Donald Trump

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Last weekend I was in Atlantic City NJ.

Outside The Trump Taj Mahal I literally saw one legged homeless individuals, and many other homneless individuals (I bought the 1 legged guy a bunch of food, because he specifically asked for FOOD.)

And then I went into the Trump casino where there were probably over 100 glass/crystal chandlers that were beautiful.

Its unfortunate to me that somebody like Trump can sell his name to a building that disregards people in need who are forced to beg outside its doors...

I've cried 3-4 times over what happened, especially about the man who asked me to buy him FOOOOOOD outside of his casino; many homeless ask for money where they can buy anything; but this 1 legged black man asked for FOOOOOOOD.

Last weekend I was in Atlantic City NJ.

Outside The Trump Taj Mahal I literally saw one legged homeless individuals, and many other homneless individuals (I bought the 1 legged guy a bunch of food, because he specifically asked for FOOD.)

And then I went into the Trump casino where there were probably over 100 glass/crystal chandlers that were beautiful.

Its unfortunate to me that somebody like Trump can sell his name to a building that disregards people in need who are forced to beg outside its doors...

I've cried 3-4 times over what happened, especially about the man who asked me to buy him FOOOOOOD outside of his casino; many homeless ask for money where they can buy anything; but this 1 legged black man asked for FOOOOOOOD.


Just like your president takes care of them and our Vets today.
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Just like your president takes care of them and our Vets .
Presidents are elected to do nothing.

The "establishment" (Quote Quote Quote fucking unquote Quote + Quote and a half) doesnt like change; obama ran on a platform of change.

Hillary? Little/no change.
Cruz? You don't wanna see his change... scurry
Rubio? > Cruz
Trump? Theres gonna be "change." For better or worse, shits gonna change
Bernie? (my personal fav) Similar to trump theres gonna be change.

Obama took plenty of money from large corps. He ran on a platform of "change' but was unable to SUFFICIENTLY pass a single thing he ran on.

I love people. I love the differences between people; and I think we should generally love on another for our differences. Of course there are individuals in the world whom through their ideology and actions it is inappropriate for me to love, but I can't imagine a country as grand to grow up in than USA.

I'm 21yo, very interested in politics, studying nuclear chemistry for nuclear fusion, and i'm quite liberal.

Kasich>Rubio>Trump>Cruz. As far as my Conservative candidates.

Bernie>Hillary. As far as my democratic candidates, and once again i'm very liberal...

Come at me bro friend ;p I'm very down for a FRIENDLY debate! No hate here, if you have something to teach me i'm all ears.
Presidents are elected to do nothing.

The "establishment" (Quote Quote Quote fucking unquote Quote + Quote and a half) doesnt like change; obama ran on a platform of change.

Hillary? Little/no change.
Cruz? You don't wanna see his change... scurry
Rubio? > Cruz
Trump? Theres gonna be "change." For better or worse, shits gonna change
Bernie? (my personal fav) Similar to trump theres gonna be change.

Obama took plenty of money from large corps. He ran on a platform of "change' but was unable to SUFFICIENTLY pass a single thing he ran on.

I love people. I love the differences between people; and I think we should generally love on another for our differences. Of course there are individuals in the world whom through their ideology and actions it is inappropriate for me to love, but I can't imagine a country as grand to grow up in than USA.

I'm 21yo, very interested in politics, studying nuclear chemistry for nuclear fusion, and i'm quite liberal.

Kasich>Rubio>Trump>Cruz. As far as my Conservative candidates.

Bernie>Hillary. As far as my democratic candidates, and once again i'm very liberal...

Come at me bro friend ;p I'm very down for a FRIENDLY debate! No hate here, if you have something to teach me i'm all ears.
I have nothing to come at you about .
Some people don't like this country.
Just like your president takes care of them and our Vets today.
What a load of horseshit! Republicans in Congress have blocked or voted down bills that would have increased or improved Veterans benefits 9 times in the last 7yrs alone.
Love Obama or hate Obama, he and his administration has done more for Veterans then any President since FDR!
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I have nothing to come at you about .
Some people don't like this country.
Respect friend, I'm an eagle scout and some of the people in my troop had parents high up in the military whom did speeches.

All propaganda aside, what I pulled from their speeches was that; America isnt perfect, but can you imagine growing up somewhere else? Yeah we have issues, but seriously living in the USA is one of the "most free" countries gives us opportunities that potentially billions of our members of earth would travel thousands of miles for; regardless of age.

Yeah we aint perfect, but living here is way better than living in most countries...

Again if we got deep; i'm very liberal. I believe opposition to people just breeds more opposition. Some people can't be handled with peaceful legislation; some people need to be dealt with through military means.

BUT: In the works of JFK:
JFK: "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."
Who did you take in today ?

Before you shoot, I got some homeless guys out back, ....I wont give them the time of day,...But that`s only because drugs got them homeless.

Drugs certainly play a role, but if you've ever taken a look at the demographics of homeless people, vets are represented abnormally high. Then again, I guess its true that most people only seem to "claim" to support our troops while their serving. Once they return home, they're forgotten about and shunned. I've worked in a few sectors of healthcare over the years and the VA is without a doubt one of the most difficult.
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Bearkat does slogans, not debates.
Even after reading Sam's wikipedia page i still don't understand the reference.

Once again, with utmost respect; please elaborate o:

I'm young I have much to learn

Because basically what you just said is "We may suck, but we're better than them." How is this a good thing?

I definitely did not specify a "them." If I said "hey america isnt the best, but at least we arent Iran" Then that argument would be valid. IMO USA is probably the best country for me specifically to live in; but we could absolutely improve. "Make america great again" is a BS slogan imo, but we could definitely take what we have in America and make it better.
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