injunction/court case updates

I am thinking that dgs might be totally eliminated. Grow or LP is my thought process. Though it would be great if they allowed storefront sales.
We're all speculating so let's stop arguing till we know.
Why argue over something that hasn't even happened yet?
We know we can grow. Let's just be thankful we won and bitch about the new system once we actually have one.
I am thinking that dgs might be totally eliminated. Grow or LP is my thought process. Though it would be great if they allowed storefront sales.
We're all speculating so let's stop arguing till we know.
Why argue over something that hasn't even happened yet?
We know we can grow. Let's just be thankful we won and bitch about the new system once we actually have one.
I am thinking the opposite. A patient has a right to affordable meds and specific strains regardless of their ability to grow. I think rules will change, maybe dg's will have to register and be licensed...? I'm all for your suggestion that we celebrate what we just won and worry about the next setback when it happens.
I honestly can't see the DG program being eliminated, because some folks are too ill to grow for themselves. Just because they're very sick doesn't change their constitutional right to have some form of "homegrown" MMJ of their choice....IMO.
I honestly can't see the DG program being eliminated because some folks are too ill to grow for themselves. Just because they're very sick doesn't change their constitutional right to have some form of "homegrown" MMJ of their choice....IMO.
I feel like the government response to those who can't grow is to use the producers. Chris's suggestion was a good one, maybe they'll just regulate dgs a little more but still allow for them. I would love them to cap LP pricing as I know affordability was a big issue in the allard case.
I am thinking the opposite. A patient has a right to affordable meds and specific strains regardless of their ability to grow. I think rules will change, maybe dg's will have to register and be licensed...? I'm all for your suggestion that we celebrate what we just won and worry about the next setback when it happens.
DG's had to register and be licensed to become a DG under the MMAR it was not a problem
From reading through the judgement reasons, here is what I believe it all boiled down to.

[211] It is unnecessary to debate whether the Plaintiffs’ preference of one strain versus another is medically established. There is enough anecdotal evidence that the type of strain affects the patients’ choice in treating their illnesses. Additionally, there is enough evidence that currently, the LP regime may not have an adequate supply of a patient’s dose amount in their preference of strain.
[212] The Plaintiffs have established that the MMPR has undermined the health and safety of medical marihuana users by diminishing the quality of their health care through severe restrictions on access to medical marihuana. It is the restriction that engages s 7 interests.

Without adequate s 1 evidence, s 7 violation stands.
Here's a question: my license is for indoors. Will that still apply.
I am putting up a 10 x 20 greenhouse which is indoor in my view but what if I want to put some other plants around my property?
My feeling is that properly crafted regulations would remove most, if not all of the DG / LP divide.

The MMPR treats cannabis like nuclear waste. If it's treated like what it is, a plant, restrictions should be heavily relaxed on LP's, and some kind of threshold saying if you grow over X plants, or wattage, or whatever, you're 'commercial' and have more regulations than a 'non-commercial' operation.

As far as growing regs themselves, I think they should be relaxed if you use LED's, and a little more strict if you use MH/HPS (heat issue mostly).

Just have a yearly electrical / whatever else inspection, that has to be scheduled in advance, and not an inspection regime that lets the NIMBY's barge into your place whenever they feel like it.

The KISS principle is the best way to go here :)
I'm probably going to start a dozen plants but will likely only be able to accommodate four or five inside and don't want to waste beans. As well it's my first attempt in a GH so I may need some back ups. To offset my stupid.
The changing from Designated grower to caregiver hints that there should be no money or compensation required. To me a caregiver means a family member or close friend that is willing to donated their time on a compassionate basis and provide care to the sick. If your willing to pay someone for your meds you should be required to purchase from a regulated source of your choice. If you want to grow yourself you should follow any building codes and get any electrical work inspected, just like any other home renovation.

My feeling is that properly crafted regulations would remove most, if not all of the DG / LP divide.

The MMPR treats cannabis like nuclear waste. If it's treated like what it is, a plant, restrictions should be heavily relaxed on LP's, and some kind of threshold saying if you grow over X plants, or wattage, or whatever, you're 'commercial' and have more regulations than a 'non-commercial' operation.

As far as growing regs themselves, I think they should be relaxed if you use LED's, and a little more strict if you use MH/HPS (heat issue mostly).

Just have a yearly electrical / whatever else inspection, that has to be scheduled in advance, and not an inspection regime that lets the NIMBY's barge into your place whenever they feel like it.

The KISS principle is the best way to go here :)
Electrical load is load...dont matter the type of lighting. We figured out how to safely use electricity a long time ago. A one time inspection to verify the system is to code should be good it is for everything else.
[QUOTE="itsmehigh, post: 12362778, member: 473957" If your willing to pay someone for your meds you should be required to purchase from a regulated source of your choice.

Fuck that.....I bet you wouldn't. How about people buy from where they please.[/QUOTE]

Your right I wouldn't, I'm self sufficient, but if someone has medical issues or compromised immune system there need to be some sort of system in place to assure that what you are consuming is safe and tested.

The changing from Designated grower to caregiver hints that there should be no money or compensation required. To me a caregiver means a family member or close friend that is willing to donated their time on a compassionate basis and provide care to the sick. If your willing to pay someone for your meds you should be required to purchase from a regulated source of your choice. If you want to grow yourself you should follow any building codes and get any electrical work inspected, just like any other home renovation.

regulated source of your!
regulated source = golden ticket holders...fuck that noise.
I rese
regulated source of your!
regulated source = golden ticket holders...fuck that noise.

Either way someone gets a golden ticket, if I was sick I would want some sort of peace of mind that my meds were safe. There are many unscrupulous people out there growing, and their only concern is their bottom line. Your telling me that if you were sick and needed to choose from a producer you would pick one that was not regulated to test and provide safe meds? How would you choose what producer to use?

It's no secret that I intend to be a producer, I have no problem following regulations that will insure that the cannabis I grow is tested and deemed safe for my patients. That's just good manufacturing practice. Otherwise who knows what poisons or other shady growing techniques were used in the production of your meds.

I rese

Either way someone gets a golden ticket, if I was sick I would want some sort of peace of mind that my meds were safe. There are many unscrupulous people out there growing, and their only concern is their bottom line. Your telling me that if you were sick and needed to choose from a producer you would pick one that was not regulated to test and provide safe meds? How would you choose what producer to use?

I can spot mold as I'm sure you can too, do you need to pay more for someone to tell you that?
Absolutely I can. But can you identify the pesticide or fungicide that was used to treat your meds? hypothetically how would you choose a supplier of your meds? From an unknown source or from a source that needs to follow some sort of GMP? I find it hard to believe that if you had the choice of the same strain at the same price, you would pick the one that was Un tested and grown without any good manufacturing practices.

Electrical load is load...dont matter the type of lighting. We figured out how to safely use electricity a long time ago. A one time inspection to verify the system is to code should be good it is for everything else.

Yep, as I mentioned the concern with non-LED's is heat (I'd like to see actual fire stats on how many were caused by heat issues from MH/HPS). In any event, the 'extra' regulations would just be something like you have to have x metres of clearance or whatever. Common sense stuff.