Donald Trump

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Uh....yes we are most definitely "chopping it up to a mental disorder". For sure. Look it up yourself. Your blind if you think other wise. Hes not all together upstairs man.
Narcissistic people are not loved by their friends, family, and contractors. Trump is one of the most generous people you could ever meet. If he were a bad person, CNN would have film of disgruntled employees so fast it would make the camera spin. Lord knows they have tried already, but it backfired:

Narcissistic people are not loved by their friends, family, and contractors. Trump is one of the most generous people you could ever meet. If he were a bad person, CNN would have film of disgruntled employees so fast it would make the camera spin. Lord knows they have tried already, but it backfired:

Huh? So thats narcissism huh? Sorry try again. Wow. Yeah you deserve a Trump. You got to admit....alot of your camp isnt too bright.
Narcissistic people are not loved by their friends, family, and contractors. Trump is one of the most generous people you could ever meet. If he were a bad person, CNN would have film of disgruntled employees so fast it would make the camera spin. Lord knows they have tried already, but it backfired:

His Butler came out in high praise of the man and his character. Can't say the same about how Hillary treats her secret service agents. You could Google it but I'm sure you're too busy grading out punctuation and grammar.
Where in the fuck does socialism play into this? Wow. I know one thing. It may not happen during a Trump Presidency but future potential presidents will see how easy it is to portray themselves as an "outsider"....give the right speeches with all the right words to play on emotions to fire you sheep turn this country into a dictatorship. And the might use the Trump ascendancy as a blueprint. Do any of you know anything about history? European history?
Go troll somewhere else us small minded folk can't understand the humgeonous words
Hillary may not have a mental problem but shes a liar and a whack in her own right. Shes just as bad in a different sneaky backstabbing kind of way. God help us all.
You ain't for Trump cool go somewhere like an anti Trump thread or start one be a go getter you could be a moderator in no time if you start that golden goose
His Butler came out in high praise of the man and his character. Can't say the same about how Hillary treats her secret service agents. You could Google it but I'm sure you're too busy grading out punctuation and grammar.
Yes, I'm well aware of Hillary's orders to have secret service hide behind drapes when her highness enters the room.
....I'd like to fart,, right in that bitch's face
Huh? So thats narcissism huh? Sorry try again. Wow. Yeah you deserve a Trump. You got to admit....alot of your camp isnt too bright.
Narcissists only care about one person, and that is not who Trump is. If shit hit the fan, he would protect his family first.

You didn't even watch the video.
It's worth going back for a peak. Whether you are a Trump supporter, or not....
Name of the thread is Donald Trump. Not pro or anti. You wanna throw down dont you? Trumps people like fist a cuffs. Lol. Iam just having fun. And just getting started. Lets bash Hillary next.
Shit I like fisticuffs used to box love that shit. But hill is a while other bag of skeleton's
But its scary seeing all of you jump on Trumps bandwagon when he clearly isnt all that together. He wont turn into a dictator (i hope not) because the Pentagon brass isnt onboard....i think. But he is very capable of getting us into a global conflict we will regret. Lets hope he retains at least some of the standard military advisors Presidents surround themselves with when making important decisions.
Didn't he say something to the effect of his supporters would likely riot if the republican party leaders had a contested convention and yanked the nomination from him?
But its scary seeing all of you jump on Trumps bandwagon when he clearly isnt all that together. He wont turn into a dictator (i hope not) because the Pentagon brass isnt onboard....i think. But he is very capable of getting us into a global conflict we will regret. Lets hope he retains at least some of the standard military advisors Presidents surround themselves with when making important decisions.
Much rather have a man who can take advice from the smart people he surrounds himself with than a smart man with a tribe of yes men like our current adminstration
You didnt google Trumps Narcissism either did you? Its a very good read. Tell ya what padre....lets make a deal.
I don't take Google search orders. That's not how it works.
You post a link to your favorite website, and then I debunk it.
Bing, bang, boom.
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