Christ myth theory


Well-Known Member
With all the similarities between the jesus story and lots of older religions and mythical figures there have long been those who have drawn those comparisons and said jesus was the myth too.

Becuase mainstream scholors have long held to the story that, son of god or not, there is a man behind the story of jesus. Why?

Academic inertia.

Western civilization descends from a very christian past. In fact, many who are professionals in this field have to sign statements of faith even today. That means their paychecks depend on holding to this traditional story.

With the professionals excluded, it had been left up to amateur historians to make this case. And it has shown.

Enter dr. Richard Carrier

He has peer reviewd books that have passed that process, using accepted methods to draw the conclusion that Jesus never existed.

I'm very impressed with his work.
Considering the bible claims the man rose from the grave after being brutally beaten, tortured, and even pierced I would say it's easy to conclude the man never existed given that the book the story comes from is contradictory to our understanding of the world and how it works.

I do not need a historian to tell me Jesus never existed, common sense did that for me.
The one and only piece of archaeological evidence I've ever encountered for the existence of a man behind the myths, is the controversial Ossuary of James.
The one and only piece of archaeological evidence I've ever encountered for the existence of a man behind the myths, is the controversial Ossuary of James.
I think you'll find its a forger. It's my understanding that is settled.

Be that as it may, when Paul refers to James as "brother of the lord" all he is doing is saying he is a christian. Christians references to each other at the time was as brothers of the lord.
I went to catholic grade school n highschool, even @ the tender age of 9 I knew the bible and religion was horseshit.. I had nuns and I used to cracked weekly for asking "what about the dinosaurs?"
Did going through the Catholic church have anything to do with this?

I've noticed a trend of those who come from more established churches have a higher chance of turning on said church.
Did going through the Catholic church have anything to do with this?

I've noticed a trend of those who come from more established churches have a higher chance of turning on said church.

Possible.. Hard to say for sure, I was never a believer, even my mom stopped going to church 15 years ago.. The priests fucking little boys like it was a sport was the final straw.
Possible.. Hard to say for sure, I was never a believer, even my mom stopped going to church 15 years ago.. The priests fucking little boys like it was a sport was the final straw.
I think that's a bit of an overstatement.

Sure it was an organizational cancer. It was protected by the hierarchy. But as far as I know there are relatively few victims, made so by a tiny fration of the clergy. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Jesus Christ is a title similar to Rabbi, something of an honour or distinction. I don't find that this video digs deep enough, also, it contains the usual snide tone that makes it much less credible right out of the gates. That's my personal opinion, nothing snide or hidden.
Jesus Christ is a title similar to Rabbi, something of an honour or distinction. I don't find that this video digs deep enough, also, it contains the usual snide tone that makes it much less credible right out of the gates. That's my personal opinion, nothing snide or hidden.
The dude is selling a book. He's not going to tell his whole story.

Buy it and read it.
You're wrong, institutionalized child rape world wide; I'd wager less than 1% of the cases ever saw a court of law.
Out of how many priests?

I'm not trying to take away from the victims. But I don't think a priest is significantly more likely to be a child molester than any other man.
People have been denying Jesus since his recorded birth. Actually, this was predicted before he was born. If you think about it, Christ is the only person in the history of the world to have been attacked maliciously over and over again by people who have no knowledge of him or his life on earth. Whether or not you believe it, he did die for your sins. You can accept it or not, it doesnt even make a ripple in the universe. People saw things and wrote them down how they happened and bam thats called history. The reason people fear the idea the bible presents is because it means they need to change, and they worked so hard to get to where theyre at (accepted by others) that to turn their backs on the masses would be to them pagan blasphemy.

So lets hate what we don't understand because if we do people will accept us? No, read the book with an open mind and then form an educated opinion. Then you'll just be guilty of immoral reasoning, not ignorance.

If i ganged up with and we all said your grow journal never happened and that your clones were stupid and your plants never got watered by you, would we be right?

Can a plant you grow stand over you with the rest of the canopy and resent you for growing them? Say you never raised them? That they evolved from the soil you put in the pot? No, creation has creator, and creation can never be greater than creator. All we have against God and Jesus is our freedom to reject him, not any evidence he doesnt exist.
Also, yes people killed people in the name of God. Shit happens. Can i hate your dad and disrespect him to his face because hiz son(you) pissed me off or did something stupid? No, but let every man be accountable for his OWN actions, and the father is not guilty of the sons crimes. I admit, being a christian is hard, especially when you consider that if i talk about hiphop or pot the right way, you'd worship me but by sharing a bit of my heart you would push away everything i bring to the table for the sake of my faith. Where is YOUR heart? Do you desire mercy? The message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing.

I am christian, i smoke pot, i have a job and a family that i support. Does my faith in God change that? I am calm when the storm comes. Reader, are you?
People have been denying Jesus since his recorded birth. Actually, this was predicted before he was born. If you think about it, Christ is the only person in the history of the world to have been attacked maliciously over and over again by people who have no knowledge of him or his life on earth. Whether or not you believe it, he did die for your sins. You can accept it or not, it doesnt even make a ripple in the universe. People saw things and wrote them down how they happened and bam thats called history. The reason people fear the idea the bible presents is because it means they need to change, and they worked so hard to get to where theyre at (accepted by others) that to turn their backs on the masses would be to them pagan blasphemy.

So lets hate what we don't understand because if we do people will accept us? No, read the book with an open mind and then form an educated opinion. Then you'll just be guilty of immoral reasoning, not ignorance.

If i ganged up with and we all said your grow journal never happened and that your clones were stupid and your plants never got watered by you, would we be right?

