i need a drunk for a experiment ....next time stopped


Well-Known Member
no no no

where is your debate where is your facts .......u go to insults skipping over the bulk of the posting .......u skip over the fact......u skip over govermental paperwork

u are not debating or talking logically about anything .....u are going on personal attacks .......weak game
nice try.

Did you miss the previous two posts? If so, please acquaint yourself with them. Now it is time for you to present some logic and facts that support your assertion - some evidence that public policy was determined to maximize fine revenue and jailings. Can you give us something that isn't just delusional rambling?
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Well-Known Member
bunch of doctors
i showed u the whole thing from the government
the for arguments and the against ..........the actual study on it

doctors mean shit .......i am sorry so many say this so many say that pay me money i will say anything .....doctors mean shit as i know none of them to judge character/truthfulness


Well-Known Member
nice try.

Did you miss the previous two posts? If so, please acquaint yourself with them. Now it is time for you to present some logic and facts that support your assertion - some evidence that public policy was determined to maximize fine revenue and jailings. Can you give us something that isn't just delusional rambling?
again personal insults

proven my statement before


Well-Known Member
bunch of doctors
i showed u the whole thing from the government
the for arguments and the against ..........the actual study on it

doctors mean shit .......i am sorry so many say this so many say that pay me money i will say anything .....doctors mean shit as i know none of them to judge character/truthfulness
What is your analysis of the enormous links you just posted?

See, I figured this was going to be the problem getting into it with you. You just posted two links that do nothing to prove your assertion but somehow you think it does. Magical thinking.

Game over. You lose.


Well-Known Member
0.08 is not a dwi ....0.12 is a dwi

now they are talking about making .05 it is not about safety it is about money and forcing other ppls will on anouther ..........just like the good old dry years


Well-Known Member
you should report me.
why for trolling
again everyone has a right to be a asshole

u can not debate so u go with insults not the first time i seen it will not be the last ......just sad i though might be some fun but just a asshole worthy of dying horribly


Well-Known Member
why for trolling
again everyone has a right to be a asshole

u can not debate so u go with insults not the first time i seen it will not be the last ......just sad i though might be some fun but just a asshole worthy of dying horribly
I not only debated but I kicked your ass at it.

What in those links that you gave supported your argument?


Well-Known Member
now they are talking about making .05 it is not about safety it is about money and forcing other ppls will on anouther ..........just like the good old dry years
how about doing us all a favor and NOT drinking and driving? is that hard to fathom?


Well-Known Member
now they are talking about making .05 it is not about safety it is about money and forcing other ppls will on anouther ..........just like the good old dry years
That which is freely asserted is freely denied. How about some evidence that it being "about money and forcing other ppls will on anouther"? It is nothing like the dry years. Nobody is trying to restrict your ability to drink. We are just trying to make your incredibly selfish decision to drive impaired have some consequences before you kill yourself or somebody else. Society has that right. I respect people's right to live more than your perceived and asserted right to drink and drive. If this is what you consider a core tenet of liberty, you have some real sociopathic ideas.

Sorry JustUgh, I usually don't call you on your shit but I am a little tired of people with unfounded preconceptions who are willing to see a government conspiracy in everything now that they have become a major political movement. Everybody who disagrees with you deserves to die a horrible death.


Well-Known Member
Hey @justugh . My sister had her daughter taken from her by a drunk driver (0.09%). Would you care to tell her about the laws being set to maximize fines? She doesn't get it.


Well-Known Member
It is SO nice to see that I am not the only one that gets that this dude is arrogant, mentally off, and that his ideas are usually absurd and dangerous. He complains about light ad hominem attacks, but then threatens to kill you or wishes you a horrible death for proving your points against his idiocy. 3rd grade children have a better reading comprehension than he does, he cannot seem to understand simple logic, and seems to have little empathy for others. I'm a little surprised he is free to walk among us, but he probably doesn't act on his ideology often irl. It is amusing that he admits that he is mentally ill, yet insists he is always right. If I knew I was off mentally, I would entertain the idea that my some of my beliefs may also be askew. Not this dude, I've never seen him say he was wrong or doesn't know something. The thing that confuses me most is how the hell did @kelly4 get on his ignore list? I've been trolling him hard non-stop for over a year, and I haven't accomplished that. Kelly got skills...
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Well-Known Member

well i am not pressing my luck if i get caught doing anything here i am looking at 20 to life by the time charges end with me going down 100% just to cover the other half of the family

so i know u get pulled over u have had some drinks
my state a Breathalyzer test or a blood test no way out of it with out getting slapped on the ass with no driving (i think this is bullshit totally against my 5th amendment right )

but i think i might have a work around .......refuse any test until u have a lawyer of your own in the room ....your not refusing the test out right u just will not do anything until u have legal help in the room as cops are dirty ass liers (it is your legal right because they will lie to u about the law) this give time for the drink to clear your system .....by the time they take the test it is much lower and they can not say how fast a body process it as every body is different they can only present the readings at the time it was taken

once u are detained by a cop no longer allowed to leave by choice of own free will u are allowed a lawyer with is before anything is asked of u .....say the magic words i want a lawyer the cops can not ask u a damn thing until the lawyer is in there with u

i do not drink as much as i smoke ......when they crack that how to test if high i will be using this my self

i just wanted to see if someone wanted to give it a try and tell us if worked or they just boned yah........any lawyer type ppl out there with any legal stuff to add in feel free (yell at me if i am wrong please )

i posted in TnT not the legal sections as this is where most of the drunks are drinking chillen hitting on fav tool....so that is why here
This is too much dude. You need fucking help. I'm not trying to slam you. I might even ask for advice on some some shine. Just saying, nobody in their right fucking mind would try this shit. Listen to tyler he's being strait with you. It probably started off serious, then became troll food.
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Well-Known Member
Hey @justugh . My sister had her daughter taken from her by a drunk driver (0.09%). Would you care to tell her about the laws being set to maximize fines? She doesn't get it.
sorry to tell yah but your niece was going to die no matter what by that person that night ........the law being .08 does not stop them it only throws ppl in jail to gain money
in the end it not going make the charges any different for the person that hit her/them it is still manslaughter vech homicide ....

again i have 4 beers and leave with in 20 mins of leaving if i get pulled over i am in jail if it 30/45 mins i get to laugh at a cop ........not about safety if was about safety that short of a time frame would not matter .....if u are impaired/drunk 30/45 mins does not make u sober .....2 hours yes...... 30/45 mins no

u still have not disproved anything u have a study ......i have 9 studies saying it does not effect anything and they were run by the highway in several states

500-600 less fatal wrecks a year means nothing in the scale of the world/country/state/county ....town yes city no

here is one .....sister in law gets pulled over .....new city cop she blow a 0.07 on site when they got her in the station she blow again it was 0.05 (20/25 mins total) .......when the case came up in court it was thrown out the judge even said he has no idea why this case was even brought up to him ..........she still had to pay 2k for the lawyer for a charge that was thrown out

she had a glass and half of wine with her meal finished off the wine got on the road and got pulled over with in 10 mins of leaving for looking at her cellphone at a stop light was the original reason cop smelled wine and made her blow

just note.....the case was thrown out but the arrest record is still on file unless u pay to have it sealed or ex-sponged .....more money for something she was not guilty of
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