Donald Trump

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Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
I think npr and public television is absolutely awesome personally. Whats tbat documentary expose news series called on public tv? I forget the name. I love that shit. Thats real unbiased news actually.
Thinking of Frontline?
That is a good show though they push some liberal ideas.
PBS was in danger of losing funding from the govt if Obama wasnt elected.
I rarely see any republicans on PBS. Wonder why?
PBS pushes a lot of liberal agenda on us.

You may LOL but those papers are owned, edited and written by left wing nuts as well as most media.
Sorta like saying Rush Limbaugh is promoting Hillary on his program.


Well-Known Member
Kind of like how they've endorsed Trump? Lol.

"A California Ku Klux Klan leader on Monday endorsed Hillary Clinton, saying he believes she would do the exact opposite of what she promises."

Once again, context.
Context? You do know she lies a LOT?


Well-Known Member
With the sneaky secret agancies like the CIA creating conflict and tension at will around the globe....the Military and Penatgon war hawk's will always be extremely well funded. Kennedy wanted to break up Central Intelligence....look what happened to him. Yeah....there are some really rottens in our government.


Well-Known Member
how about we quit over spending on our bloated military & take care of our people here at home first...not to mention not spending 'The Wall" money.
I agree on the military part. The wall not so much. We have been asking for it for 30 years and people keep saying we dont need it. Let's build it and then you can show us why it was not necessary for the next 30 years.

If there is no border then there is no country. It isnt racist if you dont care what color people are that come across illegally.


Well-Known Member
I agree on the military part. The wall not so much. We have been asking for it for 30 years and people keep saying we dont need it. Let's build it and then you can show us why it was not necessary for the next 30 years.

If there is no border then there is no country. It isnt racist if you dont care what color people are that come across illegally.
I have explained many times that a wall is unnecessary. If you really want to keep illegal immigrants out, just make it a $1,000,000 fine for hiring one.....they will leave in droves when there is no work. Your blaming the wrong people for illegal immigration. It's the guy in the US dangeling $$$ at them that is at fault, & you reap the rewards of that every time you buy you are the problem


Well-Known Member
I agree on the military part. The wall not so much. We have been asking for it for 30 years and people keep saying we dont need it. Let's build it and then you can show us why it was not necessary for the next 30 years.

If there is no border then there is no country. It isnt racist if you dont care what color people are that come across illegally.
Let's build it and see if it works?? That's a great idea. How about redeploy our overseas military to our borders. Saves trillions in the long run. The wall is a big waste of money..

Walls don't stop tunnels..


Well-Known Member
Let's build it and see if it works?? That's a great idea. How about redeploy our overseas military to our borders. Saves trillions in the long run. The wall is a big waste of money..

Walls don't stop tunnels..
I am only trying to stop 99.9% The wall would do that.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
It looks like the old democratic party is going back to their grass roots base. Who would of thought?

KKK grand dragon endorses Hillary Clinton for president
Published March 15, 2016
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Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks during a CNN town hall at Drake University. (AP)
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