Donald Trump

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No, a senior RNC member was interviewed today and said there are a lot of miss conceptions about it & he stated "The Party decides who their nomination is". It is not necessarly the public vote & the rules are left very loose for this very reason....
Yes. I'm well aware of his comments, and the power he holds within the GOP establishment. It's a good sign.
It means Trump's campaign has been very successful.

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win"
Not if you cut spending genius. Oh but wait you need the government to take care of you
exactly balance tax cuts with spending cuts is how it should be done. Where is Trump going to cut? Republicans love them some tax cuts but have not yet balanced them with spending cuts. Every tax cut since Ronnie's in '82 caused ballooning deficits with corporate GOP pigs at the trough. Never in the whole time has a Republican overseen declining deficit much less balanced the budget. All that conservative ideology about fiscal discipline was only ever seen when a Democratic president was in office. Clinton and Obama have cut deficits. Never saw one from a Republican administration. So, I call bullshit on you, Cezar. Trump's plan is more of the same. Give me a fiscally disciplined Democratic administration any time.
Seriously, he seems like the type of person that if he made dinner and his kid didn't want the broccoli he loves so much, he'd punch them in the eye.
Im the type of person who, if you told me that how many children I may have is dependent upon my salary, would try to have a baby with your skull.
exactly balance tax cuts with spending cuts is how it should be done. Where is Trump going to cut? Republicans love them some tax cuts but have not yet balanced them with spending cuts. Every tax cut since Ronnie's in '82 caused ballooning deficits with corporate GOP pigs at the trough. Never in the whole time has a Republican overseen declining deficit much less balanced the budget. All that conservative ideology about fiscal discipline was only ever seen when a Democratic president was in office. Clinton and Obama have cut deficits. Never saw one from a Republican administration. So, I call bullshit on you, Cezar. Trump's plan is more of the same. Give me a fiscally disciplined Democratic administration any time.
As far as I can find, cuts to the epa. I hope not. He wont get my vote if he cuts the epa. Also, some would come from benefits, not citizen benefits, but cutting illegals benefits. Also, the education department. Can't find much more, he hasn't really said much about where he will make the cuts, other than that.. Hmm.. He did say billions are lost due to incompetence, theft, losses. But I don't think that will cut it. I'm going to be following this closely. If he cuts epa, I'm out.
Im the type of person who, if you told me that how many children I may have is dependent upon my salary, would try to have a baby with your skull.
I know. You're irresponsible and selfish and criminally negligent. You would have your own baby starve due to lack of money you didn't have when you had it and make it wear the same diaper for weeks. I've see your type around. The same people that get punched in the face at Trump rallies. Was that you talking shit at one of his rallies? It was, wasn't it! I really hope you don't have kids, and if you do, I'm sure they'll give you the biggest peice of shit dad award soon. Congratulations! Gotta block ya now though, it was a fun bickering session!
As far as I can find, cuts to the epa. I hope not. He wont get my vote if he cuts the epa. Also, some would come from benefits, not citizen benefits, but cutting illegals benefits. Also, the education department. Can't find much more, he hasn't really said much about where he will make the cuts, other than that.. Hmm.. He did say billions are lost due to incompetence, theft, losses. But I don't think that will cut it. I'm going to be following this closely. If he cuts epa, I'm out.
Thanks for looking at this. It was not expected, frankly. We had a governor in Oregon who said he'd refuse to sign off on tax cuts until he saw "whose ox was going to get gored". Of course this is why tax cuts are so popular without spending cuts.
As far as I can find, cuts to the epa. I hope not. He wont get my vote if he cuts the epa. Also, some would come from benefits, not citizen benefits, but cutting illegals benefits. Also, the education department. Can't find much more, he hasn't really said much about where he will make the cuts, other than that.. Hmm.. He did say billions are lost due to incompetence, theft, losses. But I don't think that will cut it. I'm going to be following this closely. If he cuts epa, I'm out.

Illegals don't get benefits. Time and time again this Republican lie has been proven a myth.
coming from a low income white guy just starting his business, you are exactly the person who benefits from the advantage or lack of disadvantages if you prefer from being born white.

I work my ass off. I am not sure that you could show me this advantage. You are successful if you work hard in life. You have to work at a job but also on yourself in improving your abilities.

I am not making a living off the backs of minorities. Wake up, we are in the 21st century!!!
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Lol, Cezar I dont give a fuck where you been. Youre an asshole. You've been getting mocked and fucked with by anyone with a backbone where ever you go. Is that why you feel i "hate" you? Ouch you got daddy issues.
Ahhh son don't worry I've been all over the world and came out alive. Yours is the life of be worried about I truly do have love for you man you are my brother in this thing we call life
No, a senior RNC member was interviewed today and said there are a lot of miss conceptions about it & he stated "The Party decides who their nomination is". It is not necessarly the public vote & the rules are left very loose for this very reason....
No you hit the nail on the head he did say that and that will lead to Hillary because she stole it from bernie
"Anchor babies" are US citizens as well. Just because their parents are from a different country they don't get hospital visits?
They are born here, but you have to realize, many illegals come here just to have kids here. That adds up to a lot of money. Imagine if a million illegals rushed to another country every year, half had kids, that's 1.5 million people added to the population with an extra 500k getting benefits. Not saying it's right I'm saying it's a lot of extra money being spent. All illegals can get er visits, I was not saying just their kids. I am saying their illegal parents. Which the hospital won't get paid back. That cost money. And that is in itself a benefit.
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