Alien x Triangle auto comparison by The Vault

mine are the cheapo sunlight econo ballasts. They've run non stop for almost 8 years. Once I can walk again, I'll be able to finish my new shed and fire up my new equipment. For the money, the econo systems more than paid for themselves.
Do you mean the lights that have the ballast built into the light as one unit or do you mean "cheapo" remote ballast? I have seen the lights that have the ballasts built into them in action; looks pretty iffy to me. Just my own opinion though.
They are remote. I had looked at the ones you're talking about. Yeah they are pretty janky lookin lol
Oh hey Twisted, I hope all is better for you! I must have missed something; I wasn't aware that you had an accident/can't walk for some reason. I hope you recover well very soon!
Reckon another week or 2.Whatt yous think.Cheers in advance for any advise.
Sorry Steff44, I really don't know. But if you will do me a favor and post a pic that is taken immediately before you harvest I would really appreciate it as I am still learning how to do this and would really like to know what your plant looks like before you harvest so I have a benchmark to follow. Thanks in advance and, oh btw, the plant looks awesome!
Sorry Steff44, I really don't know. But if you will do me a favor and post a pic that is taken immediately before you harvest I would really appreciate it as I am still learning how to do this and would really like to know what your plant looks like before you harvest so I have a benchmark to follow. Thanks in advance and, oh btw, the plant looks awesome!
Yeh will do
I blew disks and shattered 3 vertebrae. Two surgeries later and not much better
ooo-wee! Man that really sucks! I am sorry to hear/read about that. I have learned the hard way that surgery really doesn't do much. In fact, there is an actual condition (I forget the name of it) but it basically means that whatever doctors did in the surgery room was the wrong thing to do and then the patient never walks again. I doubt very seriously if this will happen to you, but there is a clinical name for " The surgeon screwed up and did permanent damage." Did they implant the artificial vertebrates/disks? I was born with Spina-Bifida, so I have a pretty good idea of what you must feel like. Feel free to im/pm/send me a conversation if I can help out somehow. I wish you the best!
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ooo-wee! Man that really sucks! I am sorry to hear/read about that. I have learned the hard way that surgery really doesn't do much. In fact, there is an actual condition (I forget the name of it) but it basically means that whatever doctors did in the surgery room was the wrong thing to do and then the patient never walks again. I doubt very seriously if this will happen to you, but there is a clinical name for " The surgeon screwed up and did permanent damage." Did they implant the artificial vertebrates/disks? I was born with Spina-Bifida, so I have a pretty good idea of what you must feel like. Feel free to im/pm/send me a conversation if I can help out somehow. I wish you the best!
Sorry to hear about you both with bad ailments.MJ is far superiour to any pills for helping with pain management(in my opinion).I have a neurological ailment down left side of body,bother with back pelvis knees(Falling apart lol).Im currently on about 16 pills a day for numerous ailments.I also go into Hosp every 6 weeks & get a Ketamin Infusion (Takes about 4 hours)The infusions helps for around 3 weeks with nerve pain but sadly returns with a vengence.Its worth having a look into infusions to see if it could help your pain management.Good Luck
Sorry to hear about you both with bad ailments.MJ is far superiour to any pills for helping with pain management(in my opinion).I have a neurological ailment down left side of body,bother with back pelvis knees(Falling apart lol).Im currently on about 16 pills a day for numerous ailments.I also go into Hosp every 6 weeks & get a Ketamin Infusion (Takes about 4 hours)The infusions helps for around 3 weeks with nerve pain but sadly returns with a vengence.Its worth having a look into infusions to see if it could help your pain management.Good Luck
Agreed; infusions do help. I wish I had thought of that. My wife has to have Turadrol (?) injections in her back every so often.
