i need a drunk for a experiment ....next time stopped


Well-Known Member

well i am not pressing my luck if i get caught doing anything here i am looking at 20 to life by the time charges end with me going down 100% just to cover the other half of the family

so i know u get pulled over u have had some drinks
my state a Breathalyzer test or a blood test no way out of it with out getting slapped on the ass with no driving (i think this is bullshit totally against my 5th amendment right )

but i think i might have a work around .......refuse any test until u have a lawyer of your own in the room ....your not refusing the test out right u just will not do anything until u have legal help in the room as cops are dirty ass liers (it is your legal right because they will lie to u about the law) this give time for the drink to clear your system .....by the time they take the test it is much lower and they can not say how fast a body process it as every body is different they can only present the readings at the time it was taken

once u are detained by a cop no longer allowed to leave by choice of own free will u are allowed a lawyer with is before anything is asked of u .....say the magic words i want a lawyer the cops can not ask u a damn thing until the lawyer is in there with u

i do not drink as much as i smoke ......when they crack that how to test if high i will be using this my self

i just wanted to see if someone wanted to give it a try and tell us if worked or they just boned yah........any lawyer type ppl out there with any legal stuff to add in feel free (yell at me if i am wrong please )

i posted in TnT not the legal sections as this is where most of the drunks are drinking chillen hitting on fav tool....so that is why here


Well-Known Member
oh man i knew that one a lawyer told me it in 98 .......if u been drinking and get in a wreck with someone u get out check on them head back to car openly drink in front of them saying it is to calm your nerves after the wreck

i keep a 1/5 of shine in the trunk for this reason ......plus if i break down i have something to make the walk warm and fun .......i got fire starter .......i can disinfect a wound (not strong enough to be used as fuel only 140% not 170% )


Well-Known Member
The Supreme Court has held that the breath testing stage of the investigation does not initiate your right to counsel. Only where the police attempt to elicit statements from you does that right come into play. Although a simple google query is all that it takes to get this type of info from professionals, it is usually more fun to ask a bunch of stoners...
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Well-Known Member
The Supreme Court has held that the breath testing stage of the investigation does not initiate your right to counsel. Only where the police attempt to elicit statements from you does that right come into play. Although an simple google query is all that it takes to get this type of info from professionals, it is usually more fun to ask a bunch of stoners...
so u are telling me just bend over grab the ankles and smile ......they want yah u are going down some way

so i play the crazy card ........try to bite off my own ears and anyone that comes close to me and they can not prove i refused as i never said it

now it always good to practice .......who should my invisible friend with me be........and no harry the rabbit they might know that one ......william thatch (blackbeard)


Well-Known Member
If you refuse to blow in Michigan, that alone is considered a crime. Also, they will drive you to a hospital, and have a nurse draw your blood for a sample. This might buy you an hour or less of time to sober up, but it's likely not worth it. Please don't drive after you've had anything to drink.


Well-Known Member
so u are telling me just bend over grab the ankles and smile ......they want yah u are going down some way

so i play the crazy card ........try to bite off my own ears and anyone that comes close to me and they can not prove i refused as i never said it

now it always good to practice .......who should my invisible friend with me be........and no harry the rabbit they might know that one ......william thatch (blackbeard)
Driving on public roads is a privilege afforded by the state to drivers they deem responsible enough to handle such a serious responsibility. It is not a constitutional right. If the officers ask you to blow and you start barking like a dog, or whatever, that is a refusal. They asked, and you did not comply. One should not consume alcohol and then operate a motor vehicle. No one has the right to endanger innocent, responsible drivers. Perhaps driving is not for you...


Well-Known Member
Driving on public roads is a privilege afforded by the state to drivers they deem responsible enough to handle such a serious responsibility. It is not a constitutional right. If the officers ask you to blow and you start barking like a dog, or whatever, that is a refusal. They asked, and you did not comply. One should not consume alcohol and then operate a motor vehicle. No one has the right to endanger innocent, responsible drivers. Perhaps driving is not for you...
i been driving since i was 13 ........i live in a section of the world where u need a car just to get to a store (biking do to the foothill effect is not practically ....carry weight vs energy required avg trip to the store would be 3/4 trips so about 3/4 hours total good day rain add on hour) both on routes with no biking path and speeds over 40 hilly every year at least 3/4 ppl are taken out ( cutting tho fields will result in trespassing charges or goring from a bull )

a cab ride is more then 60 bucks to get into the city one way .....when they offer public transportation to everyone everywhere then it is a privilege.....right now it is must for life hence a right

what about my 5th amendment rights ..........they are functioning as the enforcement branch of the judicial branch of the government .....that right was clearly put in there to protect a person from just this
The Fifth Amendment protects individuals from being forced to incriminate themselves. Incriminating oneself is defined as exposing oneself (or another person) to "an accusation or charge of crime," or as involving oneself (or another person) "in a criminal prosecution or the danger thereof."[34] The privilege against compelled self-incrimination is defined as "the constitutional right of a person to refuse to answer questions or otherwise give testimony against himself. ... "[35] To "plead the Fifth" is to refuse to answer any question because "the implications of the question, in the setting in which it is asked" lead a claimant to possess a "reasonable cause to apprehend danger from a direct answer", believing that "a responsive answer to the question or an explanation of why it cannot be answered might be dangerous because injurious disclosure could result

