Donald Trump

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Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
How come no one is mentioning the homeless problem in this country.
A lot of the homeless people just want handouts.
What if we send those bad leeches to mexico and take the good mexicans in exchange?
The mexican government can use the leeches to test thier drugs or whatever.

I think there is quite a bit a racism going on against Dr. Carson. No one gives him the time he deserves and its because he is black.


Well-Known Member
you are not allowed to smoke cannabis in this country.

how stupid are you not to understand that concept?
That's a tenth amendment issue. Trump is pro-medical + leave it up to the states, Hillary is flip flopping, says she doesn't know about state legalization, and Bernie tried to smoke a joint once, it made him cough, everybody called him pussy


Well-Known Member
by your misspelling of the word "racist", i'm gonna go ahead and guess 2anonymous (the holocaust denier).

You know what I am a german and don't believe in some stupid holocaust shit I am also racist ( At least I like to be with german speaking and WHITE people) I always though you were a bit off but it has been almost a year and a half since I last posted and you have.not changed at all. Don't ban me for speaking my mind but I don't like you at all and this will be the last time I respond to you.


Well-Known Member
Sorry about their luck. I am not in that business. Who the hell knows , maybe some of them got rich? School is not for everyone, look where you ended up right here at RIU trying to convince a retired guy that he should get a diploma. I don't think your papers helped you much either. If I were you I would sue your school district. TRUMP!
Sure thing quitter. Tell us anything.


Well-Known Member
When I listen to collage kids on the news it sounds like they all got scammed . They should be able to sue the university if they can't get a job. So get the word out. Sue Sue Sue. TRUMP!
damn that fucking auto-correct failed you again. I bet without it you would be even more lost. I would hate to see your math skills

care to take a stab at this ? 5th grade problem.


Well-Known Member
The Establishment GOP's plan C candidate if Rubio fails on Super Tuesday is Mitt Romney. The Koch brothers have already pulled together 75 million dollars for his campaign.
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Well-Known Member
You know what I am a german and don't believe in some stupid holocaust shit I am also racist ( At least I like to be with german speaking and WHITE people) I always though you were a bit off but it has been almost a year and a half since I last posted and you have.not changed at all. Don't ban me for speaking my mind but I don't like you at all and this will be the last time I respond to you.
fitch303. got it.

i've just chased off so many of you, it gets hard to keep track of.
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