Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
@Kasuti. "I just made fun of you last night. Its not that hard to do." Doubtful.Any post of yours is self embarassing. Bro you are a plain laughingstock. Take your skid marked white outfits the fuck home you jack ass.


Well-Known Member
Seriously not to be a dick but I wasnt able to pick out any point to elaborate on in your argument o: If you would elaborate on your main points
Most of us are Stoners here . I like to think elaboration takes a back seat .
They other guys aren't so bad when they aren't so angry . Seems to be a monthly thing.


Well-Known Member
Most of us are Stoners here . I liked to think elaboration takes a back seat .
They other guys aren't so bad when they aren't so angry . Seems to be a monthly thing.
:P This is a heated political season to say the last.

I just want everybody to love each other, especially for their difference. Wouldnt the world be boring if we were all the same? Of course that isnt possible in every case; but its the fast track to world peace (: (even if that idea is entirely illogical based off of world politics).

But if we all loved each other for our cultural differences and wanted to work with and learn from one another then the wold would be a grand place to live.
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