Donald Trump

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That's dumb as fuck, We already have the capability to destroy the world, so does Russia, China and a couple more countries.. We need to downsize the military by 75% and mind our own damn business.
Your post has one sentence that contradicts the other...
Downsize our military by 75%? Sure, that will show China and Russia who's boss :-?
You also can't read. I'm legal, my family is, all my Latino friends are, all their families are all hate Trump. Back up your claim, otherwise you're having delusions and you need psychiatric help.

Good for you and your friends. Are you still voting for Trump in the primary?
Does that mean the 20% are legal and they like Trump? Thats pretty good 20%. TRUMP!

Math + general knowledge fail. You have to be legal in order to vote - nice little try at race baiting though. So only 20% view Trump indifferently or favorably. Last time I checked 80% > 20% meaning "Legal Hispanics" (or, you know, just Hispanics) do not like Trump. CHUMP!
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Had to look this up because it was not sitting right with me. Nevada is 76.2% white alone, while this may seem like cutting hairs, here's the real deal...

Nevada is 51.5% White, NOT Hispanic, 27.8% Hispanic.
Trump will win in Nevada. Also, the new Bloomberg poll shows Trump dominating in South Carolina. Trump might win South Carolina. I don't know. He very well could, according to the polls. But, I can say with 100% certainty, Trump WILL take Nevada.
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