Led Users Unite!

RQE=Relitive Quantum Efficiency (Burple)
PAS=Potosynthetic Action Spectrum (white)
YPF=Yeild Photon Flux
PPF=Photosynthetic Photon Flux
All very important things to understand if you want to know exactly why you like your CXB3590's aside from their efficiency & efficacy. I'm all about them too. Hense the Amare with CXB3070's & the Pro-9 I'm getting with CXB3590's. I've done my research & decided on this commercial panel if I wasn't gonna build. So my commercial panel is up to par on physics & engeneiring unless you can explain otherwise. All top-bin Cree. My plants Yeild plenty enough for me to afford them especially when the owner is easy to work with. He'll give you a deal.

That's cool you had one built but you had to pay someone so doesn't that defeat the purpose of being a DIY guy therefor placing you with the less smart guys like me who would buy a panel or at least in the same boat. Shit, plenty of DIY guys built all Cree or Vero units that they manufactured & are great with the best components & transperancy. Best you can buy w/o actually doing it yourself. Does that mean buying them is a mistake? Maybe I just don't understand what's being replied to me. ?
Anyways, were the above comments referring to the Solar-Storm or the Amare?
can you go into your research and why you landed on these? Simplest terms would be best for me, I am but a humble farmer. I have a platinum led and a go green led. Platinum is the blurple you refer to I think and the go green is cob, not sure the exact model they used, but its the white light.
Just curious about how much of a difference in performance you think there is, why, and what you think the real outcome in quality and quantity would be.
can you go into your research and why you landed on these? Simplest terms would be best for me, I am but a humble farmer. I have a platinum led and a go green led. Platinum is the blurple you refer to I think and the go green is cob, not sure the exact model they used, but its the white light.
Just curious about how much of a difference in performance you think there is, why, and what you think the real outcome in quality and quantity would be.
When Albiqua said it to me I googled it & got a good explanation here:
Platinums are great I hear & so are GoGreen. But they are different in those ways. I'm doing a comparison grow to see if I can figure out the difference. You could tell me better as you own a Burple & a white. Both good companies. Maybe not the best parts used in the Plat but they still produce good results I hear? I enjoyed the read myself on RQE. What do you think about the difference? I'm about to find out. 3 lights coming in the mail this week. One today so I gotta get back to work building the room for these 3 lights. Excited! Happy growing bud!
When Albiqua said it to me I googled it & got a good explanation here:
Platinums are great I hear & so are GoGreen. But they are different in those ways. I'm doing a comparison grow to see if I can figure out the difference. You could tell me better as you own a Burple & a white. Both good companies. Maybe not the best parts used in the Plat but they still produce good results I hear? I enjoyed the read myself on RQE. What do you think about the difference? I'm about to find out. 3 lights coming in the mail this week. One today so I gotta get back to work building the room for these 3 lights. Excited! Happy growing bud!

The experience I had with platinums was not good,Constant fight with stretch and smaller buds for the amount of heat I had to deal with.11 spectrum they call it,personally I think some of the diodes they use in there seem to promote stretched out lanky plants with thin buds.But I dunno just my impression from using them.
RQE=Relitive Quantum Efficiency (Burple)
PAS=Potosynthetic Action Spectrum (white)
YPF=Yeild Photon Flux
PPF=Photosynthetic Photon Flux
All very important things to understand if you want to know exactly why you like your CXB3590's aside from their efficiency & efficacy. I'm all about them too. Hense the Amare with CXB3070's & the Pro-9 I'm getting with CXB3590's. I've done my research & decided on this commercial panel if I wasn't gonna build. So my commercial panel is up to par on physics & engeneiring unless you can explain otherwise. All top-bin Cree. My plants Yeild plenty enough for me to afford them especially when the owner is easy to work with. He'll give you a deal.

That's cool you had one built but you had to pay someone so doesn't that defeat the purpose of being a DIY guy therefor placing you with the less smart guys like me who would buy a panel or at least in the same boat. Shit, plenty of DIY guys built all Cree or Vero units that they manufactured & are great with the best components & transperancy. Best you can buy w/o actually doing it yourself. Does that mean buying them is a mistake? Maybe I just don't understand what's being replied to me. ?
Anyways, were the above comments referring to the Solar-Storm or the Amare?

Lol you want to call me stupid? You might check my thread first.

Most folks define their acronyms before they use them.

Thanks for sharing.

