Donald Trump

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I realize, there were and are obstacles that stand in the way of Black people because of their race. I'm not blind. But rather than admit defeat, do like the Asians do, stop thinking about your race, and don't stop working until you get your paper right. I don't want to be a jerk, or sound insensitive, but I'm not going to coddle you because you black. You shouldn't want that as a grown man. Doesn't that bother you, that liberals glad-hand you about their role in institutional racism, telling you you're brave and strong for just being black. Not judging you by the quality of your character, treating you like some exotic pet that you can't say certain words around?
I realize, there were and are obstacles that stand in the way of Black people because of their race. I'm not blind. But rather than admit defeat, do like the Asians do, stop thinking about your race, and don't stop working until you get your paper right. I don't want to be a jerk, or sound insensitive, but I'm not going to coddle you because you black. You shouldn't want that as a grown man. Doesn't that bother you, that liberals glad-hand you about their role in institutional racism, telling you you're brave and strong for just being black. Not judging you by the quality of your character, treating you like some exotic pet that you can't say certain words around?
We've been treated like "exotic pets" since 1619. Why stop now?
You act like being white and poor is easy. Might not be as hard as being black and poor, but it isn't a contest to see who struggles more. I don't give a fuck if you're black, if you're qualified, I would be a fool not to hire you. Why would any businessman look at income for his company and watch it walk out the door because of something petty like that?

You can still be a slave in your mind, the cage is invisible. You ever read any Ellison? Don't tokenize yourself man, you're worth more than that.
You act like being white and poor is easy. Might not be as hard as being black and poor, but it isn't a contest to see who struggles more. I don't give a fuck if you're black, if you're qualified, I would be a fool not to hire you. Why would any businessman look at income for his company and watch it walk out the door because of something petty like that?

You can still be a slave in your mind, the cage is invisible. You ever read any Ellison? Don't tokenize yourself man, you're worth more than that.
You're making the same mistakes as the other idiots in here by thinking that this is just about me. It's not, I do fine personally.
And I won't give you pity, because that would be racist. To just assume that you need a hand without you asking, that's just offensive.
Not "you", I know you're alright. I just mean, think about it, what if everyone was sensitive to your race? You'd be having white people throwing money at you, grown men holding doors open for you, bosses talking to you like a child because they think they might upset you. I would be furious, if "racism" ended today as an independent black man.
Not "you", I know you're alright. I just mean, think about it, what if everyone was sensitive to your race? You'd be having white people throwing money at you, grown men holding doors open for you, bosses talking to you like a child because they think they might upset you. I would be furious, if "racism" ended today as an independent black man.
And somehow the EXACT OPPOSITE is better?
I think I know you well enough, just by talking to you here, to tell you that you're the kind of person that doesn't need to be handed respect. I wouldn't say it's the opposite right now man, I think you might be confusing the Black Experience with the general American Experience right now. I see a lot of good, honest white and black folks out of work without a lot of hope right now. I can't even count the number of kids in my graduating class are underground from heroine right now. Shit is bad right now man, generally, I think if we're going to heal the country, we have to do it on even footing. America owes black people a debt, that is for sure, and that debt is going to be repaid by stopping this immigration nightmare and giving black, and white, people their god damn dignity back.
I think I know you well enough, just by talking to you here, to tell you that you're the kind of person that doesn't need to be handed respect. I wouldn't say it's the opposite right now man, I think you might be confusing the Black Experience with the general American Experience right now. I see a lot of good, honest white and black folks out of work without a lot of hope right now. I can't even count the number of kids in my graduating class are underground from heroine right now. Shit is bad right now man, generally, I think if we're going to heal the country, we have to do it on even footing. America owes black people a debt, that is for sure, and that debt is going to be repaid by stopping this immigration nightmare and giving black, and white, people their god damn dignity back.
I actually agree with most of what you posted (hence the "like"), with the exception of the immigration part.
Well man, here's where the rubber hits the road. Work habits start young, you have to start somewhere gaining experience so that other places aren't looking at a 25-year-old that never held down a job on a resume (most college graduates think this is okay though).

What is happening, and why immigration should be so important to blacks immediately, is that immigrants take jobs away from black youth at a shockingly disproportionate level.

Illegal immigrants live in low income neighborhoods, which were largely black communities prior to them showing up (for better or worse, no one can deny that blacks were forced into ghettos). America is now forcing blacks to compete like gladiators for that first job to get the ball rolling, hopefully (and man I realize it's a bullshit version of the american dream to begin with) out of the killings on the street. They let them in, it's blacks that are on the hook for the housing shortages and job loss.

