Christ myth theory

The dead sea scrolls were from a sect called the essenes. They write about the teacher of righteousness.

They were doing Midrashic readings of the OT. They looked at select verses for hidden meanings a la Bible code.

This is how Philo of Alexandria came up with his Logos by combining Platonic/Hellenistic ideas, and midrashic reading of the OT.

Guess what. Philo's archangel Logos has the same descriptive names for Paul's Jesus. Firstborn of God, image of God, God's agent of creation to name a few.

Jesus started as an archangel from midrashic reading of the OT that later got confused as historical.
Again my memory isn't intact, but I recall there being a {mythical} half man/ half god from the same town with most of the same details. They didn't even have to leave town to think up the idea.
Not disagreeing. Never heard of him mentioning himself as Christ. I think the idea of a prophet was hijacked, allowing Roman Catholics/Christianity to rise.

Christ means annointed. A loaf of bread can be christened with oil. Cyrus the Great was anointed by God to lead the Jews out of Babylonian captivity. Moses led the Jews out of Egypt through God, so he was a form of a christ/messiah.

Moses is a fictional character while Cyrus was a Persian king.
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Again my memory isn't intact, but I recall there being a {mythical} half man/ half god from the same town with most of the same details. They didn't even have to leave town to think up the idea.

"Christian exegetes have long studied the gospels in light of Rabbinical techniques of biblical interpretation including allegory, midrash, and pesher. The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls lent great impetus to the recognition of the widespread use among New Testament writers of the pesher technique whereby prophetic prooftexts for the divine preordination of recent of events was sought. Slower (but still steady) in coming has been the realization of the wide extent to which the stories comprising the gospels and the Acts of the Apostles are themselves the result of haggadic midrash upon stories from the Old Testament (as we may call it here in view of the Christian perspective on the Jewish canonthat concerns us). The New Testament writers partook of a social and religious environment in which currents of Hellenism and Judaism flowed together and interpenetrated in numerous surprising ways, the result of which was not merely the use of several versions of the Old Testament texts, in various languages, but also the easy switching back and forth between Jewish and Greek sources like Euripides, Homer, and Mystery Religion traditions."
Hey Dash...Very long time no see (UM). I did not know you are a Pot smoker, and I assumed you were a Xtian sympathizer not an actual Xtian.

Anyway I'm going to rebut your posts, and some of them have been previously on UM.

Carrier started off trusting the consensus that Jesus existed. So no presupposition on his part, and he explains his change of thinking in OHJ.
Haven't forgotten about ya Davros.Dealing with some stuff down here in Louisiana.I'll be back at it before too long.
Hope all is well with you and yours
Haven't forgotten about ya Davros.Dealing with some stuff down here in Louisiana.I'll be back at it before too long.
Hope all is well with you and yours

No problem. I hope all is safe. Material things are just that. Life is more. Hope all is well.

Genesis 9:11 Young's Literal Translation (YLT)

"11 And I have established My covenant with you, and all flesh is not any more cut off by waters of a deluge, and there is not any more a deluge to destroy the earth.' "