Nah, it would have been my absolute pleasure to drop that old bastard.Sure you would of haha or you mean you would of waited with your friends out side then jumped him right ?? Now that i believe
And let's not forget his shocking statement that the moon landing was a hoax. Here is proof:is your space bar broken? do you need help using ellipses properly?
were you aware that 6 million jews died in the holocaust, and that it was not a hoax?
And let's not forget his shocking statement that the moon landing was a hoax. Here is proof:
We are actually in agreement about the towers.See your little foggy between the Ears Foggy lol prove to me they did land ??? and why have they not been there again ??? think about it would it be much safer to have a space station on the moons surface then some flimsy so called space station that when it needs repair???? it has to be fixed from the outside haha
Seriously Yup USA went to the moon YET USA Cannot even launch a satellite 35,000 km with out Russian made rockets rings Hollow but Fuck yeah they went how for to the moon one way haha 239,000 miles ??? dumb n dumber you n bucky actually i bet you and poopy pants are the same people
this just shows how people are brain washed
I bet you believe the Terrorists took down the twin towers and lets not forget the Jet fueld melted them beams so perfect that when it collapsed almost like a perfect demolition
Again Dumb and Dumber right
So, holocaust denial, NASA moon landing hoax, conspiracy to make it look like the 9/11 attack took out the twin towers (who do you say actually did it?), what other conspiracy theories do you want to entertain me with?See your little foggy between the Ears Foggy lol prove to me they did land ??? and why have they not been there again ??? think about it would it be much safer to have a space station on the moons surface then some flimsy so called space station that when it needs repair???? it has to be fixed from the outside haha
Seriously Yup USA went to the moon YET USA Cannot even launch a satellite 35,000 km with out Russian made rockets rings Hollow but Fuck yeah they went how for to the moon one way haha 239,000 miles ??? dumb n dumber you n bucky actually i bet you and poopy pants are the same people
this just shows how people are brain washed
I bet you believe the Terrorists took down the twin towers and lets not forget the Jet fueld melted them beams so perfect that when it collapsed almost like a perfect demolition
Again Dumb and Dumber right
Everybody is allowed one nutty idea (sorry but that's what I think of this). Its the collection that 2A keeps trotting out that gives me a good laugh.We are actually in agreement about the towers.
I don't claim to know what happened, but I'm convinced that it didn't happen the way that they say it did. Entirely too many inconsistencies.Everybody is allowed one nutty idea (sorry but that's what I think of this). Its the collection that 2A keeps trotting out that gives me a good laugh.
See your little foggy between the Ears Foggy lol prove to me they did land ??? and why have they not been there again ??? think about it would it be much safer to have a space station on the moons surface then some flimsy so called space station that when it needs repair???? it has to be fixed from the outside haha
Seriously Yup USA went to the moon YET USA Cannot even launch a satellite 35,000 km with out Russian made rockets rings Hollow but Fuck yeah they went how for to the moon one way haha 239,000 miles ??? dumb n dumber you n bucky actually i bet you and poopy pants are the same people
this just shows how people are brain washed
I bet you believe the Terrorists took down the twin towers and lets not forget the Jet fueld melted them beams so perfect that when it collapsed almost like a perfect demolition
Again Dumb and Dumber right
See your little foggy between the Ears Foggy lol prove to me they did land ??? and why have they not been there again ??? think about it would it be much safer to have a space station on the moons surface then some flimsy so called space station that when it needs repair???? it has to be fixed from the outside haha
Seriously Yup USA went to the moon YET USA Cannot even launch a satellite 35,000 km with out Russian made rockets rings Hollow but Fuck yeah they went how for to the moon one way haha 239,000 miles ???
Besides from your child like response... Look up the Lunar Laser Ranging experiment. Moreover we still use Atlas V rockets to launch satellites, for example the Navy last year launched MUOS-3 from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station on an Atlas V. Also we didn't land on the moon just once, we did it multiple times - how ignorant are you?
You are killing me sir. I laughed so hard I started crying. Please, do tell about your other conspiracy theories.BS see another Dumb n dumber person that listens to media and being brain washed its all good buddy i know only in your mind USA is the highest TECH in the world there planes are better the missiles are better your intel is better and Even your soldiers are better haha
I know its the Pride thing right ???
And God forbid your Government and media would lie to you , and how would you feel if tomorrow USA announced that it was a big Hoax lets not forget THere been a lot of Hoaxs that Has come true in the past
Truth is NASA, for its part, has no way of getting its American astronauts to and from the space station — or anywhere else in space, for that matter
but you guys went to the moon haha i love this american thinking are you smarter then a 5th grader
You sir are not
We just retired the space shuttle, that's why we use Russian made rocketsBS see another Dumb n dumber person that listens to media and being brain washed its all good buddy i know only in your mind USA is the highest TECH in the world there planes are better the missiles are better your intel is better and Even your soldiers are better haha
I know its the Pride thing right ???
And God forbid your Government and media would lie to you , and how would you feel if tomorrow USA announced that it was a big Hoax lets not forget THere been a lot of Hoaxs that Has come true in the past
Truth is NASA, for its part, has no way of getting its American astronauts to and from the space station — or anywhere else in space, for that matter
but you guys went to the moon haha i love this american thinking are you smarter then a 5th grader
You sir are not
I only know what I've read. I agree that the awesome magnitude of the disaster ought to be due to something more complex than two fully fueled jets crashing into the towers. To me, the conspiracy theories put forth are harder to believe than the official story. But you do have a valid point. Not 2A's full throated "reptiles took out the WTC" conspiracy.I don't claim to know what happened, but I'm convinced that it didn't happen the way that they say it did. Entirely too many inconsistencies.
While SpaceX could be certified as early as this year, the Falcon 9 rocket is only capable of taking on medium-sized or smaller satellites, said Alan Estevez, the principal deputy under-secretary of defense for acquisition, technologyand logistics.
It would take five to eight years to develop an American alternative to the Russian RD-180 engine, he estimated. But yup you went to the moon open your eyes appears your easy 8 years behind Russian Rocketry
Keep thinking YO #1
I don't claim to know what happened, but I'm convinced that it didn't happen the way that they say it did. Entirely too many inconsistencies.
BS see another Dumb n dumber person that listens to media and being brain washed its all good buddy i know only in your mind USA is the highest TECH in the world there planes are better the missiles are better your intel is better and Even your soldiers are better haha
I know its the Pride thing right ???
And God forbid your Government and media would lie to you , and how would you feel if tomorrow USA announced that it was a big Hoax lets not forget THere been a lot of Hoaxs that Has come true in the past
Truth is NASA, for its part, has no way of getting its American astronauts to and from the space station — or anywhere else in space, for that matter
but you guys went to the moon haha i love this american thinking are you smarter then a 5th grader
You sir are not