Donald Trump

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Are you guys still pissed off? I've been enjoying a beautiful afternoon and evening, and your still here cussing at each other? You guys sure know how to get out and make a difference in society!
And how did you make a difference in society again?
Are you guys still pissed off? I've been enjoying a beautiful afternoon and evening, and your still here cussing at each other? You guys sure know how to get out and make a difference in society!

i was so pissed off that i resorted to random capitalization and internet bullying.

I don't give a Fuck what u call me and neither does anyone else. NOW GO AWAY.

You say a lot of things on a website where you are safe that I am sure you wouldn't have the balls to say to a man if you were face to face

nevermind, that was you.

Tws lern me how to partee like yur hilbilly scum kin..white school snoop dog aretests

Bro hate is the pus you hold in your heart and on the stench of your breath. Fuck off phony clown
I stand by my post you quoted.
I would love to party with you. I'm sure your not that bad of a human being.
Hater .
You should grow some weed and quit searching different forums to instill hate on a political basis and seek communication. How did you end up here anyways ?
If you weren't so hateful maybe somebody would love you.
You poor soul.
Goes along for the rest of yo asshats.
I grow weed. Now what?
Hater .
You should grow some weed and quit searching different forums to instill hate on a political basis and seek communication. How did you end up here anyways ?
If you weren't so hateful maybe somebody would love you.
You poor soul.
Goes along for the rest of yo asshats.

did you like any other comments calling people fags lately?

did you call anyone a fag lately?

i know you've called other people fags in the past.

is that because you are hateful, or a latent homosexual who overcompensates for his insecure sexuality by spamming images of naked asian women?
Are you guys still pissed off? I've been enjoying a beautiful afternoon and evening, and your still here cussing at each other? You guys sure know how to get out and make a difference in society!
Nope, just enjoyed a nice nap.
did you like any other comments calling people fags lately?

did you call anyone a fag lately?

i know you've called other people fags in the past.

is that because you are hateful, or a latent homosexual who overcompensates for his insecure sexuality by spamming images of naked asian women?
Latent as fuck...he cant take his eyes off hercules gear...hes a horny boi bitch.
My outlook definitely isnt rosy, i've cried many times after observing and helping the poverty we have in this country; as well as the oppression we force on our minority groups.

I grew up in an Upper Middle class white family in a conservative suburb (My family was one of the few liberal families in the suburb.)

My experiences at my age are far grander than most people i've met. I've lived a life with a need for understanding and a need to never lose a conversation; scientific or political. It genuinely hurts my heart to see the suffering afflicted on many people in this country, as well as the stories of women from pakistan who have been near victims of things like honor killings.

Again, i'm an upper middle class white male; potentially one of the most privileged groups in the USA. But the pain i've experienced by observing the oppression of our minorities (fucking ALL of them) in the USA is hardening.

I have hope through few politicians; my political views are nearly entirely my own. I feel understanding and education is about the most important thing you can have; but nearly nobody in my age group feels the same.

We probably both feel the same pessimism and the same hope.
Elections don't help either when it's based on black vote, white vote, poor vote ,rich vote,old vote,young vote etc.
By not bitching and complaining how bad life in the most free society in the world is.

you bitched and complained all last night when i brought up the fact that you are a racist though.

then you threatened to beat me up and told me repeatedly to GO AWAY NOW!!!
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