Clinton is the next POTUS

Who is going to be the next President?

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I don't like the fact Hillary is hard on guns and hard on marihuana.
I don't like the fact Bernie is hard on guns.

I don't like the fact Trump is completely batshit crazy.
I don't like the fact Cruz is completely batshit crazy.

I won't be participating in this years election process.
Vote to get the SCOTUS going left and do you have any Senate seats open in your state ?
Man you got to pick one....just to retain your right to bitch
I'd have to vote for Bernie if I had to vote for anyone. But I don't like he is hard on guns.

Vote to get the SCOTUS going left and do you have any Senate seats open in your state ?
I live in Arizona, land of the dumbshits. No chance a senate seat would go left here.
You don't think SCOTUS is important ?

I do. And quite frankly, Mr Turtle Head McConnell should be prosecuted for intentionally delaying and blocking the CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT of the POTUS to select a SCOTUS during their term in office.

That being said, it's not just the POTUS how decides the SCOTUS, Congress has a lot of say in the matter. If all goes well in November, Congress will be far more liberal than it is currently.
I live in Arizona, land of the dumbshits. No chance a senate seat would go left here.
John McCain is one of the most liberal senators out there right now. Hell, he even gave Obama the presidency.
He kills veterans, tows the progressive line, and still gets no respect from Democrats
John McCain is one of the most liberal senators out there right now. Hell, he even gave Obama the presidency.
He kills veterans, tows the progressive line, and still gets no respect from Democrats

He's a conservative, not a Republican. He is the least bat shit crazy Republican currently serving. I actually don't mind McCain, and he doesn't kill veterans, his party does.
He's a conservative, not a Republican. He is the least bat shit crazy Republican currently serving. I actually don't mind McCain, and he doesn't kill veterans, his party does.
You love McCain, but won't admit it because of the R next to his name. I hope Democrats kick his sorry ass in November... send him packing
I clearly stated that I "don't mind McCain", I never claimed I love him. Try to not move goal posts when playing the debate game. Thanks.
LOL. I didn't realize goal posts have been established, serious guy. With that being said, my opinion is that more liberals approve of McCain than conservatives. Arizona would have been better off with JD Hayworth
I understand that reading and comprehension are difficult things for you, but please try to keep up. We were talking about Bill, if you wanted Hillary you should've said so. As far as Hillary, she headed Bill Clinton's Task Force on Health Care Reform which would ultimately lead to her platform in 2008 which Obama would have to adopt and in turn became the AHCA. She initiated the Children's Health Insurance Program in 1997, she campaigned for Gulf War Syndrome and veterans who were sick from Agent Orange. She helped get the Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997 passed, she was the only First Lady to keep an office in the West Wing, she had numerous conferences in the White House about childhood health, childhood development, and childhood violence. With Janet Reno she helped create the Department of Justice's Violence Against Women office. She, and a handful of other women, were the only ones to speak out about the Taliban's treatment of women in Afghanistan. As First Lady she helped create Vital Voices, a women in politics nonprofit. She won a Grammy as the First Lady too lol. She started up the Save America's Treasures program. What else... Oh yeah, the White House's sculpture garden was started by her, oversaw the restoration of the Blue Room. Sounds like a good "houswife" to me.
No, we weren't talking about Bill, we were talking about the current Democratic nomination. Bill Clinton's Task Force on Health Care Reform was a total failure. The ACA is modeled after Romney's health plan, but was written by Pelosi's staff. In 1997, she held no office at all, didn't initiate anything. Being in the room isn't justification for assuming all the credit. In the end, her arrogance, lies, and criminal actions should preclude her from office in a just world, but a corrupt administration that refuses to prosecute VA supervisors that falsified records in order to get underserved bonuses while killing veterans likely will just pretend nothing happened.
I understand that reading and comprehension are difficult things for you, but please try to keep up. We were talking about Bill, if you wanted Hillary you should've said so. As far as Hillary, she headed Bill Clinton's Task Force on Health Care Reform which would ultimately lead to her platform in 2008 which Obama would have to adopt and in turn became the AHCA. She initiated the Children's Health Insurance Program in 1997, she campaigned for Gulf War Syndrome and veterans who were sick from Agent Orange. She helped get the Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997 passed, she was the only First Lady to keep an office in the West Wing, she had numerous conferences in the White House about childhood health, childhood development, and childhood violence. With Janet Reno she helped create the Department of Justice's Violence Against Women office. She, and a handful of other women, were the only ones to speak out about the Taliban's treatment of women in Afghanistan. As First Lady she helped create Vital Voices, a women in politics nonprofit. She won a Grammy as the First Lady too lol. She started up the Save America's Treasures program. What else... Oh yeah, the White House's sculpture garden was started by her, oversaw the restoration of the Blue Room. Sounds like a good "houswife" to me.
Note the title of the thread "clinton-is-the-next-potus". Or are you claiming it's Bill that is running this election. Let's not again pretend that anyone pointing out you are trying to deceive people some how has a problem with " reading and comprehension".
Note the title of the thread "clinton-is-the-next-potus". Or are you claiming it's Bill that is running this election. Let's not again pretend that anyone pointing out you are trying to deceive people some how has a problem with " reading and comprehension".

Poor little guy, go trace the history it stemmed from someone talking about Bill Clintons achievements and someone else saying they didn't exist.

Also Obama had to adopt universal healthcare when Hillary bowed out you doughnut.
Poor little guy, go trace the history it stemmed from someone talking about Bill Clintons achievements and someone else saying they didn't exist.

Also Obama had to adopt universal healthcare when Hillary bowed out you doughnut.
You were the only one talking about Bill. Once again, note the title of the thread. And the second "someone" was me, telling you Hilary didn't do the things you claimed she did. After Hilary dropped out? She didn't drop out, Obama beat her. He didn't have to "adopt" anything.