i need a drunk for a experiment ....next time stopped


Well-Known Member
maybe because most people have some self control and don't need a drink before they drive.

also the reason why cars don't have a toilet in them. normal people control their bodily functions.
not according to the government
they made states accept the 0.08 BAC laws now they are talking about 0.05

u want to stop drunks .......make it so they can not drive anycar .....it actually fixes the issue and u can see a direct relationship of installing it and number of drunk kills going down
(they can not start it)

but doing that means the cops do not get u for it anymore .......the money made off DUI/DWI cases is staggering

9000-12000 a case


Well-Known Member
they have a clear way to stop .....or they have a clear way of making alot of money

they are picking money .......it is not a safety issue it is a money issue


Well-Known Member
even worst 300 bucks per car to save 720 lives aday

Interlock Device

Many states now require even first time DUI offenders to have an interlock device installed in their vehicles. These devices work like breathalyzers and they prevent you from starting your car if your blood alcohol level is above the limit.

Depending on the state, these devices often require an installation fee of $100-200, plus often an ongoing monthly rental fee. You can expect one of these devices to cost you about $300 total on average.

it is a money thing otherwise all this would be in all our cars ......300 bucks the cost of 1 oz could save all those ppl but they rather go for the money they get and a rotating jail system


Well-Known Member
they have a clear way to stop .....or they have a clear way of making alot of money

they are picking money .......it is not a safety issue it is a money issue
No. You don't have the right to force things on people because you can't control yourself. You should lose your license.


Well-Known Member
they forced a death tax on us ....when u die 33/50% of your money goes directly to government not your family


Well-Known Member
if u are under the limit the car will start
if u are over the limit it locks up

how is that forcing anything on anyone but the laws that are already in place


Well-Known Member
they forced the 0,08 bac on us
And? You realize you don't have the right to drive right? That's why you have to get a license. You agreed to not drink and drive. You are not fulfilling that agreement. You should lose your license.

they forced a death tax on us ....when u die 33/50% of your money goes directly to government not your family
And? I'm dead. Wtf do I care. Throw my carcass in a ditch somewhere.


Well-Known Member
And? You realize you don't have the right to drive right? That's why you have to get a license. You agreed to not drink and drive. You are not fulfilling that agreement. You should lose your license.

And? I'm dead. Wtf do I care. Throw my carcass in a ditch somewhere.
when they offer public trans to every person in the land then i do not have a right to drive ......but untill then i do as i need to drive to live .....i have a right to live right .....driving is part of the living with out it no possible to get food/work/or anything

what do u care not a damn thing but what about your family your wife
u worked all those years saved up the money over time going with out to make sure u have enough at the end of life .....it has been taxed already several times then u die .....your wife does not have enough lose the house lose everything worked for in life


Well-Known Member
want to stop drunk drvers

use a blow start in all cars ......it is set to the legal limit so if u blow over u are not going anywhere .......the bad judgement is removed for a cost of 300 bucks per car

if it was about making life safe and protecting ppl ......then why isn't that in the cars now they got air bags rear veiw cameras all kinds of gadgets that make it safer .......this makes it even safer


Well-Known Member
when they offer public trans to every person in the land then i do not have a right to drive ......but untill then i do as i need to drive to live .....i have a right to live right .....driving is part of the living with out it no possible to get food/work/or anything

what do u care not a damn thing but what about your family your wife
u worked all those years saved up the money over time going with out to make sure u have enough at the end of life .....it has been taxed already several times then u die .....your wife does not have enough lose the house lose everything worked for in life
Oh I understand your life will be troublesome when (when not if) you lose your license. Still doesn't give you the right to drive drunk. Just stop dude you're not going to win. No one is going to see your side.

"Omg no way. You should totally be able to put random peoples lives at risk because you can't control yourself. It's so clear to me now."


Well-Known Member
Oh I understand your life will be troublesome when (when not if) you lose your license. Still doesn't give you the right to drive drunk. Just stop dude you're not going to win. No one is going to see your side.

"Omg no way. You should totally be able to put random peoples lives at risk because you can't control yourself. It's so clear to me now."
then put in a interlock in the car no one drives drunk ever again


Well-Known Member
So you're going to inconvenience 100's of millions of people because you can't just not be an alcoholic shithead? You're arrogance is blowing my fucking mind right now.
and i can not see why u have your head up your ass
u say u want it for safety .....how is a blow start hurting anyone ......it stops the problem in iit's track .........if the car can not start u can not drive drunk


Well-Known Member
when they offer public trans to every person in the land then i do not have a right to drive ......but untill then i do as i need to drive to live .....i have a right to live right .....driving is part of the living with out it no possible to get food/work/or anything
The gov't and society says driving isn't a right, you say it is. Guess who's going to win that battle? If you need to drive to live, DON'T DRINK WHILE YOU DO IT. How are you not getting this???


Well-Known Member
Because people don't get around those devices now? They do.
build a mouse trap the mouse will get smarter .....if they want to they will but the majorary of the ppl will not they will just call someone call a cap or sleep it off in car

and with a th interlock locking the car they cannot arrest u for sleeping in the car with your keys ( yes my state if keys are with in 12 feet of the car u had a intent to drive u go to jail for dui/dwi ) just for sleeping in your car with the keys in your pocket )


Well-Known Member
and i can not see why u have your head up your ass
u say u want it for safety .....how is a blow start hurting anyone ......it stops the problem in iit's track .........if the car can not start u can not drive drunk
Installing these devices would make it so you couldn't drive. Since you're not willing to drive sober, your car would never start...