Noob! First grow!


Well-Known Member

I want so badly to see you and others like you succeed in cultivation. This is a very rewarding hobby and too some a career, it is certainly a lifestyle for all of us. the first thing we need is to know what we are doing. It is easy to get online with a vague pic in your head, look at some of the growz and equipment. Then say to yourself..."I can do this, I just need the right equipment"...I have seen people invest literally $1,000s of dollars and produce crap. While I have also seen some growing with cfls and a cardboard box doing extremely well.

The only difference between these types of growers is how much they read and learned before jumping in head first. before you invest in commercial LED units, go to the LED forum and ask others opinions, get the facts, do some searching. Check different kinds of grow space options, tent, cabinet, micro etc...Choose a medium...soil, soilless, hydro, etcetera.

Learn some of the basics. I know how it is to be excited beyond belief and the I can't wait to see my first real leaf feeling. But if you really take some time learning and just spending what you need to spend based on will save a shit load of $$$ and produce a better product in the end.

Good Luck and Great Growz
Great Advice!


Active Member
Good idea to go LED. I usually germ them and grow them up about three weeks on 23 actual watt 100 equivalent CFL's. Then move those out and move in LED. Figure you'll want about 200 LED watts per plant. Dont croud.


Active Member
Just checked. I added water to my soil. To prep it for tomorrow. And my humidity is 74% and temp 75Deg.

Question!!! I know people oh their water to 6.5-7 but the distilled is coming in at 8.6 and my tap left out for a night is 8.1
My tap water is high PH too about 8.1, I use distilled water anyway. Invest in some GH PH UP and Down. Add nutrients then PH if needed. In soil if PH falls between 6.0 and 6.5 I dont PH. What you also want to check is he PPM to tell you if your tap water is worth using. As well as to test the strength of your nutrient soup.


Well-Known Member
I am 43 hours into germ!!!! Have some great looking roots. They are really exploding today. I checked when I woke up around 8 and just now 11....have nearly doubled in length. Tonight should be the night they get into soil!! 3/3 Germed!!!


Well-Known Member

I want so badly to see you and others like you succeed in cultivation. This is a very rewarding hobby and too some a career, it is certainly a lifestyle for all of us. the first thing we need is to know what we are doing. It is easy to get online with a vague pic in your head, look at some of the growz and equipment. Then say to yourself..."I can do this, I just need the right equipment"...I have seen people invest literally $1,000s of dollars and produce crap. While I have also seen some growing with cfls and a cardboard box doing extremely well.

The only difference between these types of growers is how much they read and learned before jumping in head first. before you invest in commercial LED units, go to the LED forum and ask others opinions, get the facts, do some searching. Check different kinds of grow space options, tent, cabinet, micro etc...Choose a medium...soil, soilless, hydro, etcetera.

Learn some of the basics. I know how it is to be excited beyond belief and the I can't wait to see my first real leaf feeling. But if you really take some time learning and just spending what you need to spend based on will save a shit load of $$$ and produce a better product in the end.

Good Luck and Great Growz
Knowledge is #KEY


Well-Known Member
Im very happy with the responses I have gotten from you guys! :D Will be staying on a 18-6 light cycle then maybe a 12-12 when it flowers? Got my 3 seeds planted! hopefully they pop the soil in the next few days! :D
When do you plant on flowering it? When you switch from 18/6 to 12/12 I'd suggest doing it over a gradual period, not all in one shot.
Example, one night 17/7 couple days later 16/8, couple days later 15/9 etc etc etc.


Well-Known Member
When do you plant on flowering it? When you switch from 18/6 to 12/12 I'd suggest doing it over a gradual period, not all in one shot.
Example, one night 17/7 couple days later 16/8, couple days later 15/9 etc etc etc.
Well, that's a new one on me...not saying it is wrong or right...I just never heard of doing that. I suppose it makes sense, more like nature herself. I may just try it. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Well, that's a new one on me...not saying it is wrong or right...I just never heard of doing that. I suppose it makes sense, more like nature herself. I may just try it. :bigjoint:
I came across it on the forums a few months back, someone had suggest it as a less stressful way to induce flowering. Figured same thing, made it more like nature. Plus I know when we move an hour ahead in spring it messes with my body, so yea why do I wanna torment my girls lol


Well-Known Member
Im very happy with the responses I have gotten from you guys! :D Will be staying on a 18-6 light cycle then maybe a 12-12 when it flowers? Got my 3 seeds planted! hopefully they pop the soil in the next few days! :D
HMMMM...I would like to humbly repeat the suggestion I made a couple of days and research, and learn. You are very excited and that is cool, I get it... been there done that. I also know that you just got them into soil and your talking about flowering them. And not to criticize but you say 'maybe go to 12-12 when it flowers/' as if it were a question. This is very basic and had you done some reading the question would not have needed answering.

I am just trying to save you a bunch of trouble....
with all the over-zealousness and lack of study...the second you get the slightest yellow on the cotyledon you will be frantically searching for help here. If a leaf is misshaped you will come here again frantic with panic over every little thing.

Nothing has killed more plants than "Loving them to death" Relax, calm down, in the end it is a weed that WANTS to grow.


Well-Known Member
HMMMM...I would like to humbly repeat the suggestion I made a couple of days and research, and learn. You are very excited and that is cool, I get it... been there done that. I also know that you just got them into soil and your talking about flowering them. And not to criticize but you say 'maybe go to 12-12 when it flowers/' as if it were a question. This is very basic and had you done some reading the question would not have needed answering.

I am just trying to save you a bunch of trouble....
with all the over-zealousness and lack of study...the second you get the slightest yellow on the cotyledon you will be frantically searching for help here. If a leaf is misshaped you will come here again frantic with panic over every little thing.

Nothing has killed more plants than "Loving them to death" Relax, calm down, in the end it is a weed that WANTS to grow.
Yea, I was wondering about that "maybe go 12/12 when it flowers" I should probably refer him to my "when should I flower formula" located on my profile by the way ;) hint to the noob.

It's kind of fun though, reminds me of me, back when I first started and didn't have RIU to help.


Well-Known Member
I don't know about a gradual shift of time darks starts, it is an interesting idea.
I just flip them.

I do suggest the start of day be the same in your 18/6 veg and your 12/12 flower.



Well-Known Member
I run autos, I still flip my lights when they reach the height I use in my formula. But did Speedy listen this time... nooo she just went ahead and tripled in height... sneaky plants I tell ya... sneaaaaky.
Lol. Yeah imma order my LED on Thursday. Just a Mars 300 for now. And switch to it for the rest of the grow as soon as I get it. Today was cold!!!! Temps at 64 humidity 40%. Warming up a little now....