Donald Trump

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When the hell did I ever say he was going to take my money? Also, no you did not prove me wrong. Bernies supporters a mostly white, male and under 30 years old. Do you know what a trade is by any chance? People in trades build the buildings you live in, the roads you drive on and the infrastructure of America. Did you not know this? Do you think someone, say like my brother or my mom, having a graduate degree in business and psychology, they are contributing to building of America? Gtfoh! Trump supporters are not in trailer parks. Some are, but so are some of Bernies supporters. Are you saying America is a giant trailer park? I have nothing against Democratic socialism, for other countries. I do not like bernies plan. Oh, well. Get over it! This is a Trump thread. Do you have any productive input about Trump, or just pushing the Bernie agenda? We already went over this, Bernie will not win, period. No chance. So move on. This is about Trump vs hillary.

Since when was road construction a trade? Lol!

Just read it.

And yes, your brother or mom with their graduate degrees in business and psychology are helping build America because we've moved past manufacturing.
When the hell did I ever say he was going to take my money? Also, no you did not prove me wrong. Bernies supporters a mostly white, male and under 30 years old. Do you know what a trade is by any chance? People in trades build the buildings you live in, the roads you drive on and the infrastructure of America. Did you not know this? Do you think someone, say like my brother or my mom, having a graduate degree in business and psychology, they are contributing to building of America? Gtfoh! Trump supporters are not in trailer parks. Some are, but so are some of Bernies supporters. Are you saying America is a giant trailer park? I have nothing against Democratic socialism, for other countries. I do not like bernies plan. Oh, well. Get over it! This is a Trump thread. Do you have any productive input about Trump, or just pushing the Bernie agenda? We already went over this, Bernie will not win, period. No chance. So move on. This is about Trump vs hillary.
I'm telling you man not a chance on these guys they are over here to troll I haven't posted shit on Bernie's thread I go over their for a laugh once in a great while. I'm not hateful enough to call them all racist scum bigots. Doesn't make much sense to me only start an argument..................
Now if I went into a trade, say like my cousin, doing under water welding.. Or like my grandfather who was a line man, I'd make 100-200k a year with insane retirement, pension, benefits, the whole 9. My grandfather made 100$ an hr. Worked like 60 hrs a week. Retired in his 50s. Gets about 5k a month being retired. Full benefits. Trades are where the money is. And it builds America.
Now if I went into a trade, say like my cousin, doing under water welding.. Or like my grandfather who was a line man, I'd make 100-200k a year with insane retirement, pension, benefits, the whole 9. My grandfather made 100$ an hr. Worked like 60 hrs a week. Retired in his 50s. Gets about 5k a month being retired. Full benefits. Trades are where the money is. And it builds America.
Chronic online masturbation...NOT A TRADE yet

Maybe cezar can make that happen for you.
Chronic online masturbation...NOT A TRADE yet

Maybe cezar can make that happen for you.
So now you're saying I'm gay and dumb stop the hate man. Are all people knuckle draggers in your mind. I accept all people have a dear uncle who is gay he is 72 went through the hate of the 70- today but even he says things have come a long long way. In Iran today they still execute gays but our most forward thinking president just handed them a loaded gun pretty much.
Chronic online masturbation...NOT A TRADE yet

Maybe cezar can make that happen for you.
You again.. You're in the wrong thread. The hate groups over in the Bernie thread. I also find it funny, you with your profile pic and a user name indicating a nut sack, accusing me of that. The irony ;)
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