Theocracy Warning In Republican Strongholds Of Kentucky and Texas

Well... I'm not an expert. But I think you've believed the stories of a guy who came on here and just made a bunch of stuff up.

Congrats... you're highly credulous.

I'm going back to not speaking to you now. Something I've been doing for several days or weeks now, with a few exceptions.

Ive gone back and looked at some bignbushy stuff, he couldn't resist just feeding you more. He couldn't ignore you. I've been doing it for a while now.

I think that's pretty solid evidence I'm not him, inspite of he and I both using the same English word that is uncommon on this forum but used quiet often where I'm from. It's been embraced by the evangelical lot around here and they use it to describe their political leanings.

Did bign ever say where he lived?

I live in Gatlinburg tn... that's why I sell timeshare. Not much else to do here for more than 10 bucks an hour.
So is that what you want, too? A politics forum without anyone to express opinions much different from your own?

You all don't have to ban me. If several of you said you would rather not have to talk with people that you don't agree with, I'd probably stop coming aroun .

By the way, I don't remember you replying to me showing you where the cap gains tax generates more revenue when it's below 30% than it does when it's over 30%...

It was almost like you stuck your head in the sand and didn't want to acknowledge that inconvenient fact.
Dude, I always learn more from dialogue with people with different opinions than myself. I get ten times more if there is opposition. Its not that I learn FROM that person but by dialogue and crosschecking and writing down my thoughts, I'm able to test my ideas. Sometimes I run into an idea that is new. So, stick around, just don't think I'm going to be your pal. I'd hope you get the same out of me.

So, I'd never advocate running somebody off. A few, very few are boring. Like rob roy, who just pops into threads randomly and says exactly the same things over and over again. Nitro, Oddball, same thing. Ignore list for boring people . You aren't boring.

I also have a mean streak, what can I say?

Something to consider is that I come here for my own purposes. I'm not really interested in going through minutia of tax policy. I do taxes for my family and do taxes for my elderly mother so I'm not all that interested in taxes beyond the boring stuff that I already do. On the other hand, if you can rationally destroy an argument of mine, by walking me through a tax problem, I'll enjoy it. I'm able to handle math beyond arithmetic so feel free to challenge me if you want.

Your argument that people who don't have incomes was something that I find very odd and beyond democratic. Stuff like that brings out my very worst or best depending on viewpoint. Such as this:
Think im speaking in code?

I'll spell it out then.

I think to vote a person ought to show ID and a tax return from the most recent year showing that she/he paid in more than he/she received in government benefits.

Might be willing to down grade that to a tax return showing income in general.

A 21st century version of land owner.

If that's what you truly think then we will always be in opposition. That said, if you are who you say you are and here for entertainment or self development then stick around. I can see how Uncle Buck would be tiresome when he gets a stick up his butt. Ignore button works pretty well if you want to use it.
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Dude, I always learn more from dialogue with people with different opinions than myself. I get ten times more if there is opposition. Its not that I learn FROM that person but by dialogue and crosschecking and writing down my thoughts, I'm able to test my ideas. Sometimes I run into an idea that is new. So, stick around, just don't think I'm going to be your pal. I'd hope you get the same out of me.

So, I'd never advocate running somebody off. A few, very few are boring. Like rob roy, who just pops into threads randomly and says exactly the same things over and over again. Nitro, Oddball, same thing. Ignore list for boring people . You aren't boring.

I also have a mean streak, what can I say?

Something to consider is that I come here for my own purposes. I'm not really interested in going through minutia of tax policy. I do taxes for my family and do taxes for my elderly mother so I'm not all that interested in taxes beyond the boring stuff that I already do. On the other hand, if you can rationally destroy an argument of mine, by walking me through a tax problem, I'll enjoy it. I'm able to handle math beyond arithmetic so feel free to challenge me if you want.

Your argument that people who don't have incomes was something that I find very odd and beyond democratic. Stuff like that brings out my very worst or best depending on viewpoint. Such as this:

If that's what you truly think then we will always be in opposition. That said, if you are who you say you are and here for entertainment or self development then stick around. I can see how Uncle Buck would be tiresome when he gets a stick up his butt. Ignore button works pretty well if you want to use it.
Thanks... really. I don't agree with you much. But I'm not beyond respecting you, even if I don't like you. Seems your similar.

Yes, arguing isn't to change the others mind but to hone your own mind.

Very often I take absurd positions only so I can defend them. I like that argument for precisely the reason we are not meant to be a democracy. Expanding that logic to a personal and rational example would be something like, what if you and several friends became aware that a mutual old friend had fallen on hard times. He was hungry and you wanted to feed him. Naturally you wouldn't impose your will in total... but what if under that scenario he decided to go to the steak house instead of applebees. And insisted on ordering the fillet and lobster on your dime.

In America people vote, not many but some do vote and only vote based on the fact that they're poor and some candidates will promise to give them more of other people's money. That's the exact reason our founding fathers didn't make us a democracy. The old tale rings true that democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for supper.

Thanks again for, if nothing else, than saying I'm not boring.

