Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
Actually he stated saying he love everyone to clean and hide the fact that at first he only said he loved the poorly educated. here you go. Helps to keep it honest

Yes, he did say that... we get it. You are going to continue to repeat it right?

Trump disavowed David Duke. But he didnt do it enough times and he didnt do it on Sunday so he cannot do it enough... It gets so damn tiring.


Well-Known Member
Trump says I love to everything. He loves the vets, he loves the educated, he loves the uneducated, he loves the people of new york, he loves the people of North carolina, he loves all that support him.

That's just how he talks.

Latching onto his love for the uneducated is silly because he says he loves everyone. Lol
Benito Mussolini had a lot of love too. Trump brags about the women in his life. One thing about both men is how much they admired themselves.

Benito Mussolini's women
Benito Mussolini had two wives, several mistresses and dozens, possibly hundreds, of casual lovers during his lifetime. Here are the most important women in his life.



Well-Known Member
Yes, he did say that... we get it. You are going to continue to repeat it right?

Trump disavowed David Duke. But he didnt do it enough times and he didnt do it on Sunday so he cannot do it enough... It gets so damn tiring.
He did it and then two days later he didn't. Actually would not even disavow the KKK. Anytime he was asked he should have said fuck David Duke and the KKK. Not try and play on the fence. He trying to maintain that hate vote


Well-Known Member
I dont get to pick who I want. I get to pick from the false choices the politicians put before me.

Of the possibilities left, he is certainly the best candidate!!
He's not left. He's fascist.

  1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
    synonyms: authoritarianism, totalitarianism, dictatorship, despotism, autocracy
    • (in general use) extreme right-wing, authoritarian, or intolerant views or practice.
And it's not just those on the left calling him fascist either. Republicans rightly name him fascist as well.
Republican Presidential candidate for 2016 election Donald Trump has been accused by Democrats as well as Republicans (including rival candidates for the Republican nomination) and also later media outlets of supporting actual fascism/neo-fascism for proposals such as requiring Muslims to carry identification cards, creating a national registry of Muslims, and barring further Muslims from entering the country, as well as for his descriptions of illegal Mexicans as likely "drug dealers" and "rapists," and his calls to deport approximately 25 Million Mexican-Americans, including full American citizens of Mexican descent whose families did not emigrate legally.


Well-Known Member
"whose families did not emigrate legally!"

If it puts someone whos been waiting in line here, and a person who "cut" out, whats wrong with that? Ever been to a 2 am black friday sale, fuck people who cut in lines lol.



Well-Known Member
He's not left. He's fascist.

  1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
    synonyms: authoritarianism, totalitarianism, dictatorship, despotism, autocracy
    • (in general use) extreme right-wing, authoritarian, or intolerant views or practice.
And it's not just those on the left calling him fascist either. Republicans rightly name him fascist as well.
Republican Presidential candidate for 2016 election Donald Trump has been accused by Democrats as well as Republicans (including rival candidates for the Republican nomination) and also later media outlets of supporting actual fascism/neo-fascism for proposals such as requiring Muslims to carry identification cards, creating a national registry of Muslims, and barring further Muslims from entering the country, as well as for his descriptions of illegal Mexicans as likely "drug dealers" and "rapists," and his calls to deport approximately 25 Million Mexican-Americans, including full American citizens of Mexican descent whose families did not emigrate legally.
Could that be because the GOP is terrified that a candidate will be nominated that they cannot control?


Well-Known Member
They say he's not a conservative and they are correct in saying this. Trump is a fascist. That's the best description of his platform..
I am also saying he is not a conservative. I have said it three times now including this post. Do you require any more for it to set in?

He isnt a fascist any more than Obama is a fascist. Your allegations are laughable.
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