Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
I work my ass off. I am not sure that you could show me this advantage. You are successful if you work hard in life. You have to work at a job but also on yourself in improving your abilities.

I am not making a living off the backs of minorities. Wake up, we are in the 21st century!!!
No you are privileged because you are only successful because you're white


Well-Known Member
They are born here, but you have to realize, many illegals come here just to have kids here. That adds up to a lot of money. Imagine if a million illegals rushed to another country every year, half had kids, that's 1.5 million people added to the population with an extra 500k getting benefits. Not saying it's right I'm saying it's a lot of extra money being spent. All illegals can get er visits, I was not saying just their kids. I am saying their illegal parents. Which the hospital won't get paid back. That cost money. And that is in itself a benefit.
No social security will always be there my fairy tells me so


Well-Known Member
They are born here, but you have to realize, many illegals come here just to have kids here. That adds up to a lot of money. Imagine if a million illegals rushed to another country every year, half had kids, that's 1.5 million people added to the population with an extra 500k getting benefits. Not saying it's right I'm saying it's a lot of extra money being spent. All illegals can get er visits, I was not saying just their kids. I am saying their illegal parents. Which the hospital won't get paid back. That cost money. And that is in itself a benefit.
And this is where the uber-rich want to cut? care of the poor......really? you even have a heart?


Well-Known Member
And this is where the uber-rich want to cut? care of the poor......really? you even have a heart?
I didn't say I agreed with this, I actually don't agree with any of the cuts. I'm explaining what I meant by benefits and what where Trump will cut the meat, per say. I hadn't known he released the info on this until today. Kind of throws a wrench in to the mix. I've been playing Devils advocate for him, giving the benefit of the doubt, and alot of things I do agree with, but there's alot I do not agree with. I think this year I'll be holding my vote, I'm not happy with any of the candidates as it stands right now. Maybe we can have independent potus before I die, we'll see.


Well-Known Member
I work my ass off. I am not sure that you could show me this advantage. You are successful if you work hard in life. You have to work at a job but also on yourself in improving your abilities.

I am not making a living off the backs of minorities. Wake up, we are in the 21st century!!!
Of course you are working your ass off. Its hard getting a business off the ground and I hope you make it.

For one moment imagine starting your business in a society with 20%-30% of people that just didn't like your kind and did things like deny you a loan or fucked you around over licenses. Not to mention people that didn't want your kind to be seen around the building. And a smaller percentage that either feared you or thought you were a criminal just because of who your parents were. You'd still go out and give it your all but it makes it harder all the same.

Its hard enough for you to start a business but minorities face a head wind that you don't. I'm not taking away anything from you. Except that you don't even acknowledge you don't face a certain disadvantage because of your skin color. By not acknowledging that this even happens, you give every appearance of entitlement.


Well-Known Member
Illegals don't get benefits. Time and time again this Republican lie has been proven a myth.
They can apply for government aid given to their anchor babies, and then live off hard earned tax payer dollars from American citizens. They also receive health care


Well-Known Member
Of course you are working your ass off. Its hard getting a business off the ground and I hope you make it.

For one moment imagine starting your business in a society with 20%-30% of people that just didn't like your kind and did things like deny you a loan or fucked you around over licenses. Not to mention people that didn't want your kind to be seen around the building. And a smaller percentage that either feared you or thought you were a criminal just because of who your parents were. You'd still go out and give it your all but it makes it harder all the same.

Its hard enough for you to start a business but minorities face a head wind that you don't. I'm not taking away anything from you. Except that you don't even acknowledge you don't face a certain disadvantage because of your skin color. By not acknowledging that this even happens, you give every appearance of entitlement.
You're one of the few that will give the man props


Well-Known Member
OK, I just dug this up. This is the exact way illegal immigrants can get benefits. It's similar to what I thought but also a little different, and I guess some can get benefits. I don't know :confused:

First, fraud and administrative errors allow some number of illegal immigrants to collect benefits.21 Second, illegal immigrants can live with adult green card holders or U.S. citizens who can use these programs. Third, in the case of Medicaid, pregnant women illegally in the country can sometimes be enrolled in the program. Fourth, there is the Emergency Medicaid program that covers predominately illegal immigrants.22 Finally, it must be remembered that illegal immigrant households without children accessing these programs comprise only 14 percent of all illegal households receiving welfare benefits.
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