by asking u to blow they are asking to give proof on yourself that show your guilt of a crime .......they are forcing u with penalties
right or privilege i still have the right to say no and not have it held against me for enforcing my right not to self incriminate .....it fits right in the definition

do u even rem what happen....how the laws got to be so pussy .......my body weight and my use of drink legally 4/5 in one hour or 2/3 mixed drinks i am legally drunk ( 220 6 foot) over the 0.07 limit that was national enforced by the feds (they forced every state to reset their limits to that otherwise they would not get federal funding as not in compliance with the new rules to get it ).....0.07 is 3 fucking beers in one hour that is fucking crazy anyone at a bar leaving is technically drunk ......i can see .12 or .26 u are drunk

and do not get me on it slows reaction time .........sleepiness slows it more but that is not illegal to drive tried

If you refuse to blow in Michigan, that alone is considered a crime. Also, they will drive you to a hospital, and have a nurse draw your blood for a sample. This might buy you an hour or less of time to sober up, but it's likely not worth it. Please don't drive after you've had anything to drink.
to stop the draw of blood just have to say magic words

i am a Jehovah witness it is against my religion .........the nurse will stop right there as it opens the hospital up to a huge law suit and it makes it fruit of poisons tree no good in court ......then they have to have a judge sign off on a warrant


this is a old trick and i know it works .......the pills they forced me on in jail made them need weekly blood test as the lvls are basically boarding on poison (i told them i did not want to take those again they picked not to listen as it was cheapest method of control) ........i told them i converted and refused it but they had to medical treatment still so i got on the meds i original requested ....this was back in 2001/2002


bud bootlegger
Driving on public roads is a privilege afforded by the state to drivers they deem responsible enough to handle such a serious responsibility. It is not a constitutional right. If the officers ask you to blow and you start barking like a dog, or whatever, that is a refusal. They asked, and you did not comply. One should not consume alcohol and then operate a motor vehicle. No one has the right to endanger innocent, responsible drivers. Perhaps driving is not for you...
also, if you refuse to blow, you're automatically arrested for dui...


Well-Known Member
Whenever I get picked up for DUI, I wait until they ask me to blow, and that is when I head-butt the cop, take his gun and find a place where I can initiate a standoff for a few hours until I sober up. By the time the SWAT team gets there, time and adrenaline have sobered me up pretty good.


Well-Known Member
i been driving since i was 13 ........i live in a section of the world where u need a car just to get to a store (biking do to the foothill effect is not practically ....carry weight vs energy required avg trip to the store would be 3/4 trips so about 3/4 hours total good day rain add on hour) both on routes with no biking path and speeds over 40 hilly every year at least 3/4 ppl are taken out ( cutting tho fields will result in trespassing charges or goring from a bull )

a cab ride is more then 60 bucks to get into the city one way .....when they offer public transportation to everyone everywhere then it is a privilege.....right now it is must for life hence a right

what about my 5th amendment rights ..........they are functioning as the enforcement branch of the judicial branch of the government .....that right was clearly put in there to protect a person from just this
The Fifth Amendment protects individuals from being forced to incriminate themselves. Incriminating oneself is defined as exposing oneself (or another person) to "an accusation or charge of crime," or as involving oneself (or another person) "in a criminal prosecution or the danger thereof."[34] The privilege against compelled self-incrimination is defined as "the constitutional right of a person to refuse to answer questions or otherwise give testimony against himself. ... "[35] To "plead the Fifth" is to refuse to answer any question because "the implications of the question, in the setting in which it is asked" lead a claimant to possess a "reasonable cause to apprehend danger from a direct answer", believing that "a responsive answer to the question or an explanation of why it cannot be answered might be dangerous because injurious disclosure could result

by asking u to blow they are asking to give proof on yourself that show your guilt of a crime .......they are forcing u with penalties
right or privilege i still have the right to say no and not have it held against me for enforcing my right not to self incriminate .....it fits right in the definition

do u even rem what happen....how the laws got to be so pussy .......my body weight and my use of drink legally 4/5 in one hour or 2/3 mixed drinks i am legally drunk ( 220 6 foot) over the 0.07 limit that was national enforced by the feds (they forced every state to reset their limits to that otherwise they would not get federal funding as not in compliance with the new rules to get it ).....0.07 is 3 fucking beers in one hour that is fucking crazy anyone at a bar leaving is technically drunk ......i can see .12 or .26 u are drunk

and do not get me on it slows reaction time .........sleepiness slows it more but that is not illegal to drive tried

