired and brain washed by D.A.R.E. and the fear mongering propaganda pumped into our school systems that they look at me like I'm wearing a tin foil hat and shrug and laugh at me.

I just don't want to be a pariah amongst my own community.
L o fucking L

You are a little smartie aint ya!

Honestly I didn't read any of that

Cliff notes?

Also I share joints with people but it is tough making a .5 go betweem 4 of us ;)
Why don't ya take time to write a thesis on
1 + 1 + 1 = 3.


3 divided by 3 = 1

Gee, thanks for the intellectual insight. I didn't know we had a mathematition in house.
You'd be suprised how tough that is for some people.

I guess spelling isn't as strong as your math skills. At least you think I'm a "mathematition".
L o fucking L

You are a little smartie aint ya!

Honestly I didn't read any of that

Cliff notes?

Also I share joints with people but it is tough making a .5 go betweem 4 of us ;)

ESPECIALLY SINCE THAT .5 GRAM COSTS 10-15 bucks around these parts. It's like torture. Once I get growing im not going to submit to bullshit skimp ass dime bags.