Under Sanders, income and jobs would soar, economist says

Patent No.: 20051003432.2

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Apparently not large enough. Clinton keeps taking states and delegates. Shes a fake. She deep down wants trans pacific partnership too. Shes only flip flopping on it because she knows working people all over are dead set against it. NAFTA on steroids. Our trade deficit since nafta is just a joke. Not to mention yobs. I dont trust her. I certainly dont trust trump. That guy talks in circles.
Conservative and liberal political ideaologies are like old cob webs in my opinion. Dusty dirty and.....old. We need new ways of thinking. Ways that bring us together as AMERICANS. Then we can get shit done as a people. People are so quick to put labels on others because its nice and safe and they can put you and yours on a little shelf in thier heads. I say to hell with the right and the left.
Conservative and liberal political ideaologies are like old cob webs in my opinion. Dusty dirty and.....old. We need new ways of thinking. Ways that bring us together as AMERICANS. Then we can get shit done as a people. People are so quick to put labels on others because its nice and safe and they can put you and yours on a little shelf in thier heads. I say to hell with the right and the left.
I get where you are coming from. Labels can be a really lazy way to group people. "Liberal" has been a dirty word for a long time and I never understood why. That said, Obama is not a liberal. Not even socialist. Nor is Hillary. And when was the last time a conservative ever conserved anything? That said, when a label is accurate, is shortens communication time. Does it make sense to you that I label Trump an authoritarian? Maybe look up what it means if you don't already know. Because I think he fits that label to a tee. Fascist too, although that label is a bit old and stale due to assocation with people who lived about 80 years ago.

Hillary, on the other hand is as difficult to pin a label to as anybody. She has gotten some good things done. And she's been kicked around hard by the right (label again) for about 25 years, so what do you know about her that isn't tainted by their propaganda (I know, label again)? Although I don't like what I hear about Hillary, I'm going to go back and listen really hard to make sure my image of her isn't just what the propagandists (label again) want me to think. Maybe I'll vote for her, maybe not.
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I get where you are coming from. Labels can be a really lazy way to group people. "Liberal" has been a dirty word for a long time and I never understood why. That said, Obama is not a liberal. Not even socialist. Nor is Hillary. And when was the last time a conservative ever conserved anything? That said, when a label is accurate, is shortens communication time. Does it make sense to you that I label Trump an authoritarian? Maybe look up what it means if you don't already know. Because I think he fits that label to a tee. Fascist too, although that label is a bit old and stale due to assocation with people who lived about 80 years ago.

Hillary, on the other hand is as difficult to pin a label to as anybody. She has gotten some good things done. And she's been kicked around hard by the right (label again) for about 25 years, so what do you know about her that isn't tainted by their propaganda (I know, label again)? Although I don't like what I hear about Hillary, I'm going to go back and listen really hard to make sure my image of her isn't just what the propagandists (label again) want me to think. Maybe I'll vote for her, maybe not.

I've looked and listened carefully. She looks, acts and sounds like exactly what and who she is; a candidate that corporate America can count on to look after their interests.

I'm pretty sure she doesn't give a shit about mine or yours. If she does, it's never made it onto her speech writer's talking points list.

She is at best a tepid apologist for abusive corporate power, from Wall Street to Walmart. In other words, a Republican 'lite' candidate that will give corporate America what it wants while appearing to accede to the will of the people.

Hope that helps.
Even if she was decent shes not worth it because of the divisiveness surrounding her and her camp. People out there in America HATE HER WITH A PASSION. A real blood hate that only Obama tops. I think a large part of the hate comes from Fox News and conservative talk radio program brainwashing. Shes a political whore....no doubt....but wow do people actually hate Clinton. If she makes it to the White House people....including Washington conservatives are going to dig thier heels in and claw and scratch and fight her on every little thing. Its beyond whether her policy is sound or not ....like Obama...if she thought of it its a no go....no matter what the issue is. Picking a Supreme Court justice will pale in comparison. That fact alone makes me not want to vote for her. Even if she was half assed decent. Trump.....dont even get me started. That guy...well i will leave it alone.
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Even if she was decent shes not worth it because of the divisiveness surrounding her and her camp. People out there in America HATE HER WITH A PASSION. A real blood hate that only Obama tops. I think a large part of the hate comes from Fox News and conservative talk radio program brainwashing. Shes a political whore....no doubt....but wow do people actually hate Clinton. If she makes it to the White House people....including Washington conservatives are going to dig thier heels in and claw and scratch and fight her on every little thing. Its beyond whether her policy is sound or not ....like Obama...if she thought of it its a no go....no matter what the issue is. Picking a Supreme Court justice will pale in comparison. That fact alone makes me not want to vote for her. Even if she was half assed decent. Trump.....dont even get me started. That guy...well i will leave it alone.

Republicans love to blame the one they're hating on for political deadlock they themselves are causing. Don't be fooled, it's still republican deadlock.