Well-Known Member
yes, immediate releif for mmar im sureIf the ruling is patients have a right to grow, that means all patients. There may be a delay for new applicants while hc figures it out is my guess.
yes, immediate releif for mmar im sureIf the ruling is patients have a right to grow, that means all patients. There may be a delay for new applicants while hc figures it out is my guess.
The Court might schedule a ‘remedies hearing’ with respect to these issues and might suspend the “declaration of unconstitutionality” for a period of time to enable the government to make the MMPR constitutional with appropriate amendments. If this should occur and the opportunity is given a submission will be made to not only continue the existing injunction terms pending the government amendments, but that the terms be expanded to at least enable changes in production sites and other necessary changes as they arise during that period.
now yer gettin it...Interesting.. so if they rule the MMPR is unconstitutional they will likely give HC time to make it constitutionally acceptable, which could mean that they are forced to allow any patient to grow for themselves.
God I hope it isnt left to them. They were given what?, 12 months to create the mmpr. And if I remember they asked for a time extension , and we STILL got fucked as patientsI am cautiously optimistic about the outcome in our favour after all it is all about the Charter and our rights. Philan was not happy about either expert witness testimony from the RCMP testimony nor the Fire chief asking for the RCMP members expert witness certificate from the Crown, that being said in my opinion he will send it back to the house and give them 12 to 24 months to address the MMAR and the MMPR and leave it for the Feds to hash it out in the house , just seems logical to me everything changed with the Liberal's win and there agenda, leaving the injunction in place with or without new amendments is yet to be seen tomorrow tells the tale
are you aware of the Allard case? it's for our right to grow.legalization doest mean personal growing dude
14% jump this week, im almost possitive news for LPs will surface today. My guess is from Ottawa.and another 7% today for tweed...something is brewing on the political level.
That'd be much appreciated.'ll have a coy of the decision around 9:30 and will post for all who want to read.
i'm sure we'll have a readers digest version by 9 from Tousaw or CONroy
We will see. Wouldnt be the 1st time. Stocks rised double digits after we got day they got sec56 and stock was already pumped. if anyone knows anything its Tweed.That'd be much appreciated.
Also stock market fluctuations aren't evidence of collusion, either. Allard decision will have a major impact on LP's, I'd be suspicious if there weren't fluctuations. That's how the stock market works.
It's is noon correct. Chums keep telling me it's at 12:3035 minutes.....