Donald Trump

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Actually, I couldn't care less about ANY religion. I'm just curious as to why Islam is bad, but the Klan religion is good.

All black christians are part of the Clan now? Man you are having a rough morning Bearkat... Better sit down and smoke some weed and get righteous!!
I'd rather have peaceful people praying for peace. I look at it like meditation is all. Everyone meditates on a different visual is all.
Black Christians praying to a make believe ghost in the sky are fools too. I don't discriminate.

You didnt call them fools, you called them followers of a clan religion... Something slightly different.

I am not religious so I could care less what you call them. Although when you are draped in the flag of discrimination it severely weakens your position when you lash out at large groups of people.
M.L.K. was a devout Christian. Jimmy Carter is a Baptist minister. Obama and the Clintons are Christian. Trump goes to church once a year and doesn't strike me as very religious. I am sorry you loath Christianity so much that it distorts reality for you, bearcat a.k.a. pussy cat.
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The only thing I loathe is someone pushing their shit on me. Could be christianity, could be Pro-Life, Pro-Gun, flat earth, etc. If this personal belief is how you channel good energy, then this is a good thing. Very healthy.

Otherwise you're using it as a stick
Maybe it has something to do with the fact that Trump is an asshole? He said he would ban all muslims coming in, and said that Mexicans are murderers, rapists, and thieves.

Isn't that enough reason to dislike a candidate?

Straight up, Trump is a NAZI and a white supremacist and that makes you a NAZI, or just a low information voter.
That's not what he said. They snipped his statement down.

He said stop allowing Muslims from that area of the world for now. We can't vet them they can't come in. Simple as that.

He said some of the Mexicans coming in are thieves and rapists.

You need to check sources and verify what the news reports. They almost always spin.
Muslims are homophobic, sexists and violently imposing an oppressive religion on the world. Having immigration laws is hateful?
We have a lot of religions in the US with the same characteristics you name, such as Mormons, Southern Baptists and those nutjobs that were disrupting military funerals because, homosexuals. I would think your strain of Muslim will fit right in.

I don't agree with your characterization, just saying there is nothing new about bigoted religious people in this country.
That's not what he said. They snipped his statement down.

He said stop allowing Muslims from that area of the world for now. We can't vet them they can't come in. Simple as that.

He said some of the Mexicans coming in are thieves and rapists.

You need to check sources and verify what the news reports. They almost always spin.
Pie, I don't think you support racism and bigotry regarding any group in this country. Why would you support somebody who does?.

Regarding Mexicans crossing the border, this is what he said when he announced his candidacy. No matter how you parse this statement, it panders to the very worst racists and bigots of the US.

Given a chance to backtrack during an interview with CNN, he said this:

And he also said this:

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