injunction/court case updates

I think it would be impossible to prove certain pesticides are being used in a BM grow. But I wouldn't doubt it. More likely a large OC grow would do that than someone who is smoking their own.

Anybody would be Niave to think that people wouldn't take shortcuts and "save" their crop from pests. Trust me it happens often.

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Monstrosity is the word you were looking for and yes you are just as bad as the rest of the lp's and lp wannabes. Dirty as fuck. You played fast and loose withe the mmar and tried to play the mmpr game but got denied. Everything that you've been suggesting isn't to keep anyone safe it's to restrict our access to medication. Not gonna fly mr dirty as fuck. Hi it's me..

Shhhh....the grown ups are talking....

You seem like an intellectet person, and the fact that you shop at a farmers market tells me your concerned what goes into your body. Then why would you consume cannabis that you have no idea how it was grown or if any poison was used in the cultivation. That makes no sense to me, I for one would like to know that some form of GMP was used to bring a safe test product to market, it's just common sense to me.

why can't others be like yours?
seems to me you're making an assumption that DG's grow crap or is somehow sub pa. not all DG's are scum...there are a lot and I know my wife's last DG. great product but he was scum.
if you care about what you're growing then you wouldn't be doing things to harm the plant so it will be successful and produce a great product. if "it's a job" then that will show in the final product.
You seem like an intellectet person, and the fact that you shop at a farmers market tells me your concerned what goes into your body. Then why would you consume cannabis that you have no idea how it was grown or if any poison was used in the cultivation. That makes no sense to me, I for one would like to know that some form of GMP was used to bring a safe test product to market, it's just common sense to me.


I shop at a farmers market because it's cheap and close to my house. I would think everyone is concerned about what is going into their bodies.

Farmer's markets don't have itemized documentation, with pictures of how tomatoes or whatever was grown. So by your logic, the government should only let large scale food producers sell to customers because 'they have no idea how it was grown' or if any 'poison' was used. Seems as though we're casting some FUD here as well, conflating pesticides with 'poison'.

So again, to justify these regulations you have to have some evidence. I don't doubt in large grows pesticides are used, but you have to point to a cause and effect relationship to justify regulations.
why can't others be like yours?
seems to me you're making an assumption that DG's grow crap or is somehow sub pa. not all DG's are scum...there are a lot and I know my wife's last DG. great product but he was scum.
if you care about what you're growing then you wouldn't be doing things to harm the plant so it will be successful and produce a great product. if "it's a job" then that will show in the final product.

I'm sure there are but how do you determine which are the good guys and which are the scum. If they aren't willing to follow some sort of protocol or have their product tested, that would be a red flag to me. What are they afraid of?

I think it would be impossible to prove certain pesticides are being used in a BM grow. But I wouldn't doubt it. More likely a large OC grow would do that than someone who is smoking their own.
Canada is the only country to my knowledge that has banned avid for food products. It has a half life of 3days and completely done after 90. If used in veg only it would have no effect on end product. Seen it used and tested at 90 day mark. Came back with not trace
To each their own, you can buy from unknown sources, but if I was sick and purchasing something I'm consuming, Im buying from a regulated and quality assured provider. I guess I'm funny that way. Why should cannabis be different than any other natural health product? How many NHP are produced with no sort of regulation? Why are you so against good manufacturing practices?

Canada is the only country to my knowledge that has banned avid for food products. It has a half life of 3days and completely done after 90. If used in veg only it would have no effect on end product. Seen it used and tested at 90 day mark. Came back with not trace

Same as Nova, it's systemic and remains in the plant up to 90 days. Most flower cycles are approx. 63 -70 days. You do the math. Neither one of these poisons have a place in medical cannabis.

You seem like an intellectet person, and the fact that you shop at a farmers market tells me your concerned what goes into your body. Then why would you consume cannabis that you have no idea how it was grown or if any poison was used in the cultivation. That makes no sense to me, I for one would like to know that some form of GMP was used to bring a safe test product to market, it's just common sense to me.


You have no idea how that stuff at the farmers market was grown... but ok...

I recently heard through ICmag, but then another friend of mine that indeed the LPs have been using Nova because HC doesn't test for it. But sure, you trust the system.
You have no idea how that stuff at the farmers market was grown... but ok...

I recently heard through ICmag, but then another friend of mine that indeed the LPs have been using Nova because HC doesn't test for it. But sure, you trust the system.

And I would say, that someone growing cannabis because they enjoy it / for sick people they know is far more trustworthy than LP's who routinely broke regulations for photo-ops.

And and it's funny the anti-advertising regulations apparently mean nothing given Cannimed has advertisements on the floor of the Saskatoon airport.
seems to me it's in the best interest to the consumer to know that their meds come from a safe regulated source. No? What do you have against consumer protection? Are you a commercial grower worried about your cultivation techniques?

Same as Nova, it's systemic and remains in the plant up to 90 days. Most flower cycles are approx. 63 -70 days. You do the math. Neither one of these poisons have a place in medical cannabis.

Thats why i said during veg. Unless you have no veg time. Personally perfer chem to bug shit if used correctly. Btw i dont use either been using mega wash works well and organic.
seems to me it's in the best interest to the consumer to know that their meds come from a safe regulated source. No? What do you have against consumer protection? Are you a commercial grower worried about your cultivation techniques?


Since you've run out of arguments and are in ad-hominem territory, I guess we're done here. When you can justify your proposal without casting aspersions at individuals, let us know.
I haven't proposed anything, I'm just expressing my opinion and if I was a patient were I would purchase my meds from. I'm not a patient I smoke to get high and grow my own. I've got no pony in this race, just my opinion.
