EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Who are you voting for @uncleben ? ... You gotta be a Cruz guy aren't ya..

It is kind of hard to say who you're voting for at this point, since both the Republicans and Democrats haven't made their party candidate selection. So while he may be a Cruz guy, if Cruz doesn't get the GOP nod, then it is irrelevant that he is a Cruz guy.

If Bernie doesn't get the Democratic Nod, then are all Bernie supporters going to vote for Hillary?
It is kind of hard to say who you're voting for at this point, since both the Republicans and Democrats haven't made their party candidate selection. So while he may be a Cruz guy, if Cruz doesn't get the GOP nod, then it is irrelevant that he is a Cruz guy.

No, he likes to rack his tiny brain trying to find dirt on Bernie, so far he's got-

1. He hired his wife to run his campaign.

2. He kept a messy apartment n wasn't born a spoiled rich prick.

1963 photo of college student Bernie Sanders getting arrested protesting segregated schools.

I can't find anything that says that is Bernie Sanders in a quick 20 second search, but if that is indeed him, I applaud him for standing up and doing the correct thing in life, when it wasn't popular.
No, he likes to rack his tiny brain trying to find dirt on Bernie, so far he's got-

1. He hired his wife to run his campaign.

2. He kept a messy apartment n wasn't born a spoiled rich prick.

I am not into personal insults and attacks, so I will ignore that part.

I don't know if either of those are 'dirt' - according to Snopes, the biggest 'dirt' seems to be that he pays his Interns $12/hr, but pays his Staffers at a higher rate than that.
If that is the ONLY thing that money was paying for, then I imagine it could have paid all the educators in America for less than 3 years.

You're not successfully making a single point. I am agreeing with your primary statement, that there is a hypocrisy in how people question Bernie about his plans.

I say this and the Bernie fanatics get all crazy on me. Good luck
I am mad at the appropriate people - the politicians, not the businessmen.
..Sounds redundant to me. Businessmen and politicians, I mean. None of them care for the common man. And despite Bernie being a politician, he actually gives a shit about people like me. I firmly believe that. He's got good rapport from Vermont as governor, if I'm not mistaken.
It's not, and that's my point. How many educators would $1.7 trillion have paid for?

So because I love math, I decided to run these numbers =)

If we paid every educator the exact same pay of $60k - 1.7 Trillion Dollars would pay for 28,333,333 (28.3 Million Educators)

According to US DoE - There are 3.1 Million Public School Teachers in the US - http://nces.ed.gov/fastfacts/display.asp?id=372 Stats on College Level professors are harder to find - but a quick Google search said 1.54 Million. So this puts us at 4.64 Million people are educators of some kind.

This doesn't count for any other employee at any of these locations, just purely educators.
So because I love math, I decided to run these numbers =)

If we paid every educator the exact same pay of $60k - 1.7 Trillion Dollars would pay for 28,333,333 (28.3 Million Educators)

According to US DoE - There are 3.1 Million Public School Teachers in the US - http://nces.ed.gov/fastfacts/display.asp?id=372 Stats on College Level professors are harder to find - but a quick Google search said 1.54 Million. So this puts us at 4.64 Million people are educators of some kind.

This doesn't count for any other employee at any of these locations, just purely educators.
That's awesome.
..Sounds redundant to me. Businessmen and politicians, I mean. None of them care for the common man. And despite Bernie being a politician, he actually gives a shit about people like me. I firmly believe that. He's got good rapport from Vermont as governor, if I'm not mistaken.

You say they dont but that is fallacious. Unless you are stating every business owner from the mom and pop business to walmart do not care for the common man. Business, by its nature caters to the common man. Business employs the common man. Something that cannot be said for politicians.

Bernie says he gives a shit about you then he pays his wife with your donations. He just cares about himself a little more. He is a career politician that is telling you what you want to hear. I wonder when that has happened before...
You say they dont but that is fallacious. Unless you are stating every business owner from the mom and pop business to walmart do not care for the common man. Business, by its nature caters to the common man. Business employs the common man. Something that cannot be said for politicians.

What if we where to say, it's just the businesses that hire the communist man (building Islands in the sea) that do not care for the Freedom paying American man. (drinking lead from gov. pipes).

....Have you ever had a strain take you back to 1970? It's too early for this, going back to the glue.
You say they dont but that is fallacious. Unless you are stating every business owner from the mom and pop business to walmart do not care for the common man. Business, by its nature caters to the common man. Business employs the common man. Something that cannot be said for politicians.

Bernie says he gives a shit about you then he pays his wife with your donations. He just cares about himself a little more. He is a career politician that is telling you what you want to hear. I wonder when that has happened before...
Business owner's not quite the same as businessman. Businessman is more of a lifestyle concept, where your life revolved around money. You tend to forget your humanity while your primary focus is on money. Trump is definitely not an exception, although I'm sure there are some who are model philanthropists.
I am originally from Central PA, so I definitely know mom-and-pop general store type business owners and little shops and boutiques are not comparable to corporate empires and their cutthroat CEOs.