Viking Fruit 15/16

Im loving this stage of flower ...its funny that the yard hasnt much smell like last years efforts but man when im up close the smells are so different the bubblegum has that awesome northern light coffee type smell to my nose ..i also love the fact that the ww and bg will be finished end of march early april whereas the sr71 has only just started so when the others go it will have the whole area to finish itself off and i tell you now the sr71 is not being pulled until @treemansbuds tells me its good to go..
Hes the grandpappy to this plant ;) and im guessing it will go right up to least or close to mid may
ya fat anorexic c*nt ha ha. No bugs at all fkn about on the guerilla plant eh?
Havnt had one bug problem on the dream machine mate only lack of water now and then.Hoping to get out thier today for an update brother...she will be the first finished im sure by end of month pretty sure for a smallish untopped plant the heads are ginna be all the way joined on the branches with no gaps so it still has potential for half lb but id be happy with 5 or 6 oz for the effory.
the lil nuggs were rock like last week but not much frost on them
Aye she'll be a beauty for solid nugs. She looked like she would. Interested to see what she turns out like
Gd thing is even tho its the size it is without to much care i know if someone ir myself done it in the backyard and topped it like hell she would reward it back in yield ...if i go guerrilla again next year im not moving plants there till they have neen topped a few times and at least 3 foot tall instead of going out there as 3 week old seedlings
Hey ruby and all! Long time no talk eh. Just spent the last hour reading through this thread amazing plants. Unfortunately things didn't quite work out for me this season. Broke up with a long term girlfriend n shit got real you guys know how it goes... got offered a great job opportunity up north for the summer time which i had to take as i needed to get away from all the drama. Anyway i left my clones with a friend and shortly after instead of revegging they flowered and got infested with bugs. I also left him with some autos which a possum managed to eat. Hes got one plant left its just started flowering but its no special strain. Now the real fun begins flowering cant wait to see your haul ruby!!! Anyway i return home in a couple of months so well see what happens. Fully jealous guys :):):weed:
Hey ruby and all! Long time no talk eh. Just spent the last hour reading through this thread amazing plants. Unfortunately things didn't quite work out for me this season. Broke up with a long term girlfriend n shit got real you guys know how it goes... got offered a great job opportunity up north for the summer time which i had to take as i needed to get away from all the drama. Anyway i left my clones with a friend and shortly after instead of revegging they flowered and got infested with bugs. I also left him with some autos which a possum managed to eat. Hes got one plant left its just started flowering but its no special strain. Now the real fun begins flowering cant wait to see your haul ruby!!! Anyway i return home in a couple of months so well see what happens. Fully jealous guys :):):weed:
all understood buddy glad you got work and got away from the crap its unwanted everyone just needs to live their life and move on if not compatible without the emotional shit that goes with it for months after...don't sweat the small things dude im sure you will be back bigger than ever..let me know if you pass thru my way ill shout ya a half of fresh nuggs...ur a fair way away tho lol
had a bloke pm me and full on try and get me angry n shit cos he didn't like an honest opinion...comments of the best part of you run down your mummas leg and im a kunt..( yes he can spell) show me what a sad twit he is so I just answered in the best possible way till he couldn't call me names no more with spongebob memes and keyboard warrior memes..then when he knew he wasn't getting me angry he tried to bring that racist argument into it because I gave him shit back when he said I should step into his "hood" lol...just thought id share as it was a non productive morning

oh I cant grow and ive got a small weiner he says hahahahahahahahahah.

well one part of that is true
had a bloke pm me and full on try and get me angry n shit cos he didn't like an honest opinion...comments of the best part of you run down your mummas leg and im a kunt..( yes he can spell) show me what a sad twit he is so I just answered in the best possible way till he couldn't call me names no more with spongebob memes and keyboard warrior memes..then when he knew he wasn't getting me angry he tried to bring that racist argument into it because I gave him shit back when he said I should step into his "hood" lol...just thought id share as it was a non productive morning

oh I cant grow and ive got a small weiner he says hahahahahahahahahah.

well one part of that is true
Wtf haha. Just another day rubes.
I wasnt even gonna mention it and i wont tell the name but if he comes here causing shit ill post the whole damn conversation lol
Hows yer girls going in this nice sunny weather brutha ?
Douchebags ae.

They're doing good, not much difference since I last updated the journal.

Your dream machine has beautiful colours.
The colours are cool. I really like the look of it. Reminds me of the world of seeds afghan Kush I grew. Exact colour really, does it have bits of pink in it?
No pink at all mate brown tops but under the tops all nugs are nearly joined nut all still white...just hard to see under the leaves cos by the time i get to water it once a week they are drooping never in praying position
No pink at all mate brown tops but under the tops all nugs are nearly joined nut all still white...just hard to see under the leaves cos by the time i get to water it once a week they are drooping never in praying position
Regardless of the pink, she's got beautiful colouring.