I had my builder make my panels to my own specifications. I don't see how that makes anyone less intelligent.
When Albiqua said it to me I googled it & got a good explanation here:
Platinums are great I hear & so are GoGreen. But they are different in those ways. I'm doing a comparison grow to see if I can figure out the difference. You could tell me better as you own a Burple & a white. Both good companies. Maybe not the best parts used in the Plat but they still produce good results I hear? I enjoyed the read myself on RQE. What do you think about the difference? I'm about to find out. 3 lights coming in the mail this week. One today so I gotta get back to work building the room for these 3 lights. Excited! Happy growing bud!
I didnt even think it could have been the light causing stretch, ill keep an eye on that... I have some rare darkness that got huge.
For one the go green seems like a tighter footprint. More intense in a small area, where the platinum has a larger spread. Also the canopy can be much closer to the platinum that the go green, I burnt em with the go green. But thats my fault.
Otherwise this is my first run with both. So I cant say much more yet. Plus the burn of the go green plants has em doing weird things... and I fed when I shouldnt have so they are foxtailing. this summer I may do a side by side. I always have heat problems in the summer and I think im gonna cut back and take out the hps lights.
Just got my SunCloak 4416 in the mail. Setting it up. This thing is mega cool, I must say. This guys on to something big with the Cloak design. Simple but genius. I'll show you guys once it's up. Bad Ass!!!:-D Looks like some quality to me upon unpacking. Many MeanWell drivers. Thousands of diodes. Full illumination for my girls. I'll check on specs for you guys but you'll be better off peeping the grow thread as the answers will be there. Pretty sure it's something like all plants within the 4'x4' section are getting whacked with 2000 umols from every angle. Can't wait to fire her up.
Lol you want to call me stupid? You might check my thread first.

Most folks define their acronyms before they use them.

Thanks for sharing.

I had my builder make my panels to my own specifications. I don't see how that makes anyone less intelligent.
No one called you stupid. I said less smart like me or anyone who buys a panel as it keeps being said to not buy a commercial panel just by CXB's. Ok! Maybe you didn't say that but your tone sounds argumentative & I'm not sure over what. We all agree CXB's are great. Does that mean anyone not DIY or buying them to be made is dumb. Cause that's how you come off. Just abrasive. My bad if I offended you. Sure you're a real fart smella I mean smart fella. Common man, lighten up. Most folks use Google too.
Just got my SunCloak 4416 in the mail. Setting it up. This thing is mega cool, I must say. This guys on to something big with the Cloak design. Simple but genius. I'll show you guys once it's up. Bad Ass!!!:-D Looks like some quality to me upon unpacking. Many MeanWell drivers. Thousands of diodes. Full illumination for my girls. I'll check on specs for you guys but you'll be better off peeping the grow thread as the answers will be there. Pretty sure it's something like all plants within the 4'x4' section are getting whacked with 2000 umols from every angle. Can't wait to fire her up.

Thats pretty innovative...reminds me of a verticle spyder or something,I just wonder aboit the diodes,they talk alot about lumens.But we know lumens arent the whole story.Kinda spendy too.

Awesome, I hope the suncloak works out for you. Haven't seen one in action. I like the concept of hitting the plants from all sides. Someone posted about them a while back but all the haters and skeptics attacked it with a vengeance and the person never followed up.

Awesome, I hope the suncloak works out for you. Haven't seen one in action. I like the concept of hitting the plants from all sides. Someone posted about them a while back but all the haters and skeptics attacked it with a vengeance and the person never followed up.
They attacked it because it is new & different. People are prob. Pretty surprised no one thought to build this sooner. Once people understand what goes into the build of one of these they'll better understand the price. Plus it puts out an easy 2 lbs. with only 600 watts. Say it pays for itself twice on the first run. We'll see. Thanks! I'll explain more later. Building the room. Peace!
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No one called you stupid. I said less smart like me or anyone who buys a panel as it keeps being said to not buy a commercial panel just by CXB's. Ok! Maybe you didn't say that but your tone sounds argumentative & I'm not sure over what. We all agree CXB's are great. Does that mean anyone not DIY or buying them to be made is dumb. Cause that's how you come off. Just abrasive. My bad if I offended you. Sure you're a real fart smella I mean smart fella. Common man, lighten up. Most folks use Google too.

Not sure what else less smart would be than more stupid.

I responded in kind to your patronizing and superior tone. You don't like it? Don't use it, at least not with me.

You also made am assumption about my intentions, re 'defeating the purpose of being diy', and you still haven't bothered to ask why I did it. Apparently you made another assumption.

So if you don't like the attitude, have a look in the mirror there, fart smeller.
My bad! I can be a dick admittingly. Didn't realize I was until I read it back. Yup! Let's start over. Busy working on the room & light but I apologize for that & admire that you had a light built. Why did you? When I first started studying this I wanted someone to build me one as o thought everything was eat to much $$$ & I didn't agree with things about the ones offered. I see DIY builds & drool over them. Like the bigger LES, light emitting surface. And that's what I see these guys doing with the cobs. Great stuff. Gotta go. Peace!
that was my only concern as well. Quite pricey. Also im assuming (maybe wrongly) that the space for each plant is a fixed size... could be problematic. Look forward to seeing it in action!

I was growing (vegging mostly) with two 300W (60x5W) Marshydros but I got VERY into LEDs and the tech behind it. THIS forum here is great, the knowledge and work by people like Realstyles or Supra and many others is so helpful!

