So is that what you want, too? A politics forum without anyone to express opinions much different from your own?
You all don't have to ban me. If several of you said you would rather not have to talk with people that you don't agree with, I'd probably stop coming aroun .
By the way, I don't remember you replying to me showing you where the cap gains tax generates more revenue when it's below 30% than it does when it's over 30%...
It was almost like you stuck your head in the sand and didn't want to acknowledge that inconvenient fact.
Dude, I always learn more from dialogue with people with different opinions than myself. I get ten times more if there is opposition. Its not that I learn FROM that person but by dialogue and crosschecking and writing down my thoughts, I'm able to test my ideas. Sometimes I run into an idea that is new. So, stick around, just don't think I'm going to be your pal. I'd hope you get the same out of me.
So, I'd never advocate running somebody off. A few, very few are boring. Like rob roy, who just pops into threads randomly and says exactly the same things over and over again. Nitro, Oddball, same thing. Ignore list for boring people . You aren't boring.
I also have a mean streak, what can I say?
Something to consider is that I come here for my own purposes. I'm not really interested in going through minutia of tax policy. I do taxes for my family and do taxes for my elderly mother so I'm not all that interested in taxes beyond the boring stuff that I already do. On the other hand, if you can rationally destroy an argument of mine, by walking me through a tax problem, I'll enjoy it. I'm able to handle math beyond arithmetic so feel free to challenge me if you want.
Your argument that people who don't have incomes was something that I find very odd and beyond democratic. Stuff like that brings out my very worst or best depending on viewpoint. Such as this:
Think im speaking in code?
I'll spell it out then.
I think to vote a person ought to show ID and a tax return from the most recent year showing that she/he paid in more than he/she received in government benefits.
Might be willing to down grade that to a tax return showing income in general.
A 21st century version of land owner.
If that's what you truly think then we will always be in opposition. That said, if you are who you say you are and here for entertainment or self development then stick around. I can see how Uncle Buck would be tiresome when he gets a stick up his butt. Ignore button works pretty well if you want to use it.