Donald Trump

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Uncle Ben

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People who hate common sense (my sig) are really going to hate this next one...
Trump can beat Hillary in New York 》 a really good reason why he should be the nominee. It would be a lot of valuable electoral votes, and a devastating blow to Democrats
I know he could but I can't stand the man. Sad, but the same KIND OF people that voted that fake jive talking Obama in are going for Trump. I agree with Rubio, Trump is a con, a bullshitter, a guy with such a big ego that you MUST like him or else.

What grieves me is how divisive Hillary and Trump are or would be. I'm tired of it.....

Just wish those selfish wannabes Kasich and Carson would back out, NOW. They are diluting votes that could be going to Rubio or Cruz. And I donated to Carson, but there's a time when you need to let go for the good of the party.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
"Sunday at the Nation of Islam, Louis Farrakhan said don’t “fall” for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s “crap” on African-American issues because she and her husband, former President Bill Clinton are responsible for mass incarceration of black people."

For once he's right. She panders to the black vote and they suck it up. I have to laugh, with scorn, when I watch it lately on TV.

Bill Clinton incarcerated a lot of young black men on benign pot charges and his welfare reform policies hurt a lot of black mothers, mostly single moms thanks to the loose values blacks place of marriage and being a good, dedicated father but I digress.

Billary is no friend to blacks. She's in it for Hillary, period.


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Uncle Ben, Rubio doesn't have a chance, and why in the hell would you support a candidate that had the establishments backing? The guy looks like he should den leader of the local boy scouts club.


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You havent sent me money lately, why do you want to punish me? I accept credit cards as well....
You said Trump's wall could be paid for "easily" by a cut in aid to Mexico. That wall is going to cost tens of billions and total aid to Mexico is about 200 million. No way cutting aid to Mexico can be tied to the cost of that wall.

That aid going to our southern neighbor is used mostly to beef up their security forces, fight our war on drugs and keep their poor fed well enough to staff the low wage factories built by foreign companies. Cutting that aid wouldn't take Mexico down, it would hurt the country, mostly its poor, which would give them even more incentive to find a way into the US. If the US wants to cut aid, we can, but to say "pay for that wall or we'll cut aid" we are using a schoolyard bully tactic to no good effect. Cutting aid to Mexico for that reason would have a lot to do with demagoguery, bigotry and racism inherent in your Republican wingnut party and it's leader, the Donald.


Well-Known Member
You are an idiot if you think the corrupt government is using that money for the poor.

But hey, lets just going broke doing feel good things for the world while our finances are a total fucking mess and we are 20 trillion in debt.

How about putting America 1st for once? Why do you hate America so much?​


Well-Known Member
Yet I don't see the same outrage.
You dont see any outrage at all, this is the internet. It is up to you to perceive what you want to perceive.

For over a decade I have said I was against the war but we should support the troops. I did not go kill people or lie in the street in front of tanks if that is your point I guess I am guilty.

Every time we agree on something you seem terribly unhappy about it and want to continue to argue. Why are you so angry?


Well-Known Member
You dont see any outrage at all, this is the internet. It is up to you to perceive what you want to perceive.

For over a decade I have said I was against the war but we should support the troops. I did not go kill people or lie in the street in front of tanks if that is your point I guess I am guilty.

Every time we agree on something you seem terribly unhappy about it and want to continue to argue. Why are you so angry?
Who did you vote for in '04? If you voted for Dubya, spare me the "I was against the war" nonsense.
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