So a few weeks back I decided I wanted a new light so I did some reading here and it didn't take long people that I decided on a DIY fixture with 4x CREE CXB3590 3500K CD and a Meanwell 240W 1750mA driver. Since I am very into PC building and modding, the DIY wouldn't have caused me any "problems" but I was hesitant drilling/tapping because I never did this before.
So ultimately I decided that I let the light build by someone rather than DIY myself. So I got the chips, and lenses from Jerry and the driver from mouser and the guy(s) from todogrowled.es assembled it for me. (Not related to them, but he did an awesome job). I am SO proud of this new light, especially the lenses make the light look very "professional" :)


I might at a later time, should I decide to expand my grow area recycle my old 300W Marshydros and put some COBs in it, just for fun and out of curiosity.

By the way I am usually flowering outdoors, up on the roof. I live in southern Spain and thankfully there is sun, sun and even more fricking sun. But right now in winter I have some Autos in the tent/greenhouse as a "test" to see how they'll do flowering under LED.
I am watching the plants now closely every day, I grow also peppers and herbs and stuff, how the plants will do with the new lights. The peppers and herbs in the meantime I moved somewhat away from the light since I learned that peppers need a max. 350 PPFD and herbs like Cilantro only 200-250PPFD. The light puts out about 650PPFD if I use up the entire 120x60cm (4x2'). So I might put the stuff closer together comes flowering time to get closer to 800-1000PPFD.

(This would be another topic re: lenses / reflectors. I see there is somewhat a decrease in brightness all the way to the left and right at the sides, to the wall, say the first 20cm from on each side. This is easily explained because further inward in the room, due to how the light spreads, in particular with the 80 deg lenses, the light "combines", like so:

Which obviously means that all the way to the left/right it's not as bright as in the middle where some beams combine.
Which also means that any number, say like lumens/PPFD should always be taken with a grain of salt, they are theoretical but in practice things might look different due to many different factors, ONE of them the shape/arrangement of your fixture etc.

Where can I find these lights
Where are you at? I mean the parts of my light are pretty generic, the LEDs from KB, heatsink (TME, heatsinkusa etc.) and the driver. But I had my light built by http://todogrowled.es/ simply because I didn't want messing with drilling heatsinks etc. Cost was barely more than for parts alone. LEDs & lenses I bought from Kingbrite, driver from mouser. I sent this to them and he assembled the light for me. I know that todogrowled also sells all over Europe, don't know about the US tho. There should be guys who can build such a light, look here on the forum.
Suncloak is new but different???

Hanging inefficienct diodes in horizontal rows vs a vertical config doesn't cover up the radiometric deficiencies of SC diode's.

Fuck what something looks like, if the engine is under powered to begin with [or the tech is dinosaur aka Platinum and every clone it has invoked]and the Price is still TOP DOLLAR why bother....I have argued this for 2-3 years now. Its comical sometimes.

I want raw power for the variety of cultivars I grow, I don't wan't some kitschy equipment that doesn't emit raw photons. Then I can tweek....... the beauty of multiple K temps for COB leds.....

The upside of DIY is that usually you are presented with the oppurtunity to make some photons flow without the huge overhead of acommercial fixture [although warranties and electrical safety imho are well worth it, to the in experienced]

Pushing almost 18 months myself on White cobs and white Cree before that....White light and photomorphic affects are simply amazing in my book....and from the few hundreds as well that have popped up over the last 24 months....
Suncloak is new but different???

Hanging inefficienct diodes in horizontal rows vs a vertical config doesn't cover up the radiometric deficiencies of SC diode's.

Fuck what something looks like, if the engine is under powered to begin with [or the tech is dinosaur aka Platinum and every clone it has invoked]and the Price is still TOP DOLLAR why bother....I have argued this for 2-3 years now. Its comical sometimes.

I want raw power for the variety of cultivars I grow, I don't wan't some kitschy equipment that doesn't emit raw photons. Then I can tweek....... the beauty of multiple K temps for COB leds.....

The upside of DIY is that usually you are presented with the oppurtunity to make some photons flow without the huge overhead of acommercial fixture [although warranties and electrical safety imho are well worth it, to the in experienced]

Pushing almost 18 months myself on White cobs and white Cree before that....White light and photomorphic affects are simply amazing in my book....and from the few hundreds as well that have popped up over the last 24 months....
I just bought one. I'm recording my experience with it now on another forum. I'll try to catch up on my work & start a thread here to as here is where I learned the most on LED lighting. My plants in it are O.C. (Out of control)GG#4. I have Data sheets & answers to the questions poeple seek. Yeah, I asked many a questions prior to my purchase. So far I like it allot. About to start flower in 4 days or so. The Diodes Luminous efficiency is 160/watt. 8 MeanWell drivers. All components are accessible to see in this light. Owner answered all my questions with transperancy. So far it's treating me well.


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That's a lot of money for some led tubes.

You could get the same results from a small handful of T5s on the edges of your tent.