Donald Trump

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Cruz running around saying he is the only one that can beat Hillary in the primary is one reason I didnt want to vote for him. It is not a reason.
Its why you support Trump. You just said you didn't like him but was the best choice.
and not a single mention of obamas wars.

probably because he hasn;t started any, dumbass.

Marriage has no business being a government enterprise anyways

we get it, you're a bitter bigot who is upset about marriage equality. OK.

Bush crashed the global econony?

you don't remember that?

Try Obama adding more to the debt then every other president in history combined.

nope. that's bush you are thinking of.

bush gave obama a $1.539 trillion deficit, and obama never added a penny to it. he even trimmed it by over a trillion dollars.

so every penny of debt can be attributed to bush, since he inherited a surplus. see how that works, or are you dumb?

Or the fact that those evil Bush tax cuts were so bad that Obama continued them.

no he didn't. the bush tax cuts for the rich were discontinued. yet another factor that helped obama cut the deficit more than any other president in history.

you are dumb, dumbass.
Its why you support Trump. You just said you didn't like him but was the best choice.

Where did I say that I did not like him? It is really hard to have a conversation with you when you attempt to translate every thing I say to something else and then reply to that.
Where did I say that I did not like him? It is really hard to have a conversation with you when you attempt to translate every thing I say to something else and then reply to that.

You just said so a few hours ago. You said you don't get to pick who you want. You only get to pick false choices.

I dont get to pick who I want. I get to pick from the false choices the politicians put before me.

Of the possibilities left, he is certainly the best candidate!!
Liberals are about making other people do the shit they want. I agree with you about marriage. If the government got out of it then we wouldnt have to debate whether gay people should be recognized for tax and other government benefits. Because that is the real issue.

Same thing with Abortion. What a woman wants with consent of her doctor and the state medical board is none of our business. Again, no debate if the government isnt involved.
Liberals are about making other people do the shit they want. I agree with you about marriage. If the government got out of it then we wouldnt have to debate whether gay people should be recognized for tax and other government benefits. Because that is the real issue.

Same thing with Abortion. What a woman wants with consent of her doctor and the state medical board is none of our business. Again, no debate if the government isnt involved.
Are you delusional?

Why did the government get involved in the first place? Because the states, run by religious fundamentalists, didn't allow them [gay marriage & abortion] so the federal government stepped in just like they did with civil rights
Liberals are about making other people do the shit they want. I agree with you about marriage. If the government got out of it then we wouldnt have to debate whether gay people should be recognized for tax and other government benefits. Because that is the real issue.

Same thing with Abortion. What a woman wants with consent of her doctor and the state medical board is none of our business. Again, no debate if the government isnt involved.
right, i dont give a shit just dont use my tax dollars to do it
Just watched Gump's Super Tuesday speech. He is getting very polished, even respectable sounding.

Obama adding more to the debt then every other president in history combined.

Obama's policies, including the much-criticized stimulus package, have caused the slowest increase in federal spending of any president in almost 60 years, according to data compiled by the financial news service MarketWatch.

Obama's policies, including the much-criticized stimulus package, have caused the slowest increase in federal spending of any president in almost 60 years, according to data compiled by the financial news service MarketWatch.
let me try and say this real slow once again......debt...does....not...equal...deficit...
Clinton doesn't want to go up against Rubio, her campaign feels he's the only real threat to her, they rather go up against Drumpf or Cruz in that order.

But worry that the GOP will have a brokered convention and nominate Rubio.


Everyone thought Trump's campaign was a joke when he announced in June... I dont think many people are laughing now.
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Everyone thought Trump's campaign was a joke when he announced in June... I dont think many people are laughing now.

I think Rolli quit laughing about a week ago or so. I am looking at the voter turn out, and the democrats better get a hell of a lot more people voting or it will be a slam dunk come november. Now that the facts are in on turn out there better be a plan B. Trump by a land slide if he is chosen. imo

Cruz and Little Marco did better than I thought they would. TRUMP!
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