I'm DONE with shitty plastic spray bottles!!!! Recommedations?

Electric mosquito fogger from amazon. Around 250 bucks but it will do 12 large plants in less than ten minutes. Or if you have access to a paint sprayer, i hear theres people using those now. I love the mosquito fogger. It paid for itself after one or two months, easy.
$250 :o! I'm sure it works great but $250, again :o
Best plastic spray bottle I've ever had and currently use is a RainMaker 360. Cuts my spray times in 1/3 compared to a regular plastic bottle. It hasn't broken YET, only had it for 3-4 months. It's not bad for small grows because you don't need to mix up a full gallon.
I use the Zep spray bottles from HD or Lowes, $3-$4 each. Qt sized and pretty much standard equipment at every car wash I've ever seen. Very resistant to chemicals and have a spot to write just what is in them. My oldest one is ~5 years old and still working fine, used for pesticides.

It made me shudder too at first. But i swear its the nest investment i ever made. Dude, turn 6 hrs into 20 minutes. Like i said, it paid for itself in a month when i had mites and thrips.
Well it is true that in most cases you get what you pay for. I've learned that lesson the hard way a few times being the cheap bastard that I am :(.
I have an African sulcatta tortoise, turn one of those big boys loose in your yard you won't find another dandelion ever!
Make a tea every morning and drink them soon you won't have enough

good for stomach upsets and modern life

lol true
Yes yes ..... Dandelion tea....insert throwing up meme lol. I've had it and frankly I'll stick with coffee :). As for the wine ..... Again blah lol. I drink Crown and that's all I drink lol. Well that's not true, I make a great PinaColada :). And just a product review re the hair dresser spray bottle with the bladder. Works great for a few months then the bag breaks, then it becomes a regular overpriced spray bottle, well the ones my girlfriend bought did.
I use the Zep spray bottles from HD or Lowes, $3-$4 each. Qt sized and pretty much standard equipment at every car wash I've ever seen. Very resistant to chemicals and have a spot to write just what is in them. My oldest one is ~5 years old and still working fine, used for pesticides.

Yep, I've destroyed a number of the ole Zep bottles. Once in the middle of a spraying job without a backup.
I just picked up a one gallon multipurpose sprayer for 9$ by hdx(the Home Depot company) works good and it's automatic. The stick makes it easy to spray corners and hard to reach area
I just picked up a one gallon multipurpose sprayer for 9$ by hdx(the Home Depot company) works good and it's automatic. The stick makes it easy to spray corners and hard to reach area

I've had 2 HDX...
both times, where the hose to the sprayer comes out of the side, it wants to bend and pinch the hose off....
takes three hands to move around and spray...
one carrying the sprayer...
one holding the wand...
and one to keep the spray hose from bending and pinching