Donald Trump

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Maybe Donald Trump isn't winning the election in your Underground-Marxist-Sewer-Paradise, but up on the surface, it's Trump country baby.
Dude, what planet do you live on? He's got the primaries sewn up, clearly, and no one likes Hillary. She still could (unlikely) catch the indictment. She did break the law, after all.
The problem with the republicans winning the pres, they would have control of all 3 branches of the gov & they would quickly try to undo decades of progress we have made in this country in womens rights, the environment, Health care, and many many would set the country back decades & decades. I just hate to see us go backwards. They would give tax brakes to the rich & fuck over the rest of us to push their religion down our throats & discriminate against anyone they wish......not my idea of "progress"...
The problem with the republicans winning the pres, they would have control of all 3 branches of the gov & they would quickly try to undo decades of progress we have made in this country in womens rights, the environment, Health care, and many many would set the country back decades & decades. I just hate to see us go backwards. They would give tax brakes to the rich & fuck over the rest of us to push their religion down our throats & discriminate against anyone they wish......not my idea of "progress"...

WHAT PROGRESS?!?!?! Endless war and a drone campaign that earned us the animus of the whole world? The EPA dumping toxic waste into the Colorado River? Obamacare making my premiums literally double, despite never seeing a doctor since I've enrolled? Women's right? Are you serious? Trump is pro-life, but he just recently defended Planned Parenthood as necessary to provide services for women. He has daughters and a heart, never did he even hint at taking away abortion rights. I'm telling you, I'm as skeptical of government as you can be, this is actually the black-swan we've been waiting for. I understand why you don't like the GOPe, no one does but wealthy doners. Trump is different, if he wasn't, why would every public intellectual that has been cheerleading for endless wars hate him so much?

Trumps tax plan: 0% for anyone unmarried making making under 50k

Bernie's tax plan: 12.2% for 0-9.5k a year, and it only goes up from there.

I don't live underground.....but I do have a basement.....full of weed(:

Yeah man, come to think of it, I have an Underground-Marxist-Paradise in my basement too, I guess I'm in a glass house on that one
Look man, I've had too many friends die on Mexican dope. You know what that feels like? Having a mate die from the smack they let flow over that border? We all know the government sells drugs here, I don't have to tell anyone that. Trump will ferret out those traitors, he's not taking paychecks and speaking fees from the crooks that are benefiting from our dead kids and soldiers.

50% black youth unemployment rate and you don't think immigration is a problem? Illegals with anchor-babies taking welfare checks while Vietnam veterans that were forced to kill for greed are left to suffer on the street? Why don't you care about your people? We have so many Americans suffering, those babies in Flint that will be affected by lead for the rest of their lives, the residents of Detroit without water? We have to stop caring about whether or not Mrs. Mohammed can vote in the next Afghan election, we have our own people dying on the withering streets that our fathers' built.
WHAT PROGRESS?!?!?! Endless war and a drone campaign that earned us the animus of the whole world? The EPA dumping toxic waste into the Colorado River? Obamacare making my premiums literally double, despite never seeing a doctor since I've enrolled? Women's right? Are you serious? Trump is pro-life, but he just recently defended Planned Parenthood as necessary to provide services for women. He has daughters and a heart, never did he even hint at taking away abortion rights. I'm telling you, I'm as skeptical of government as you can be, this is actually the black-swan we've been waiting for. I understand why you don't like the GOPe, no one does but wealthy doners. Trump is different, if he wasn't, why would every public intellectual that has been cheerleading for endless wars hate him so much?

Trumps tax plan: 0% for anyone unmarried making making under 50k

Bernie's tax plan: 12.2% for 0-9.5k a year, and it only goes up from there.

Yeah man, come to think of it, I have an Underground-Marxist-Paradise in my basement too, I guess I'm in a glass house on that one
It's not so much trump (although he batshit crazy), it the rest of the repubs in the senate & congress (more batshit crazy than trump).....defund the EPA?...really?....throw out our only working health care program?....My Kaiser health coverage monthly co-pay went to '0' a month under Obama care...The EPA was trying to cleanup a Superfund polluted sight that was a mine left behind by a corp that left the polluted mess for the public to clean up after they went bankrupt, and it didn't work out as was a fucking mess left behind by a mining corp they were trying to clean up...
I love this country with every ounce of my being. Trump has given me the hope that I'd never thought I'd have in America. I mean that sincerely, I think of that man as a dear friend, without even knowing him, and what other people are hearing as vitriol, I'm hearing as a man that is speaking from a place of great passion and the same love I feel for my beautiful country. I wouldn't leave the US if you paid me, and I'm a career criminal.

The EPA's critical failure, is that it keeps allowing those companies to get away with that sort of thing. You think BP cleaned up the Gulf? Fuck no, they pumped some mutigenic compound all over the sea-floor and fisherman are pulling up godzilla crabs for the next 100 years. They did however, pay a several-billion dollar fine to some champagne-socialists that work at a government office. No one is watching the Watchmen.

I had to quit my job, because my insurance was almost half of what I was taking home a month after my union was gutted, and everyone's contracts were re-negotiated to part-time. I made just enough to not qualify for assistance, because they let me keep my seniority, obviously.

So I quit my job to avoid involuntary servitude to a company that ransoms sick kid's health while they watch parents bankrupt themselves. That is not a tenable solution to health-care. Quit your job so you can get Medicaid? But that's what I had to do. The solution to education isn't "tax everyone and make the government pay your tuition", it's "address why tuition is so expensive, why money isn't worth anything, why are our educators so bad at their jobs, why aren't there any jobs for young people to pay their way through college, and why do we let universities get away with all of it?"

The country is afflicted with very complicated issues right now, a simple fix-all like $15 minimum wage is an emotionally potent oversimplification that serves only to palliate the underlying condition.
Meanwhile I'm watching my impoverished peers circle the drain in a miasma of demoralization and Mexican brown dope. I can't have another Obama, I can't watch my people die and suffer while he sends billion dollar checks to Israel to buy more Iron Dome (completely worthless) rockets.

"Another trillion, it's nothing really"

Meanwhile American citizens in Flint are forced to drink water that will permanently lower a whole generation of IQ, it absolutely sickens me.
And then we get AIPAC wind-up toys like Cruz, who claims to be a "Washington outsider", despite his wife being an investment banker for Goldman, and himself being a senator who's biggest party doner is............... wait for it.................. Goldman Sachs.

And they call Trump a demagogue. Laughable.
You guys want to see something really terrifying? Look up Mr. Sander's voting record in accordance to foreign wars. I don't think you're going to like what you see. He's a Trojan Horse, AstroTurf grass-roots. No more war.

Trump is the only candidate that has never supported any of Bush's and Obama's wars, and is on video record from as far back as 2002 saying that war would destabilize the middle-east. A vote for Bernie is tacit approval for every war since Kosovo, all of which Bernie has voted for. Dead kids, more soldiers in caskets for Israel's wars. Can you really support that? A self-identified Democratic Party "company man". Remember that in November.
Bucks mad because Trump is dominating polls, and Hillary is beating Bernie because she bought all the superdelegates. Get ready to bite the bullet and vote for a neo-con that's going to lose the general. Here's what RT had to say today:

I don't hate Jews UncleCuck, I'm just not blind to special interest groups, and the glaring over-representation of Jewish-Israeli interests in media. You have a penchant for willful denial, cuck.

Buck, you should advertise on Craigslist as a human punching-bag. You've really carved out a niche for yourself.
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