Donald Trump

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i know who is laughing i am at the stupidity of the people that think they went to the moon haha think about it what would cargo weight be to get off the ground of Apollo ,, back in 1969 haha YO buddy its 2016 and you still do not have a rocket to even get off the ground meat head what part do you not understand
If anything that steel can of 1969 compared to light carbon fiber , and alloys of today and still you cannot get off the fucking ground
So keep thinking you went to the moon and i will keep thinking how fucked people can really be to think it happened It was on TV it surely happened

just like this this was real
Like I said, there's no amount of evidence that will convince conspiracy theorists otherwise, wanna see?

What would you accept as evidence that we landed on the Moon?
@bearkat42 I am curious. You don't seem to like white people and that is your right. But my question is regarding the black lives matter hashtag in your signature. Who do they matter to? I mean since black people kill more black people than anyone else and especially more than cops, does that mean black lives matter more to those that are not black? I agree that police violence towards all people needs to stop, but it's rather hypocritical that the whole black lives matter movement is run,organized, and spearheaded by the same race that kills more of its own people than any others. So once again who do #blacklivesmatter to?
Before I answer any of your questions, riddle me this: What have I ever said in here that would lead you to believe that I don't like white people? Or ar you just seeing what you want to see? Serious question.
Before I answer any of your questions, riddle me this: What have I ever said in here that would lead you to believe that I don't like white people? Or ar you just seeing what you want to see? Serious question.

First let me say I moved this to a conversation since it was off topic. I see your point. I may be wrong in that regard. If so, my apologies.
Last I heard here, he was way in the negative for likability. Not bad for a frontrunner with no political past.

Somebody will say some day where that Saturn V rocket went. Last seen leaving orbit, from the ground visual.
ok. Trump is not winning
Im curious as to what university gave you an "aerospace " degree or even what degree. Im interested in who taught you this theory or how you came about it. I know a few in the industry myself(mostly government and some contractors). I even know someone who worked on space x payload this last launch. I myself am not in the industry and don't know shit. So that's why I ask..
But hey everyone agree it was the terrorists that did the trade center Because they told us so right ???? and lets not forget the 1975 tower fire shold of brought her down then.
DID IT ????
All buildings and most bridges have what we call redundant design. If one component breaks, the whole thing will not come crashing down. I once worked on a high-rise in New York, for example, that had a nine-foot-high beam that had a crack all the way through one of the main beams in the basement. This was along the approach to the George Washington Bridge. They shored it up and kept traffic from using that area.

Some people were concerned the building would fall down. The structural engineers knew it wouldn't, because the whole thing had an egg-crate-like construction. Or you can think of it as a net. If you lose one string on a net, yes, the net is weakened but the rest of the net still works.

Truth is in time it will all come out
Im curious as to what university gave you an "aerospace " degree or even what degree. Im interested in who taught you this theory or how you came about it. I know a few in the industry myself(mostly government and some contractors). I even know someone who worked on space x payload this last launch. I myself am not in the industry and don't know shit. So that's why I ask..
It's already been discussed here as to where I got my degree. you can used the search feature. I for one don't care what you think. I know what I know and you can believe what you want. If it makes you feel better, you can just believe I don't have BS in aerospace. Makes no difference to me what someone on the internet thinks of me.
Trump got crushed in Kansas
It's already been discussed here as to where I got my degree. you can used the search feature. I for one don't care what you think. I know what I know and you can believe what you want. If it makes you feel better, you can just believe I don't have BS in aerospace. Makes no difference to me what someone on the internet thinks of me.
Trump got crushed in Kansas
:(This makes me sad. Oh well. Good luck in the "industry"
Who cares about trump!
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