have weed...cant smoke


Active Member
hey im new i dont really kno how to use this site yet if someone could help me itd be great and my plant has been growng good for about 2 weeks but then some little catterpiller was eating it wen i went to check on it but i didnt think much of it should i be woriied bout that and now the plant look dull and is starteing to look like shit how can i get it to look better and some leaves died so i cut them off is that okay?
help plz


Well-Known Member
I'm getting mine pulled tuesday. Should I use this opportunity to get my med card?
I'm pretty damn sure you can't get a med card from getting your teeth pulled, possibly a temperary one with a limited amount you can get...but what do I know I live in NJ:wall:


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty damn sure you can't get a med card from getting your teeth pulled, possibly a temperary one with a limited amount you can get...but what do I know I live in NJ:wall:
I know that you can get a card for "post-operative pain" and that they stuff you full of vicodins after your surgery.


Well-Known Member
maybe dry sockets are a good idea. you can prolly get some pain meds from the dentist. if you can deal with the pain without the meds you can have them for fun later


Well-Known Member
my info paperwork (went on for my consultation) said don't smoke until bleeding has stopped. which shouldn't be that long, should it?


Well-Known Member
I smoked the day I had mine removed just rinse your mouth out with some warm salt water if you fell that you might need to clean the area


Well-Known Member
I smoked the day I had mine removed just rinse your mouth out with some warm salt water if you fell that you might need to clean the area
ya, if I can find some (I've always known I have bad connects but this is getting RIDICULOUS) I'll try a little when I feel it's prudent