Donald Trump

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"I get by far the largest crowds, but Bernie comes in distant second, so I have to give him credit for that" -Donald Trump
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Exactly, I have a feeling this is going to happen too. The GOP establishment would rather have the democratic establishment win the white house than Trump (that should tell everybody a lot)

Trump loses minorities, Hispanics, women and the youth vote outright, evangelicals won't vote for him because Cruz is their guy. Essentially, Trump has one demographic locked up; the angry white, geriatric, lower-middle class who hate Obama and the democrats

Democrats win minorities, women (especially if Clinton get's the nod), youth, Hispanics, college-educated/college grads, poor/middle-class, and a lot of older people like Clinton as well

Not to mention the Democratic party has 12 million more members than the GOP nationally
They don't even show up, they all sit around waiting for hand outs.
I'm not sure how that process works entirely, do they have the option to just deny him the nomination, even if he won the popular vote among the GOP candidates? I think Cruz would be a worse option than Trump - by 'worse' I mean he'd make a much worse president, pretty much the same for Rubio. I think all 3 of them would be terrible, but it would probably be Trump, Rubio then Cruz.

Is there precedence for that ever happening in a primary election?

Yes it's happened before. At 68' Democratic convention where Hubert Humphrey got the nod over Bobby Kennedy and Mc Govern they had actually won primaries yet the nod went to Humphrey without winning any primaries, he won simply because he was LBJ vice pres and the DNC wanted to continue LBJ's legacy, but it backfired and Humphrey lost to Nixon.

A lot of that was empty. Repealing Obamacare would be dismal, 20 million Americans would get kicked off health insurance, health prices would sky rocket and we'd all pick up the ER bills. Next.
Next? How can we move on with 27 million Americans still uninsured? I thought Obamacare was supposed to fix all that. We could have given the uninsured free health care for far less than what Obamacare costs. Right now, we see skyrocketing premiums and deductables. Unless you plan on getting hit by a truck, Obamacare is useless. My plan sucks, my options suck, my premium blows ass monkeys, and the deductible keeps going up and up. Obama is the worst thing to ever happen to my health care insurance. I wish the golfer would leave people alone, and move back to Honolulu.
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Are you gearing up for the Megyn Kelly debate? It's that time again, when she argues with the candidates, and tries to make it all about her. Hopefully she has counselor on standby, we don't want to see another meltdown... OR do we?

I know that last time she had to take an extended vacation. I am ready for the debate, hopefully I can get a live stream. I think Romney pissed off the Black community. Did you hear Diamond and silk go off on Romney? Fuck I wouldn't want to be Mitt right now. TRUMP!
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Next? How can we move on with 27 million Americans still uninsured? I thought Obamacare was supposed to fix all that. We could have given the uninsured free health care for far less than Obamacare costs. Right now, we see skyrocketing premiums and deductables. Unless you plan on getting hit by a truck, Obamacare is useless. My plan sucks, my options suck, my premium blows ass monkeys, and the deductible keeps going up and up. Obama is the worst thing to ever happen to my health care insurance. I wish the golfer would leave people alone, and move back to Honolulu.

Thank Fucking God I live on a different Island. nitro
I don't watch FOX News. That channel is used to promote Rubio, and the GOP establishment.
But I do respect Hannity, he keeps it "fair and balanced"
Hannity is fair and balanced? He's a fucking joke!! Wow, Hannity. Everyone on Faux gets national exposure except him I wonder why!?!

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