I'm DONE with shitty plastic spray bottles!!!! Recommedations?


Well-Known Member
I have a smallish, 12 plant total, indoor, soil grow that's been doing great for years. BUT I've finally hit my limit with broke down spray bottles!!!!! Admittedly, I've been cheap, just pick a new one up when I was at the Hydro shop. But I've finally had it.

Note: I use a lot of strained AACTs and other foliar sprays.

SO, help me out friends with your recommendations!!!


I've used same as this that had something in just soaked it in bleach for a few days before using it.
I'm using the proflow for when you don't won't to mix 1 gallon worth. Some thing I spray don't have a shelf live to mix a gallon. For larger batches I like the harberfreight 1.5 gallon.

I using one of these for spraying CS silver, works great use very little, and can get right to the bud, the one below is too big

Yeah I agree I'm using the shitiest bottles ever, .. re used home cleaning spray bottles ..below:

from my blog, here: https://www.rollitup.org/Journal/Entry/foilar-tools-and-application.32101/

I too want a better more sturdy bottle ....subbbed!!
Exactly what I have going on!!! Stop the madness!!!!!
I have special, "this bottle only" mixes. But there has to be a better way!!!!
Electric mosquito fogger from amazon. Around 250 bucks but it will do 12 large plants in less than ten minutes. Or if you have access to a paint sprayer, i hear theres people using those now. I love the mosquito fogger. It paid for itself after one or two months, easy.