Feel the Bern - the old fart that was/is into porno & has no assets, reason why he wants yours

But were they infantry? Haha. Well.. Can't say that, either. I knew a mortarmen who was fucking WAY outside regs. But for the most part, if you meet infantrymen, usually they aren't lazy. No lazy man, who is lazy by nature, chooses to do that shit, especially light infantry.

I agree. Unfortunately some people just do it for the bennys. Unless of course it was Vietnam. Then some had no choice. Once again thanks for your service.
I agree. Unfortunately some people just do it for the bennys. Unless of course it was Vietnam. Then some had no choice. Once again thanks for your service.
The lazy ones get weeded out at OSUT, either by entry level separation or standards failure. However, you are right on both accounts, 'Nam and the money, and some get lucky and slip through. So, that's pretty fair. And, I'm not ignoring your thanks, I just don't know how to respond to that shit, ever, so I usually just kind of pass over it awkwardly. It's appreciated, but I did it for my own reasons, and despite how I may have come off about the Army thing, I'm not pompous about it either. I'm just trying to promote veteran PTSD awareness and especially marijuana use as a medical treatment, although it should be as legal as a fucking multivitamin. I just want it to be legitimized as a treatment.
I don't expect you to acknowledge or respond to my thanks. At times, it seems as if that "thanks" is almost a false platitude used by some. I even feel at times as if it has lost some of its true intention. Unfortunately in this country our government has no trouble sending plenty of men and women into harms way, and IMO a lot die, or have their lives altered forever for no good reason. Yet, our government doesn't seem to care about our vets after the fact. Essentially like the K9's used in past conflicts. "Thanks for keeping our troops safe doggy and doing a great job, now lets get you euthanized." The VA is a joke and vets are made to wait forever to only get rescheduled or referred elsewhere. I have a lot of vet friends the story is always the same. Basically shat on for taking the oath and serving. It's quite despicable. And those in charge should feel shame because of it. It infuriates me. Enough of my rant.
Of course.

Hang a sign on that dog and call it a pig. ;)
We'll agree to disagree. I've nothing but respect for anyone on this site, especially much more senior members and growers such as yourself, Uncle Ben, and would rather not burn bridges over politics, as politics form a corrosive type of environment.
No, he is like a thief. I hope you're not a thief madam.

He thinks taking other peoples stuff under threats of violence to the other people is "doing good".

Who would be dumb enough to endorse that kind of behavior?
When you gain something through unlawful, manipulative or fraudulent means, it's not really "your stuff" to begin with. Supply-side economics has redistributed the wealth from the poor and middle class to the upper class for 35 years, what Sanders is proposing is shifting the balance back to equilibrium to sustain strong economic growth and provide prosperity for many, not just the few.

Who would be dumb enough to oppose something like that?
We'll agree to disagree. I've nothing but respect for anyone on this site, especially much more senior members and growers such as yourself, Uncle Ben, and would rather not burn bridges over politics, as politics form a corrosive type of environment.

Can't be afraid to get your hands dirty friend, because it gets pretty nasty in here at times. If it didn't, I'm not sure that I'd keep coming back. :fire:

Fuck Ben!! See how I did that? I promise you that he can handle it. :wink:
Can't be afraid to get your hands dirty friend, because it gets pretty nasty in here at times. If it didn't, I'm not sure that I'd keep coming back. :fire:

Fuck Ben!! See how I did that? I promise you that he can handle it. :wink:
I'm just not getting my hands dirty over politics, that's all. Politics is all ideology-based and personal, so you won't sway anyone if they're rooted deep enough. So with nothing to gain, only only to lose, I'll get my hands dirty over something not so personal ideology-based and more winnable with a better objective outcome.
I'm just not getting my hands dirty over politics, that's all. Politics is all ideology-based and personal, so you won't sway anyone if they're rooted deep enough. So with nothing to gain, only only to lose, I'll get my hands dirty over something not so personal ideology-based and more winnable with a better objective outcome.
welcome home brother....:hug:
US Army 9th Infantry Vietnam 1969-70......
View attachment 3612763
10th Mountain Division, Afghanistan '09-'10. Thanks for you for your service. I have a lot of respect for the Vietnam era. They didn't get the welcome home I did. My grandfather was a GM1 (Gunners Mate 1st, either E6 or E7) on the Swift boats. He committed suicide when I was a baby, and I wish I'd known him. Were you Riverine, then?
We'll agree to disagree. I've nothing but respect for anyone on this site, especially much more senior members and growers such as yourself, Uncle Ben, and would rather not burn bridges over politics, as politics form a corrosive type of environment.

