How short can I keep my plants?


Well-Known Member
So I want to grow but of course my issue is space. I think I am going to keep it in a shed and I I will have about 3 feet from the bottom of the HPS light to the floor.

Will that be enough?


Well-Known Member
you will have to do some lsting(low stress training) to keep them real short, but it can be done. Make sure you can control the heat coming off you HPS.


Well-Known Member
400 watt HPS going to have a fan blowing from one side and a vent on the other, possible with an inline booster even.


Well-Known Member
LST-LOW STRESS TRAINING. You can check the growfaq for a more detailed step by step process with pics. Lsting is bending the main or side branches of the plant slowly over time to get the plant to grow along the ground or around a pot instead of straight up. Once the plant has a good root system biuld as a seedling you can start to slowly bend it down and tie it with a string to the pot, a hook, a brick, and so on. You only want to bend it a little at a time and then let it rest for a couple of days and then bend it more. You have to be careful that you don't break the branches as they will get harder to bend as the plant continues to grows. In the end you end up with three feet worth of plant but instead of it going straight up into one big cola it runs along the ground forming many small short colas. Hope that helps a little. Peace.


Well-Known Member
main budsite on the plant that consists of many small buds grown tightly together to appear as one really large bud.