Should we have participated in WWII?

You do realize that congress and the rest of the government is not all white right??? Are all those black people uncle toms? You keep pointing out race which is not the correct answer....
Spoken like someone who really doesn't understand how our government works. That's a shame.
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Look dude, whoever you are, you're just miffed I made you look like a food when you said quotas never existed and I pulled up the supreme court case that outlawed them, showing they did indeed exist. If they had never existed there wouldn't need to be a supreme court ruling about them. I'm going to have to see if this forum offers an ignore function. You never bring anything of value to any discussion. You remind me of the drunk guy at the bar randomly shouting out crazy stuff.

oh, you mean those "quotas", not quotas? the ones the supreme court said were constitutional, according to your own source?

yeah, that made me look like a "food".

good job on failing to rebut any of the racist shit i just called you out on either, bignbushy.
10 things black people fear that white people simply don’t

1. Getting fired because we don’t fit into white cultural norms.
2. Encountering a police officer who may kill us.
3. Not being able to get a job.
4. Our daughters being expelled from school because of “zero tolerance policies.”
5. We are much more likely to be harassed by police than by white residents in NYC.
6. Being bullied at work.
7. Being pulled over by the police.
8. Being accused of shoplifting when we’re shopping.
9. Getting sick and not having access to health care.
10. Having white people say we’re exaggerating these issues.

When you pull lists from the same liberal cesspools that try to legitimize trigger warnings and safe zones, expect zero credibility. Almost as sad as the fuckers that post shit from skepticalscience and think it's due anything but laughter.

I thought number one was hilarious, until I saw number four. Exactly which schools have zero tolerance policies against being a black female? Or did you mean weapons? Why are you sending your daughter to school armed?
When you pull lists from the same liberal cesspools that try to legitimize trigger warnings and safe zones, expect zero credibility. Almost as sad as the fuckers that post shit from skepticalscience and think it's due anything but laughter.

I thought number one was hilarious, until I saw number four. Exactly which schools have zero tolerance policies against being a black female? Or did you mean weapons? Why are you sending your daughter to school armed?
Well, considering that fact that I am a "black people", I'm going to go ahead and vouch for this list. Thank you for playing though.
Well, considering that fact that I am a "black people", I'm going to go ahead and vouch for this list. Thank you for playing though.

As am I (well documented) and it's complete bunk. Thank YOU for playing. Number four is the best "zero tolerance for black females"
10 things black people fear that white people simply don’t

1. Getting fired because we don’t fit into white cultural norms.
2. Encountering a police officer who may kill us.
3. Not being able to get a job.
4. Our daughters being expelled from school because of “zero tolerance policies.”
5. We are much more likely to be harassed by police than by white residents in NYC.
6. Being bullied at work.
7. Being pulled over by the police.
8. Being accused of shoplifting when we’re shopping.
9. Getting sick and not having access to health care.
10. Having white people say we’re exaggerating these issues.
The quote from me that you quoted wasn't in reply to you.

That said, the only thing I would disagree with there is how that is set up. Making a case for victimization then declaring anyone who calls foul is simply saying exaggerating the claim.

I can't know what your life is like and you can't know what mine is like. I will tell you that me and every white person I know has had bad shit happen to them. Having bad shit happen to you doesn't mean the one who did it was racist.
oh, you mean those "quotas", not quotas? the ones the supreme court said were constitutional, according to your own source?

yeah, that made me look like a "food".

good job on failing to rebut any of the racist shit i just called you out on either, bignbushy.
The supreme court said they were UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

You're really not that bright.

Let's remember how thus conversation began. I asked someone if they remembered the quota system. You chimed in with a statement that there never was a quota system and that it had always been against the law.

I cited a supreme court case where a white man was denied entry into a California medical school, becuase the school excluded a number of slots from consideration for white students.

That's a quota system.

Being incorrect about something is not that big a deal. Refusing to admit you were wrong and doubling down on stupid is just stupid.
The quote from me that you quoted wasn't in reply to you.

That said, the only thing I would disagree with there is how that is set up. Making a case for victimization then declaring anyone who calls foul is simply saying exaggerating the claim.

I can't know what your life is like and you can't know what mine is like. I will tell you that me and every white person I know has had bad shit happen to them. Having bad shit happen to you doesn't mean the one who did it was racist.
I find it quite telling that you'd equate institutionalized racism to "having bad shit happen".
The only way you can judge it is frequency.

Poor whites and poor blacks are treated similarly.

Blacks with money get similar treatment to whites with money.

The stats aren't identical but class has more similarly than race. If the difference between them is the institutionalized racism, then its rather small.
The only way you can judge it is frequency.

Poor whites and poor blacks are treated similarly.

Blacks with money get similar treatment to whites with money.

The stats aren't identical but class has more similarly than race. If the difference between them is the institutionalized racism, then its rather small.

Spoken like someone who really doesn't understand how our government works. That's a shame.

Our government is made up of people. People of all colors. Are you saying that when they put on a government uniform something changes?

Would you blame that on the individual or the government? Or would you figure out some way to blame the white man again?
Just like OJ, Kobe, Ray Rice and Lewis and other rich black men who had money but we're guilty as hell.
Do we really want to compare the advantages of "white" money vs. "black" money? When there's a rich white kid (who wasn't famous, btw) who got away with killing four people, and paralyzing another while driving drunk? Is that what we're doing. Those aren't just rich black men, they're rich black celebrities. There's a difference.
As a strong, black man, I feel I have to speak out against all this liberal horseshit. These white (and Oreo) democrat stooges don't speak for me and they certainly don't speak for my brothers.
As a strong, black man, I feel I have to speak out against all this liberal horseshit. These white (and Oreo) democrat stooges don't speak for me and they certainly don't speak for my brothers.
"See white people. I don't complain. I'm one of the good ones!" Strong black man, lol