to stop the draw of blood just have to say magic words

i am a Jehovah witness it is against my religion .........the nurse will stop right there as it opens the hospital up to a huge law suit and it makes it fruit of poisons tree no good in court ......then they have to have a judge sign off on a warrant


this is a old trick and i know it works .......the pills they forced me on in jail made them need weekly blood test as the lvls are basically boarding on poison (i told them i did not want to take those again they picked not to listen as it was cheapest method of control) ........i told them i converted and refused it but they had to medical treatment still so i got on the meds i original requested ....this was back in 2001/2002
The fifth amendment relates to speech, and one's rights regarding criminal prosecutions. Since driving is a privilege and not a right, one is not entitled to the same protection. Driving is a privilege which the state grants by giving you a license. That license is subject to certain conditions. One of the conditions is that you agree to take a blood test for the amount of alcohol in your system if you are arrested for DUI. It is called implied consent...
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Well-Known Member
The fifth amendment relates to speech, and one's rights regarding criminal prosecutions. Since driving is a privilege and not a right, one is not entitled to the same protection. Driving is a privilege which the state grants by giving you a license. That license is subject to certain conditions. One of the conditions is that you agree to take a blood test for the amount of alcohol in your system if you are arrested for DUI. It is called implied consent...
One's reflection is also protected. For example, I was caught on video robbing a jewelry store last week. My lawyer is doing this "bro bono" because he is a bro and he wants his name on the books for this unique defense. It turns out that the images captured by the camera are not actually me but photons of light that reflected off of me into the lens of the camera - in effect making it self incrimination. No problem.


Well-Known Member
I jumped out of the car ran into this kids house locked the door jumped out the window and through the woods got home went to bed tried to get my car out of impound but had to turn myself in got disobeying an officer and resisting arrest but no DUI. :bigjoint: Not much better than just getting the DUI though but I saved a night in the drunk tank.:bigjoint:

Fuck the police if we can't drink and drive they should drive us around.:finger:


Well-Known Member
Whenever I get picked up for DUI, I wait until they ask me to blow, and that is when I head-butt the cop, take his gun and find a place where I can initiate a standoff for a few hours until I sober up. By the time the SWAT team gets there, time and adrenaline have sobered me up pretty good.
And THEN you start acting crazy


Well-Known Member
also, if you refuse to blow, you're automatically arrested for dui...
I was picked up for dui in 2009. If i had decided not to blow i would have spent the night/weekend if a friday in jail and lawyer could have got all charges dropped. Because i blew i did a total of 6 days( i blew what they call a high test so they basiclly charged me with 2 dui), loss of license and payed a ton in fines. Now that i have a dui if i refuse it's automatic guilt with max penalties. My advice would be to NOT blow if it's your first. Of course not drinking and driving is a better solution but let's be honest, it happens.


Well-Known Member
The fifth amendment relates to speech, and one's rights regarding criminal prosecutions. Since driving is a privilege and not a right, one is not entitled to the same protection. Driving is a privilege which the state grants by giving you a license. That license is subject to certain conditions. One of the conditions is that you agree to take a blood test for the amount of alcohol in your system if you are arrested for DUI. It is called implied consent...
it relates to anything .....i can not be forced to give evidence agaisnt myself and i can not be penlized for refusing too as it is my right

they have to prove i did something wrong ........nothing in the law saying i have to help them do it infact i am protected not helping


Well-Known Member
I was picked up for dui in 2009. If i had decided not to blow i would have spent the night/weekend if a friday in jail and lawyer could have got all charges dropped. Because i blew i did a total of 6 days( i blew what they call a high test so they basiclly charged me with 2 dui), loss of license and payed a ton in fines. Now that i have a dui if i refuse it's automatic guilt with max penalties. My advice would be to NOT blow if it's your first. Of course not drinking and driving is a better solution but let's be honest, it happens.
so u are saing fuck them ......they get nothing they try they get kicked in the nutz


Well-Known Member
it relates to anything .....i can not be forced to give evidence agaisnt myself and i can not be penlized for refusing too as it is my right

they have to prove i did something wrong ........nothing in the law saying i have to help them do it infact i am protected not helping
You don't learn because you are never wrong. I'm talking reality, you're speaking of what you'd like to be true. When you are issued a license, you agree to certain conditions, one of those conditions is that you will submit to a substance test when under suspicion of DUI. You agreed this when you signed the paperwork for your license. Again, it's not about your constitutional rights, there is no right to drive...


Well-Known Member
You don't learn because you are never wrong. I'm talking reality, you're speaking of what you'd like to be true. When you are issued a license, you agree to certain conditions, one of those conditions is that you will submit to a substance test when under suspicion of DUI. You agreed this when you signed the paperwork for your license. Again, it's not about your constitutional rights, there is no right to drive...
no i am quoting the founding fathers

show me any paperwork that saids that .......i never signed shit that said that .....when i got my drivers id it did not have anything like that on there the drunk rate was not .07 it was .12
i signed nothing with that on the paper i am not signing away any of my rights