Donald Trump

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Obama's limp dick has less chance of landing an effective strike on ISIS oil, than you losing your virginity to your retarded little sister. If a map were drawn for Obama where to drop bombs on ISIS and take them out for good, he'd fuck it up. A 14 year old boy scout could run a more effective military campaign than Barry from Honolulu.
Now you're trying to move the goalposts. First you said "Obama won't bomb them. [ISIS]", now you're arguing the effectiveness of the strategy and reaching while committing an argument from silence and basing your conclusion off the absence of evidence.

Also, you can't bomb this problem away, we did that for damn near 15 years in Iraq & Afghanistan and look where we are today, much worse off for it and much less safe as a nation. Not to mention the explosion of "terrorists" since the war on terror began in 2001. That's an aspect of the big picture your side doesn't seem to either understand or acknowledge as the truth. You could bomb every terrorist in the middle east today and a new batch of terrorists would be there tomorrow, that's why we're involved in the situation in the first place; private military contractors make a lot of money waging perpetual war and those same contractors help finance war hawk politicians in our government which presents a huge conflict of interest when it comes to foreign policy.

How did we decisively win in Europe and the Pacific in WW2? How are non-traditional, asymmetric battles won? What went wrong in Vietnam? How are Vietnam and the war on terror similar?

There is nothing to win. This moment in American foreign policy will be remembered by future generations just like Vietnam is remembered by us now; a failure that wasted hundreds of thousands of lives and cost trillions of dollars, and nothing was gained in the process but enrichment for a few select industries
Trump will be president ... nothing the left or hard righties can do . He won't be able to accomplish anything in the house or senate and will be the republican Obama so to say for an analogy . Millennials like myself see him as different than your average lying two faced full of shit promises every politician comes to be . Of course after their bought out by the rich lobbyists. Trump can speak his mind right or wrong where as a politician has to read a script and or lie to gain votes. Sadly enough we need to set terms for senators as they cannot spend a lifetime in their seats . 8 yrs and you should be gone like any president .
Trump will be president ... nothing the left or hard righties can do . He won't be able to accomplish anything in the house or senate and will be the republican Obama so to say for an analogy . Millennials like myself see him as different than your average lying two faced full of shit promises every politician comes to be . Of course after their bought out by the rich lobbyists. Trump can speak his mind right or wrong where as a politician has to read a script and or lie to gain votes. Sadly enough we need to set terms for senators as they cannot spend a lifetime in their seats . 8 yrs and you should be gone like any president .
Sure get rid of experience, who needs Them anyway... right?

The GOP already slapped him with the RINO tag, if his own party hates him he doesn't have a chance in the general.

Trump will be president ... nothing the left or hard righties can do . He won't be able to accomplish anything in the house or senate and will be the republican Obama so to say for an analogy . Millennials like myself see him as different than your average lying two faced full of shit promises every politician comes to be . Of course after their bought out by the rich lobbyists. Trump can speak his mind right or wrong where as a politician has to read a script and or lie to gain votes. Sadly enough we need to set terms for senators as they cannot spend a lifetime in their seats . 8 yrs and you should be gone like any president .

and spend his days thinking about fucking his daughter.............trump will never get the big chair
Every once in a while I see a kid bark at my dogs when they are chilling in the front yard. It's no big deal, just kids being kids. When I see an adult do it, somehow it looks like they suffer from low mental capacity.

Trump is going to take South Carolina by double digits.
I wish you were right. SC, like Iowa has a large evangelical population. For that reason, I believe Cruz will do well there. The major difference is SC being a primary, and Iowa was a caucus. Not only that, SC is an "open primary", meaning independents and blue collar Democrats who support Trump, will be able to vote for him.

In New Hampshire, the only demographic Hillary won was women voters over 65 years old.
Latest polls have Trump @ 35% Cruz @ 18% and Rubio@ 18%.

He tore the Bush family apart and that's the one state they had..He beats the final nail in Jebs! Campaign coffin in 72 hours.. Bringing his numbnuts brother to SC didn't do dick, Trump us gaining momentum.
Latest polls have Trump @ 35% Cruz @ 18% and Rubio@ 18%.

He tore the Bush family apart and that's the one state they had..He beats the final nail in Jebs! Campaign coffin in 72 hours.. Bringing his numbnuts brother to SC didn't do dick, Trump us gaining momentum.
I like your attitude. Public polls have Trump with a double digit lead in SC
However, Jeb campaign insider polls have Trump and Cruz neck and neck.
It's not a good idea to underestimate Cruz, so far he has done better in the primaries than polls predicted.
Trump supporters need to show up and vote. This next state is very important...
"Building a military so tough and so strong that we never have to use it...
could possibly be the cheapest thing we ever have to do"
I like your attitude. Public polls have Trump with a double digit lead in SC
However, Jeb campaign insider polls have Trump and Cruz neck and neck.
It's not a good idea to underestimate Cruz, so far he has done better in the primaries than polls predicted.
Trump supporters need to show up and vote. This next state is very important...
When you show up to your fellow candidates speeches blatantly lieing to his supporters that is by far and away a tell tale sign of how low of a scumbag Ted Cruz is . If he's that desperate and can't win fair and square imagine what he"ll do to the country . I rather someone in office whose not afraid to speak their mind . It's time for a change and Cruz won't provide that . Hes nothing but a typical low class politician supported by some super pacs and is scripted like the worst movie you've ever seen . Millennials are tired of these old ass politicians who've been removed from society, living on their expensive classy ranches/houses they are so far outta touch with the people and hung from their strings like a puppet doing and saying whatever their biggest financial contributor tells them to do . Capeash . Difference between all these scumbags and trump is the fucker has his own money , can say what he pleases wether people like it or not , and he's not a politician . Yea he's doing it for personal reasons but I believe his intentions are better than any other scumbag who wouldn inhibit the Oval Office .
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