EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

As a mom-and-pop shop owner, you're part of the locale, and part of the population. Trump has become a brand. Separate and exclusive from other people within a human society, and a total egomaniac. Just as other huge corporations and their heads often are. This whole cult of personality revolving around Trump, and especially those who think that a person at the center of such a phenomenon, is fucking frightening. And for those who are Trump supporters simply because Bernie identifies with Socialism should look into other leaders who were in power because of the force of cults of personality. Stalin, for instance. Hitler, for another. I suppose you could argue Washington was and history's determined by the victor, but he didn't use charisma and lies as a primary tool to gain leadership, and unlike Trump would be, he was an effective leader and at the forefront of an idea held by the majority.
Clinton takes Nevada in narrow victory over Sanders
With 72% of the expected vote in, Clinton was ahead of Sanders 52.2% to 47.7%.
In a statement, Sanders said he called Clinton to congratulate her.

"I am very proud of the campaign we ran," he said. "Five weeks ago we were 25 points behind and we ended up in a very close election. And we probably will leave Nevada with a solid share of the delegates."

Not exactly an overwhelming victory and momentum shift in Nevada for Hillary, the nominee of the Democratic establishment. Only a few weeks to go to Super Tuesday and Sanders is going to make it hard for the establishment's choice. Sanders is my first choice but I'm going to stay with the Democrats, regardless. I know which side I'm on and it's not with racists of the South or the party of the Koch Bros.
As a mom-and-pop shop owner, you're part of the locale, and part of the population. Trump has become a brand. Separate and exclusive from other people within a human society, and a total egomaniac. Just as other huge corporations and their heads often are. This whole cult of personality revolving around Trump, and especially those who think that a person at the center of such a phenomenon, is fucking frightening. And for those who are Trump supporters simply because Bernie identifies with Socialism should look into other leaders who were in power because of the force of cults of personality. Stalin, for instance. Hitler, for another. I suppose you could argue Washington was and history's determined by the victor, but he didn't use charisma and lies as a primary tool to gain leadership, and unlike Trump would be, he was an effective leader and at the forefront of an idea held by the majority.
Two words- Bill Clinton........Two more words- Barak Obama
the life of Bernie Sanders, and to nobody’s surprise, it almost reads like a profile done by The Onion:

Sanders spent most of his life as an angry radical and agitator who never accomplished much of anything. And yet now he thinks he deserves the power to run your life and your finances — “We will raise taxes;” he confirmed Monday, “yes, we will.”

One of his first jobs was registering people for food stamps, and it was all downhill from there.

Sanders took his first bride to live in a maple sugar shack with a dirt floor, and she soon left him. Penniless, he went on unemployment. Then he had a child out of wedlock. Desperate, he tried carpentry but could barely sink a nail. “He was a shi**y carpenter,” a friend told Politico Magazine. “His carpentry was not going to support him, and didn’t.”
hen he tried his hand freelancing for leftist rags, writing about “masturbation and rape” and other crudities for $50 a story. He drove around in a rusted-out, Bondo-covered VW bug with no working windshield wipers. Friends said he was “always poor” and his “electricity was turned off a lot.” They described him as a slob who kept a messy apartment — and this is what his friends had to say about him.

The only thing he was good at was talking … non-stop … about socialism and how the rich were ripping everybody off. “The whole quality of life in America is based on greed,” the bitter layabout said. “I believe in the redistribution of wealth in this nation.”

So he tried politics, starting his own socialist party. Four times he ran for Vermont public office, and four times he lost — badly. He never attracted more than single-digit support — even in the People’s Republic of Vermont. In his 1971 bid for U.S. Senate, the local press said the 30-year-old “Sanders describes himself as a carpenter who has worked with ‘disturbed children.’ ” In other words, a real winner.

He finally wormed his way into the Senate in 2006, where he still ranks as one of the poorest members of Congress. Save for a municipal pension, Sanders lists no assets in his name. All the assets provided in his financial disclosure form are his second wife’s. He does, however, have as much as $65,000 in credit-card debt.

No wonder millennials connect so well with the guy.
Looks like Bernie just got his ass handed to him in Nevada. With the casinos backing her, it's all Hillary, all day long
Clinton takes Nevada in narrow victory over Sanders
With 72% of the expected vote in, Clinton was ahead of Sanders 52.2% to 47.7%.
In a statement, Sanders said he called Clinton to congratulate her.

"I am very proud of the campaign we ran," he said. "Five weeks ago we were 25 points behind and we ended up in a very close election. And we probably will leave Nevada with a solid share of the delegates."

Not exactly an overwhelming victory and momentum shift in Nevada for Hillary, the nominee of the Democratic establishment. Only a few weeks to go to Super Tuesday and Sanders is going to make it hard for the establishment's choice. Sanders is my first choice but I'm going to stay with the Democrats, regardless. I know which side I'm on and it's not with racists of the South or the party of the Koch Bros.
Looks like Bernie just got his ass handed to him in Nevada. With the casinos backing her, it's all Hillary, all day long
This win only helps to keep the super-delegates firmly on the side of Clinton.

Clinton won Nevada over Obama in 2008..but wait..how did that work out for her?


edit: Clinton 51% Obama 45% Edwards 4%
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Clinton won Nevada over Obama in 2008..but wait..how did that work out for her?

View attachment 3613286

edit: Clinton 51% Obama 45% Edwards 4%
LOL. whatever gets you through your day.
Superdelegates firmly on Hillary side. Honest people realize that Bernie needed this win WAY more than Hillary.
I suggest you come up with an alternate plan in life. Please remember Bernie is not Obama
LOL. whatever gets you through your day.
Superdelegates firmly on Hillary side. Honest people realize that Bernie needed this win WAY more than Hillary.
I suggest you come up with an alternate plan in life. Please remember Bernie is not Obama

No, Mr Sanders is far more of the kind of politician I want to see in power than Mr Obama, and I voted for the man twice.
No, Mr Sanders is far more of the kind of politician I want to see in power than Mr Obama, and I voted for the man twice.
Sanders sounds like a one trick pony. I actually gave the man 1500. Did an installment of 250 for three months twice. Wanted to give the man a chance to carry his message. Then he came out with his tax plan, keeps saying the same shit over and over, making promises he can't keep, has no foreign policy. I learned a lesson this election cycle. Wait to donate
Sanders sounds like a one trick pony. I actually gave the man 1500. Did an installment of 250 for three months twice. Wanted to give the man a chance to carry his message. Then he came out with his tax plan, keeps saying the same shit over and over, making promises he can't keep, has no foreign policy. I learned a lesson this election cycle. Wait to donate

I appreciate your contribution.