Under Sanders, income and jobs would soar, economist says

I agreed with everything you wrote- right up to the last paragraph.

He just got back from Syria, where he helped rescue his wife's family.

He's due in court Monday to answer for the fallout from RISKING HIS LIFE FOR MUSLIMS.

@panhead might not be a lefty, but he's no fool and absolutely not the stereotypical right winger.
Thanks, I stand corrected and will remove that from my previous post with an edit comment.
Suicidal progressives on both sides of the aisle.

Deficit reductions are fantasies and meaningless if the debt continues to grow. We'll have gone from ~$10 trillion up to just under $20 trillion during the Obama presidency. Thanks to ObamaCare and other progressive boondoggles, we're now on track to hit ~$30 trillion by 2026.

Yay! Hopey, Changey!

You'll need to cite your bullshit.

@Flaming Pie since MuyPoco may have a hard time with this, could you be a peach and cite this information, which you obviously agree with. Mmmkay, thanks.
You'll need to cite your bullshit.

@Flaming Pie since MuyPoco may have a hard time with this, could you be a peach and cite this information, which you obviously agree with. Mmmkay, thanks.

Haven't seen you around in awhile, maybe I just assumed the avatar was Uncle Buck or something. Anyway, nice to see you!

I'd be interested in your personal opinion about Mr Sanders and his presidential prospects?
Oh shit Mrs Pie is here ! How have you & hubby been , all is well i hope ?

Did that spot on your lawn ever come back in ?
It did. Then my asshole neighbor didn't do his leaves and they blew into our yard and then hubby didn't pick em up.

So it died again.

He's got a better job now. Appreciated and he will be getting a raise at the end of his 90day period. Better insurance, close to home, better hours.
Yay we have a different voice to proclaim the wonder and glorious brilliance of all things right wing. Bring it on dude.

As far as your surprisingly poorly thought out idea that all presidents should come from the well heeled business class, can you point out to me a two term president that had been a successful businessman? There was Hoover -- very successful at business, not two terms and not very successful either. Then Truman, who was two term president but a failure at business. Truman is seen as having been a pretty good president. I guess George Bush the first was a successful businessman -- oh wait, he lost to Clinton didn't he? He kind of wrecked the economy didn't he? Seems that your idea that a president should be a wealthy businessman doesn't have a single success story over the past 100 years.

The reason you are wrong is not that rich people are dumb or inept, though some are, its because political leadership takes different skills than business leadership. You must know that, after all, its clear that you proclaim your skill at running a business but I've never heard anything about your mastery of politics. When you aren't getting your ass kicked by a cop that is. Come to think of it, why do you always get your ass kicked by cops? Does low social intelligence, something barely needed in business, have something to do with it? 'Cause I sure see Trump as having a low social intelligence. Then again, narcissists rarely are good at empathy and understanding. Like you, however, they scream bloody murder when somebody steps on their toes.

Edit: some text was removed based upon advice in another post. Apologies if anybody was offended.

Lets start with George Washington....
I still think paying people good money to show up on time, work hard and delight the customer and insisting that corporations pay tariffs to import goods in order to level the playing field for Americans with said decent wages can be a prescription for prosperity for all.

When only 61 people have more wealth than the bottom half of the entire human population, I think income and wealth polarization have been tested as economic theories and templates to run societies by- and been found rather wanting, in many, many important ways.

The system is broken and needs to be fixed. Control needs to be restored to We the People, wrested away from the Me for Profit crowd currently writing all those SuperPAC funding checks.
I still think paying people good money to show up on time, work hard and delight the customer and insisting that corporations pay tariffs to import goods in order to level the playing field for Americans with said decent wages can be a prescription for prosperity for all.

When only 61 people have more wealth than the bottom half of the entire human population, I think income and wealth polarization have been tested as economic theories and templates to run societies by- and been found rather wanting, in many, many important ways.

The system is broken and needs to be fixed. Control needs to be restored to We the People, wrested away from the Me for Profit crowd currently writing all those SuperPAC funding checks.

Why dont you just start your own business? Then you wouldnt have to worry about it.
You can't force business to pay outside of the going rate, and when there are people willing to do the same job for less, then what are you going to do?

Just look at how many people are at minimum wage in the UK vs US... This is where the living wage comes from, because basically those positions which are function based jobs are primed for automation and the liberal immigration policies have left them with a saturated labor force.

We are looking at a massive work force reduction over the next hundred years, and it will coincide with retirement figures etc. The United States population growth is only positive because of new immigrants, and their children without that we would eventually slide into negative population growth, and this is why it is important to control immigration...

I don't want dirty manufacturing jobs in the United States with over payed employees.. You can take a look at Flint's water issue as a small slice of the aftermath of what is going to end up happening across China...
You can't force business to pay outside of the going rate, and when there are people willing to do the same job for less, then what are you going to do?