Buck comes from that strain of the extreme of both left and right that would rather not have free speech and just simply not let disagreement be spoken. It's fascism.
i knew i shouldn't have second guessed myself.

you're not nietzschekeen, you're bignbushy/smokeydan.

it is indeed a dead giveaway too, as you were the only person to have ever used that word on this website before.

well, i guess i can go all out on the jokes about how your daddy cut you off because he found out you were gay, so now you telemarket timeshares.
This is classic, lol. Your skills are to be admired sir!
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Thanks... really. I don't agree with you much. But I'm not beyond respecting you, even if I don't like you. Seems your similar.

Yes, arguing isn't to change the others mind but to hone your own mind.

Very often I take absurd positions only so I can defend them. I like that argument for precisely the reason we are not meant to be a democracy. Expanding that logic to a personal and rational example would be something like, what if you and several friends became aware that a mutual old friend had fallen on hard times. He was hungry and you wanted to feed him. Naturally you wouldn't impose your will in total... but what if under that scenario he decided to go to the steak house instead of applebees. And insisted on ordering the fillet and lobster on your dime.

In America people vote, not many but some do vote and only vote based on the fact that they're poor and some candidates will promise to give them more of other people's money. That's the exact reason our founding fathers didn't make us a democracy. The old tale rings true that democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for supper.

Thanks again for, if nothing else, than saying I'm not boring.

Buck comes from that strain of the extreme of both left and right that would rather not have free speech and just simply not let disagreement be spoken. It's fascism.
See the difference right here between us. If I wanted to take an old friend out for dinner and he hadn't had a good one in a long time, then of course we'd go out for a great dinner and drinks too, probably smoke a bone afterward. If I didn't have much money, I'd have him over because I can cook a great meal for little cost. I gather from what you are saying that you'd treat him as a charity case and remove his dignity while feeding him. Probably make him sit through a prayer and tell you what he's grateful for before allowing him to eat the menu item of your choice. That's not the spirit of giving, dude.

And then, take the vote away from elderly, handicapped, stay at home spouse, students and the poor. Man, some parts of your brain aren't working.
See the difference right here between us. If I wanted to take an old friend out for dinner and he hadn't had a good one in a long time, then of course we'd go out for a great dinner and drinks too, probably smoke a bone afterward. If I didn't have much money, I'd have him over because I can cook a great meal for little cost. I gather from what you are saying that you'd treat him as a charity case and remove his dignity while feeding him. Probably make him sit through a prayer and tell you what he's grateful for before allowing him to eat the menu item of your choice. That's not the spirit of giving, dude.

And then, take the vote away from elderly, handicapped, stay at home spouse, students and the poor. Man, some parts of your brain aren't working.
I'd probably do the same as you. I'm just saying the choice is mine to give it, not his to demand it and require me to pay.
I'd probably do the same as you. I'm just saying the choice is mine to give it, not his to demand it and require me to pay.
You: what if you and several friends became aware that a mutual old friend had fallen on hard times. He was hungry and you wanted to feed him. Naturally you wouldn't impose your will in total... but what if under that scenario he decided to go to the steak house instead of applebees. And insisted on ordering the fillet and lobster on your dime.

Me: If I wanted to take an old friend out for dinner and he hadn't had a good one in a long time, then of course we'd go out for a great dinner and drinks too, probably smoke a bone afterward. If I didn't have much money, I'd have him over because I can cook a great meal for little cost.

I'm guessing that you haven't thought it through. One thing I see in your posts is a lack in empathy. This is a common trait in people with poor social skills. I'm not being deliberately mean here. Just suggesting you look at your posts objectively and ask if you'd like the person that says what you just wrote down.
Buck comes from that strain of the extreme of both left and right that would rather not have free speech and just simply not let disagreement be spoken. It's fascism.

you want to restrict voting to land-owning white males, thus making me the fascist?

sounds legit.
You: what if you and several friends became aware that a mutual old friend had fallen on hard times. He was hungry and you wanted to feed him. Naturally you wouldn't impose your will in total... but what if under that scenario he decided to go to the steak house instead of applebees. And insisted on ordering the fillet and lobster on your dime.

Me: If I wanted to take an old friend out for dinner and he hadn't had a good one in a long time, then of course we'd go out for a great dinner and drinks too, probably smoke a bone afterward. If I didn't have much money, I'd have him over because I can cook a great meal for little cost.

I'm guessing that you haven't thought it through. One thing I see in your posts is a lack in empathy. This is a common trait in people with poor social skills. I'm not being deliberately mean here. Just suggesting you look at your posts objectively and ask if you'd like the person that says what you just wrote down.
I guess the scenario I wrote down triggered something different in your mind than it did mine.

I think the act of taking a buddy out to any type of sit down meal in a restaurant is an act of empathy.

Maybe you just saw where this would go and decided to steer it differently. If so good move.

Maybe it was my fault for not having a great example. Probably shouldn't have been a friend

I just think the saying "beggers can't be choosers" makes a lot of sense.

It's the same reason the person who runs the homeless shelter doesn't do it out of their personal residence. Although I'm sure it's happend that certinlty isn't the rule.

When I decide what proton of my property I'll give to someone in need it's charity.

When someone else decides what portion of my property u must part with to benefit someone else, it's theft or extortion