Can a plant you grow stand over you with the rest of the canopy and resent you for growing them? Say you never raised them? That they evolved from the soil you put in the pot? No, creation has creator, and creation can never be greater than creator. All we have against God and Jesus is our freedom to reject him, not any evidence he doesnt exist.
So it is your contention that the bible or some other book presents us with eye witness accounts of those events?

Who do you think wrote the gospels? Who wrote acts? Who wrote the letters of Paul?

I love at the end you sum it up by saying we have no evidence that compells us to reject god and jesus. What in reality is there is no evidence to suggest he is real, either one of them. Why?

The gospels were not written by Matthew Mark Luke or John, they're anonymous. We're not sure where or by whom they were written. But it was 100 years or so after christ. Mark was the first. Then Matthew and Luke. And we have fragments dating back to about 270ad, and complete gospels dating back to about 350 ad. The variation in these books is amazing. They're clearly fabrications. The dying and rising god figure was popular at that time.

There may be a god. Idk. But there is loads of evidence that this whole jesus business is made up.

As to his recorded birth? Ha. No. His birth was not recorded. Show me where, if it was.

Nothing about jesus can be found earlier than 70/80 ad when Paul writes his letters and acts. Of the 13 letters of Paul, 7 are forgeries, meaning not written by Paul.

The thread that unwound Christianity has been pulled. All the pieces are there for you to find.
Also, yes people killed people in the name of God. Shit happens. Can i hate your dad and disrespect him to his face because hiz son(you) pissed me off or did something stupid? No, but let every man be accountable for his OWN actions, and the father is not guilty of the sons crimes. I admit, being a christian is hard, especially when you consider that if i talk about hiphop or pot the right way, you'd worship me but by sharing a bit of my heart you would push away everything i bring to the table for the sake of my faith. Where is YOUR heart? Do you desire mercy? The message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing.

I am christian, i smoke pot, i have a job and a family that i support. Does my faith in God change that? I am calm when the storm comes. Reader, are you?
Look man, we're cool. I'm not disrespecting you, I'm disrespecting jesus.

I'm sure you're a fine dude. And you're not guilty of anything becuase of your faith that I was not also guilty of most of my life.

I've prayed for years on end for jesus to come into my heart and show me his glory. Never happend.

Then I was exposed to the counter argument. It makes much more sense. And it would for you too if you could jusr allow yourself to objectively look at it.
Well, i would counter that everything worth having takes hard work to create. If you studied to the best of your ability, did the work instead of take others word for work that theyve done, and you conclude that evidence for christ being phony is real to you, im not gonna tell you what to believe.

What i think everyone has against God is that they have had a bad relationship with their worldly father, and they transfer that image or countenance to their father in heaven.

We all have the desire to be respected, loved and understood. Theres that need for someone out there to understand that there is a method to our madness, that we are not just crazy. If believing what you believe fulfills those needs in your heart, soul and mind, keep at it. If its not working for you - or at some point stops working for you, i would be happy to share what i believe. The problem is we all have a hole in our soul that we try to fill. Its a weird void like a black hole thats always calling out to our flesh and we go to the material store to try to fill it. Some go to drugs, some go to sex, some to murder, some to rape, some to $money, but the bottom line is we all do things without thinking and without understanding because it "feels" right.

The story of jesus is mainly to show contrast of god, before jesus all we had were stories of punishment, law and commandments. The purpose of these were to show us that through such abroad spectrum of laws and dont's, that every man has fallen short of the righteousness and glory of god. He says, here is the scope of perfection, you, man, do not fit anywhere in it. The idea is for dad to show son that son needs dad to make it. Now, if you think that in the christian faith, god is a merciless punisher, you are not looking at what father tells son(creation).

God is perfect(if you dont believe in god, simply stop reading, this is a christian point of view). When we die, we immediately are put into the presence of god face to face. We cant see him with eyes, when we die and have a different awareness(ever do acid or dmt?) We will see with sure certainty that there he is requiring an account of how we lived and why we did what we did. Here is where many start to squirm and get sweaty palms, a rapid heartbeat if you will. We all know we are guilty. We dont want to face our fear, eternal death. In order to stand by perfection, you too must be made perfect. Your sins here dont make you perfect, they put shit stains on your white shirt you were born with and by the time all of us die, we look like mud buddies. God says, "while you are alive in this world your eyes cant see me, but damnit I love you!"(talking directly to YOU, reader) so he says heres what i will do, i will come down to their earth that i made them where they live and i will die in their place, since the moment die they are guilty due to sin. I will not sin (god), therefore my death without sin will be a worthy sacrifice to make atonement for the sins they cant help but commit. Therfore, god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever(you included) believes in his name wouce not perish but have everlasting life.

I had to read tons of fuck jesus posts before writing this, so its only fair for someone who loves jesus to give their side of it.

Not everyone is hateful, or has a hardened heart. Many are seeking what to put their faith in, its a real journey every man and gal faces in life. Jesus is the only god that offers eternal life to those who believe in his name. If he comes through for ME on this, i know i will have the greatest reward. Who wouldnt want a pill that would make all of their problems go away and make em not age? Millions are spent on this every year in research. So far we all agree that weed helps us cope with the burdens of life(sin, nice thi gs dont burden you) and god gave us weed.

I have a daughter. I have loved her through all of her worst days. Lying, disobedience, even the nasty things that kids do. I dont love her any less, nor do i think shes a piece of shit. God loves you, and doesnt think you are a piece of shit for what you have done, he just wants you to know him so that he can bless you. Is it hard to say that I, John, have commited adultry, fornication, lust, lies, stealing coveting(wanting what you have), shamed both of my parents, blasphemed gods own name and his sons name to others, and i want to be forgivin for it cuz i feel guilty and dont want to live forever as one who practices those things?

Edit spell check
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