Kudos. A Politics forum DOES NOT belong in a pot forum. There are plenty of other internet forums and venues to discuss Politics.
I think you're on the whole Communism thing. Socialism isn't just far left, you know. They range that whole span. National Socialism, or Nazism, was considered far right. Don't confuse Socialism with Communism.
Sad truth is appears what USA was against all along Communism seems to be working better then your system ?? i mean really break it down to just 2 simple things lol which just them alone proves it already better then your system ,,
wide spread social welfare including improvements in public health and education how can you test this ???? well as in education put a grade 6 Chinese student up against a university major and watch him get schooled in everything. when it comes to USA Schools lets face it your stupid, when it comes to health Care well i would bet over 60 million do not have any health care ,,

  • Communist ideology advocates universal education with a focus on developing the proletariat with knowledge, class consciousness, and historical understanding.
  • Communism supports the emancipation of women and the ending of their exploitation.
  • Communist ideology emphasizes the development of a "New Man"—a class-conscious, knowledgeable, heroic, proletarian person devoted to work and social cohesion, as opposed to the antithetic "bourgeois individualist" associated with cultural backwardness and social atomisation.
Lets face it grass is probably greener on the other side i mean really if you were to take a poll i bet you would find even people from comunist countries are much happier then most Americans

  • People are equal. In a communist regime, people are treated equally in the eyes of the government regardless of education, financial standing, et cetera. Economic boundaries don't separate or categorize people, which can help mitigate crime and violence.
  • Every citizen can keep a job. In a communist system, people are entitled to jobs. Because the government owns all means of production, the government can provide jobs for at least a majority of the people. Everyone in a communist country is given enough work opportunities to live and survive. Every citizen, however, must do his or her part for the economy to receive pay and other work benefits.
  • There is an internally stable economic system. In communism, the government dictates economic structure; therefore, economic instability is out of the question. Every citizen is required to work in order to receive benefits, and those who don't have corresponding sanctions. This creates an incentive to participate and to encourage economic growth.
  • Strong social communities are established. In communism, there are certain laws and goals which determine resource and responsibility allocation. If the citizens abide by these laws, this leads to a harmonious spirit of sharing one goal. Consequently, this builds stronger social communities and an even stronger economy.
  • Competition doesn't exist. In communist societies, everyone can work harmoniously without stepping on each other's toes. Work, responsibility, and rewards are shared equally among the citizens. If people have no sense of envy, jealousy or ambitions that counter the goals of the state, then a harmonious economic development can be maintained .
  • Efficient distribution of resources. In a communist society, the sense of cooperation allows for efficiency in resource distribution. This is very important, especially in times of need and in emergency situations.
  • lets take a look at How america faces emergency situations ???? oh i forgot they don;t least not right away right Hurricane katrine ring a bell ???
Dam Bernie haha now he is a funny one wants to ask the rich to pay there fair share i say Tax the poor get them off life support no need for the poor dragging everyone down or atleast the elite and lets face it the poor are weak , sick and a waste of breath and resources
if we were to cull all the poor just think of how the world would be a better place
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I think you mistake me for being against communism. I flew a Red flag across my wall in my barracks room. Truth is, I like a person who's a good person because they're good people, I don't hate a person because of their beliefs. Except the Taliban. Fuck them.
10th Mountain Division, Afghanistan '09-'10. Thanks for you for your service. I have a lot of respect for the Vietnam era. They didn't get the welcome home I did. My grandfather was a GM1 (Gunners Mate 1st, either E6 or E7) on the Swift boats. He committed suicide when I was a baby, and I wish I'd known him. Were you Riverine, then?
Yep....68Whiskey Combat Medic E4.......I spent most of my tour waste deep in the blackest backwaters of the Mekong delta.....