Look at LA right now, black kids can't get jobs anywhere in the inner city without knowing how to speak Spanish fluently. That's absurd, we can't, as a country with a debt, let a whole generation be victims of companies' love for even cheaper labor.
Well man, here's where the rubber hits the road. Work habits start young, you have to start somewhere gaining experience so that other places aren't looking at a 25-year-old that never held down a job on a resume (most college graduates think this is okay though).

What is happening, and why immigration should be so important to blacks immediately, is that immigrants take jobs away from black youth at a shockingly disproportionate level.

Illegal immigrants live in low income neighborhoods, which were largely black communities prior to them showing up (for better or worse, no one can deny that blacks were forced into ghettos). America is now forcing blacks to compete like gladiators for that first job to get the ball rolling, hopefully (and man I realize it's a bullshit version of the american dream to begin with) out of the killings on the street. They let them in, it's blacks that are on the hook for the housing shortages and job loss.

Look at LA right now, black kids can't get jobs anywhere in the inner city without knowing how to speak Spanish fluently. That's absurd, we can't, as a country with a debt, let a whole generation be victims of companies' love for even cheaper labor.
Then why are whites so concerned? Please don't tell me that it's of concern for black people, because we both know better than that. I don't have a problem with anyone coming to America in an attempt to improve their lives, and the lives of their families. That's what I was taught this country was supposed to be about.
The problem with the republicans winning the pres, they would have control of all 3 branches of the gov & they would quickly try to undo decades of progress we have made in this country in womens rights, the environment, Health care, and many many would set the country back decades & decades. I just hate to see us go backwards. They would give tax brakes to the rich & fuck over the rest of us to push their religion down our throats & discriminate against anyone they wish......not my idea of "progress"...
Not really difficult for a complete moron. Do you know how much aid the US gives Mexico? Not chump change but nothing like the cost of that wall.

The U.S. Government gave a total of $209,432,920 to Mexico in 2012:

The aid was broken down in the following manner:
  • Child Survival and Health: $-12,200
  • Department of Defense Security Assistance: $39,854
  • Development Assistance: $17,948,047
  • Economic Support Fund/Security Support Assistance: $40,810,450
  • Global Health and Child Survival: $3,894,197
  • Narcotics Control: $27,565,779
  • Nonproliferation, Anti-Terrorism, Demining and Related: $7,074,531
  • Other Active Grant Programs: $15,381,152
  • Other State Assistance: $2,700,596
  • Other USAID Assistance: $2,764
  • Other USDA Assistance: $372,914
  • Peace Corps: $2,000,836
  • Military Assistance, Total: $91,654,000
So, you have the pen. Cross off any line items you want to. Then tell my how the savings add up to the 30 billion or so that this wall will cost us. Factor in the cost to protect, maintain and patrol this 1300 mile long wall, I'll let you do the ciphering to figure that one out. Oh, and make sure its patrolled at a level that gives us 99% certainty that nobody gets through.

I would cross off all of it for as many years as the wall takes to be repaid. And the wall isnt going to cost 10 billion dollars. That is just crap. There was an ice skating rink in New York that had been under construction for years with no end in sight. Trump took it over and got it done on time and budget. He is a builder, he understands construction costs and how to keep them reasonable. He has a proven track record of building things.
Former CIA Director: Trump’s foreign policy “would be in violation of all international laws of armed combat”

Michael Hayden appeared on "Real Time with Bill Maher" last night to blast Trump's approach to ISIS

Now if Donald was smart he would give all the immigrants a number. Let them pay for entry in the US through taxation. (They already have the jobs)

Once the entry fee has been met, Taxes can then be diverted to China as normal.
Now if Donald was smart he would give all the immigrants a number. Let them pay for entry in the US through taxation. (They already have the jobs)

Once the entry fee has been met, Taxes can then be diverted to China as normal.
The problem with that is simply the fact that this fight over immigration has very little to do with immigration. It has much more to do with white American irrational fear of brown people. This wouldn't be an issue if our southern neighbor was, for example, Norway.
The problem with that is simply the fact that this fight over immigration has very little to do with immigration. It has much more to do with white American irrational fear of brown people. This wouldn't be an issue if our southern neighbor was, for example, Norway.
You couldn't just say Canada? Most Canadians have no desire to enter our country illegally, it's called mutual respect. Mexico is disrespectful as hell, they think it's all about them, then they convince liberals it's all our fault.... no wonder America never wins anymore
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You couldn't just say Canada? Most Canadians have no desire to enter our country illegally, it's called mutual respect. Mexico is disrespectful as hell, they think it's all about them, then they convince liberals it's all our fault.... no wonder America never wins anymore
We have people from many nations who enter OR STAY in America illegally. Overstay of visa is one of the main ways.
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