Any advice on harvesting and drying? I have read zillions of articles and posts and it seems that there are as many growers as there are techniques. I am considering cutting her at the base and drying the entire plant at the same time. Does that sound realistic? A few days before I cut her down I am also considering cutting all of the fan leaves off and leaving just the buds and sugar leaves, but I really don't know at this point, I HAVE NEVER MADE IT TO THIS STAGE SUCCESSFULLY BEFORE! Thanks again Jack and The Vault for making this a successful grow!
Any advice on harvesting and drying? I have read zillions of articles and posts and it seems that there are as many growers as there are techniques. I am considering cutting her at the base and drying the entire plant at the same time. Does that sound realistic? A few days before I cut her down I am also considering cutting all of the fan leaves off and leaving just the buds and sugar leaves, but I really don't know at this point, I HAVE NEVER MADE IT TO THIS STAGE SUCCESSFULLY BEFORE! Thanks again Jack and The Vault for making this a successful grow!
Depends on the climate you are drying them out in. Humidity levels, air flow etc are all variables in harvesting. I have done it many ways. You can "wet trim" and they will dry out the fastest. This is when you remove everything, fan leaves and sugar leaves. Only thing you have is buds on a stalk. The slowest way, but some will say it brings out the flavor is to cut it at the base and hang with fan leaves and everything attached. You can do it how ever you want, I would just make sure they don't dry out to fast, to fast to me being anything less than 3 days. Check out the harvesting section, it gets in more detail about jarring and burping your jars so u don't end up with mold in your jar. That would ruin the bud in that jar. Not to much to it, I'm sure u will be good!
The more trim off of it while wet, the faster it will dry.
Well done.My 1st grow I was like a kid at Xmas!!.I usually take off fan leaves,& any leafs that are useless.Chop off cola & the biggest branches & hang to dry for a few days.When the stem snaps when bend it I then cut of sugar leaves trim & cut buds & store in jars.I open jars for 30 min few times a day.Works for me.Each to there own.No doubt many options.As for the thrics I was gave advise from a Rollitup Member to buy a small scope think it's 60x100 led.Loads online & cheap.I view thru the scope & if milky with a few amber I Chop..Or wait for lots of amber for a full body couchlock stone lol...I just read the shit out the web for few months & decided to finally try..Enjoy your well earned efforts.I'm loving my new hobby!! PS Homegrown is far better quality compared to dealers.& all the more enjoyable since you made it!!
I am a newbie to autos, I imagine u r doing this to make some auto beans? Did u force it to produce the pollen, or is it genetic hermaphrodite?

Yeah, I'm trying to make auto beans. I used collodial silver to get male flowers . Hopefully the pollen is viable. It will be interesting to see what percentage of the seeds carry the auto flowering trait!
Any advice on harvesting and drying? I have read zillions of articles and posts and it seems that there are as many growers as there are techniques. I am considering cutting her at the base and drying the entire plant at the same time. Does that sound realistic? A few days before I cut her down I am also considering cutting all of the fan leaves off and leaving just the buds and sugar leaves, but I really don't know at this point, I HAVE NEVER MADE IT TO THIS STAGE SUCCESSFULLY BEFORE! Thanks again Jack and The Vault for making this a successful grow!
I find the best for me and most user/trimmer friendly is to chop all of your branches from the main stalk then clip your top leaving about 12" of bare stalk to hang with. Hanging and trimming an entire plant is a pain in the ass imo. I'm left with a row of branches all about 12"-24". I wet trim the large fans and any smaller fans as well as any foliage with a petiole that I can see gets a snip. I dry in a 2'x4'x8' closet. Buds are consistent drying at around 4-6 days. Then into jars following the standard checking/burping timeline and your good to go. The problem with drying and curing is that 1. Your environment will cause the most variability in your times. My RH maybe 65% yours maybe 20% that could spied your dry up by 1-1.5 days or vice versa. I use my closet whereas you may use a 150sq/ft room with tons of ventilation etc etc. It's really just keeping your eye on the buds from start till finish until your confidence is up and it's not even a worry anymore lol.