Donald Trump

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I seen that too,, theres one about americans mooving to cape-breton island if trump gets in,, the people who have liked this is like 5x the population of the island
How many people threatened to leave the country if Bush got re-elected? None of them did.
I know,,, it's funny tho ,, plus it's not like Canada wants American immigrants,,, Syrian refugees yes, American immigrants no, that's the general consensus
They are not American immigrants, they come from some other place. Which assurances do we have the liberal ballerina Justin Trudeau will be sympathetic to their needs? He can't just break their families up, there needs to be some sort of "earned path to citizenship"(amnesty) That's where Rubio comes in. The gang of eight can help Canada out on that one. Marco won't have a job for much longer anyway, people in Florida don't like him.
LOL.......Welcome to Canada, enjoy your vacation, then GO HOME!

We should let people know about bringing your pet to Canada. If you are going to Canada make damm sure you have the paperwork for the dog and all the shots are in order and up to date.

I went on a trip to Canada a few years back in my motor home and the border guard wanted to see the papers for the dog and I said that I didn't realize that I needed to have the dogs papers. So I asked him if their was a place to turn around and he said wait a minute, and when he came back he told me that they could have a Vet come down to the station and give the dog shots that he didn't need for several hundred dollars. And then I looked at the guy and said, you know its no big deal next time I will bring the papers and there are a lot of roads I haven't been down yet so we will just go somewhere else.

Then the guard looked at me and said wait a minute. He went and talked to some other guard and then said welcome to Canada enjoy your stay. It was right out of Trumps playbook. They tried to extort several hundred dollars out of me and I was going to drive away and then they caved and I saved several hundred dollars. Hopefully the word can get out to the people leaving the country and Trumps art of the deal can help them get there. lol TRUMP!
I have heard from reliable and "unnamed" sources, Trump is getting expert advice and practice time with professionals on his debate skills. We will see how sharp and prepared he is tomorrow night...
The pledge was for all the loosers. We can't let castings worm their way out and run 3rd party

All I'm hearing are whiny, pitiful, false, excuses. In 2008 he donated to the McCain campaign, he's donated to Rep. Mark Foley (R-MA), and former Senator from PA Arlen Spector. From 2007 and 2014 he's donated $588,000 to GOP candidates, and between 2010-2014 he donated $210,000 to Super PACs $100,000 of which went to the Congressional Leadership Fund which gives money to Republican candidates. He's cut $50,000 checks to Mitch McConnell's Super PAC American Crossroads which was cofounded by Karl Rove. But, you know, drop in the bucket or something and omg I guess he can't be a Republican! Oh no! He needs the GOP more than the GOP needs him. If he splits off and goes 3rd party he has as much chance as catching a cat in the Pacific Ocean as he does getting elected President. I'll be sitting here laughing. :D
All I'm hearing are whiny, pitiful, false, excuses. In 2008 he donated to the McCain campaign, he's donated to Rep. Mark Foley (R-MA), and former Senator from PA Arlen Spector. From 2007 and 2014 he's donated $588,000 to GOP candidates, and between 2010-2014 he donated $210,000 to Super PACs $100,000 of which went to the Congressional Leadership Fund which gives money to Republican candidates. He's cut $50,000 checks to Mitch McConnell's Super PAC American Crossroads which was cofounded by Karl Rove. But, you know, drop in the bucket or something and omg I guess he can't be a Republican! Oh no! I'll be sitting here laughing. :D
Trump loves everybody... and now that JEB is out of the race, we love him too. Soon the GOP will be defeated, and then we can all unite behind Trump. A bigger, stronger, more productive Republican party.
I'm loving the new spin, by the way. Keep saying it, you'll eventually start to believe it. Proven psychological fact.
After March 15th, the states become winner take all. Trump is on track to win the nomination. Even if he comes in a few delegates short, he could easily pick them up at convention.
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