Donald Trump

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Up until a couple weeks ago, I thought David Duke was some guy from the Dukes of Hazard


"How do I feel about an endorsement from a former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan who thinks his personal beliefs and my rhetoric on this campaign trail match better than any other republican candidate in the race? I don't like it."

Yeah, no shit he wouldn't like it, and no wonder why you wouldn't like his name attached to Trump either

Why does David Duke think his white nationalistic beliefs match up closer to Trump's more than anyone else in the republican race?

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists, and some, I assume, are good people." -Trump

"How do I feel about an endorsement from a former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan who thinks his personal beliefs and my rhetoric on this campaign trail match better than any other republican candidate in the race? I don't like it."

Yeah, no shit he wouldn't like it, and no wonder why you wouldn't like his name attached to Trump either

Why does David Duke think his white nationalistic beliefs match up closer to Trump's more than anyone else in the republican race?

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists, and some, I assume, are good people." -Trump
You're asking the wrong person. If you want to know David Duke's opinions, I'm sure the information is out there.
Personally, I could care less. You can bet he loves liberals giving him a lot of attention. People who make a living off racism love publicity. Take Al Sharpton for example
Stimulate demand in the Economy what.
Was that a question?

How does Trump's economic plan stimulate demand?

And half if not better of your questions YOUR current adminstration has no fucking clue
I don't care about the current administration, I'm talking about a hypothetical Trump administration. You're about the dozenth Trump supporter I've asked to get into specifics and none of you can do it. You're doing to Donald Trump exactly what preteens do when they see boy bands like One Direction. You like him because what he says makes you feel good, and what he says also appeals to KKK members, because it's certainly not policy that attracts you to him, otherwise you would have an answer to each of those questions I asked you.
Isis lol you mean pulling out of Iraq wasn't a good idea
No, going into Iraq wasn't a good idea. This is according to the overwhelming majority of military and political experts
Libya yeah not evening asking Congress to go to war in that hell hole. Sorry for the run on sentence fired up.
Answer those questions. I want to know where Trump stands on each of them and unfortunately, the answers remain vague. I think if you want to call yourself an 'informed voter', you should be able to answer them, they're pretty basic questions.
We realize you don't give a shit you dumb ass high school drop out and what to tell us how you are a successful business man. GTFO. If you did have a business your employees were cheating the shit out of you...because you are a dumb ass high school drop out. CHUMP

It sounds like you are ready for a cock fight. LOL TRUMP!
You're asking the wrong person. If you want to know David Duke's opinions, I'm sure the information is out there.
Personally, I could care less. You can bet he loves liberals giving him a lot of attention. People who make a living off racism love publicity. Take Al Sharpton for example
Duke shares Trump's opinions

A former grand wizard in the Ku Klux Klan shares the same opinions about Muslims and minorities as Donald Trump

If somebody like Duke endorsed Sanders, I would sure as hell look very closely at Sanders political opinions regarding Muslims and minorities, and if they were racist, I wouldn't support Sanders because if I continued to support him, I wouldn't have an answer for the people that would ask me about his racist views, they would be indefensible. So why didn't you do that with Trump's views about Muslims and minorities? How can you defend them?
Was that a question?

How does Trump's economic plan stimulate demand?

I don't care about the current administration, I'm talking about a hypothetical Trump administration. You're about the dozenth Trump supporter I've asked to get into specifics and none of you can do it. You're doing to Donald Trump exactly what preteens do when they see boy bands like One Direction. You like him because what he says makes you feel good, and what he says also appeals to KKK members, because it's certainly not policy that attracts you to him, otherwise you would have an answer to each of those questions I asked you.

No, going into Iraq wasn't a good idea. This is according to the overwhelming majority of military and political experts

Answer those questions. I want to know where Trump stands on each of them and unfortunately, the answers remain vague. I think if you want to call yourself an 'informed voter', you should be able to answer them, they're pretty basic questions.
So answer them for your candidate sanders/Clinton. Beside Bern's weird sexual exploits and tax tax free free free. What kind of plan is that
Duke shares Trump's opinions

A former grand wizard in the Ku Klux Klan shares the same opinions about Muslims and minorities as Donald Trump

If somebody like Duke endorsed Sanders, I would sure as hell look very closely at Sanders political opinions regarding Muslims and minorities, and if they were racist, I wouldn't support Sanders because if I continued to support him, I wouldn't have an answer for the people that would ask me about his racist views, they would be indefensible. So why didn't you do that with Trump's views about Muslims and minorities? How can you defend them?
Um not sure about the minorities you speak of. Illegals yes, and a pause on Muslim migration not a bad idea when you consider what Europe is dealing with at the moment. If they were vettable one thing, but if 1 to 2% aren't legit it will cost lives.
So answer them for your candidate sanders/Clinton. Beside Bern's weird sexual exploits and tax tax free free free. What kind of plan is that
1. How is he going to pay for the wall between the US and Mexico?
2. How is he going to stimulate demand in the economy if he plans on lowering the upper-class' income tax from 39.5% to 25%? (Including lowering the corporate tax to 15%)
3. What is his foreign policy plan for Syria/Iraq/ISIS?
4. What is his domestic policy on health care?
5. What does he plan to do about reinstating Glass-Steagall and/or improving upon it?
6. What's his stance on Citizens United and campaign finance reform?
7. What's his stance on corporate welfare?
8. Climate change?
9. Amnesty?
10. The NSA and domestic spying?
11. The war on drugs?
12. The private prison industry?
13. The military industrial complex/the defense budget?
14. Abortion/Planned Parenthood?
15. Gay marriage?
16. Gun control reform?
1. NA
2. He's going to increase the federal minimum wage to a living wage, thereby increasing the amount of disposable income Americans have
4. Medicare for all, universal health care for all Americans
5. Reinstate and improve
6. Overturn and get all special interest influence and big money out of politics
7. End corporate welfare
8. Enact comprehensive climate change legislation, reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, develope renewable energy sources
9. Supports immigration reform
10. Opposes NSA domestic spying programs
11. Opposes locking people up for using drugs
12. Opposes the for-profit private prison industry
13. Supports actual defensive military strategy, opposes getting involved in conflicts against American interests
14. Supports a woman's right to choose, supports Planned Parenthood
15. Supports gay marriage
16. Supports gun control reform


Now you do that for Trump
Um not sure about the minorities you speak of. Illegals yes, and a pause on Muslim migration not a bad idea when you consider what Europe is dealing with at the moment. If they were vettable one thing, but if 1 to 2% aren't legit it will cost lives.
Where does it grant our government the power to deny groups of people based on their religion entrance into our country in the constitution?
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