Just look at how many people are at minimum wage in the UK vs US... This is where the living wage comes from, because basically those positions which are function based jobs are primed for automation and the liberal immigration policies have left them with a saturated labor force.

We are looking at a massive work force reduction over the next hundred years, and it will coincide with retirement figures etc. The United States population growth is only positive because of new immigrants, and their children without that we would eventually slide into negative population growth, and this is why it is important to control immigration...

There isnt anything wrong with legal immigration and the controls that come with it. It is all the illegal immigration and lack of control that is causing complete chaos.
There isnt anything wrong with legal immigration and the controls that come with it. It is all the illegal immigration and lack of control that is causing complete chaos.

Legal immigration is regulated through ratio's per a country those ratios which use to be quotas are evenly distributed now ( ratios) for all fairness but we can limit the overall legal immigration if necessary to coincide with our future employment outlook.

The illegal immigration is out of our control, and throws the stability off...

However, I am not saying that is as much of an impact today as it will be in 50 years...
Like I said previously it is pretty much guaranteed we are looking at work force reduction across all industries....

If you take for example Punch Card operators back in the day look up the stats on that well a small portion upgraded skills, another portion retired, some went to different industries and others into the bread line. That is going to be accelerating across all industry...
Legal immigration is regulated through ratio's per a country those ratios which use to be quotas are evenly distributed now ( ratios) for all fairness but we can limit the overall legal immigration if necessary to coincide with our future employment outlook.

The illegal immigration is out of our control, and throws the stability off...

However, I am not saying that is as much of an impact today as it will be in 50 years...

Why should immigration be fair?

Yeltsin said it best. Russia does not need immigrants, immigrants need Russia.

I follow his idea... We should not be fair but be advantageous to America...
Why should immigration be fair?

Yeltsin said it best. Russia does not need immigrants, immigrants need Russia.

I follow his idea... We should not be fair but be advantageous to America...

I didn't create the ratio system, but that is why we changed over from quotas to ratios...

We have a quarter million taxi cab drivers in the United States, what will happen when Uber is using software in your self driving car to be ran as a taxi cab while you are sleeping.. You sleep and make money, they have an inventory-less taxi cab service however watch out for the stains in the back seat lol... That is the reality whether it is 10 years or 30 years it is going to happen... What is going to happen to those quarter million taxi cab drivers.?

They are going to be dreaming about the days when someone could go get a job at Mcdonalds for minimum wage, because those jobs will go also...

Everyone is thinking if we goto a domestic manufacturing model globally for example it is cheaper for foreign car makers to make cars in the US than importing is going to save everyone, and it isn't... They increase import duties, and worker unions negotiate more benefits higher pay, and automation is going to become more viable... You can lookup the robots per a worker stats even in China robots per a worker is increasing...

States control education, and if we want to change things we need to shift more to a science based economy rather than a services, and manufacturing economy.. In a services economy the majority eventually will end up on minimum wage before being phased out... Not all, but a lot... They keep human check out lines available in some grocery stores simply because it would have an adverse effect on the local economy... LOL! that is sad... Really it is the people that need to take the initiative...
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Gross federal debt consists of debt held by the public
and debt issued to government accounts (for example,
the Social Security trust funds). The latter type of debt
does not directly affect the economy and has no net
effect on the budget. In CBO’s projections, debt held
by the public increases by $9.8 trillion between the
end of 2016 and the end of 2026, and debt held by
government accounts rises by $0.1 trillion. As a result,
gross federal debt is projected to rise by $10.0 trillion
over that period and to total $29.3 trillion at the end
of 2026. About one-fifth of that sum would be debt
held by government accounts.

When you aren't getting your ass kicked by a cop that is. Come to think of it why are you allways getting your ass kicked by cops

I'll respond to this comment 1st & apart from the others because you & i have spoke about this before, several times , and you slid that in to be a dick , plain & simple , but since you cant remember a single detail about me , enough to post yet another shitty remark about my criminal past lets segragate the comment & square it away , for like the 5th time .

#1 When your convicted of growing weed in michigan the charge i did prison time for the 1st time is " manufacturing a controlled substance " , which is the same as a fucking meth chef , dep derp , i wonder why when police run a meth cooks plate they would fuck with them badly ?

#2 You are aware ive been charged & convicted of attempted murder , sentanced to 15 to life in prison , but my wife & attorney got me a new trial where i was convicted of " attempt to do great bodily harm - less than murder , resentanced to 2.5 yrs , that also stays on your record , when cops run your plate i show up as code 10 , dangerous , possibly armed , approach with caution , youve been explained this a half dozen times over the years yet you fail to comprehend , and so you remember properly i'll reitirate that my attempted murder conviction was for me catching a punk who robbed my wife & myself , at gun point , and when i saw him coming out of a store a year later i pounced his ass , beat him half to death , took his pistol from him , threw his shoes in the street & split , so you can save the violent maniac slurs youve posted in the past , cops run a plate that they see as a violent meth cook its on !

Fast foward , im tattooed from the waist up , you know this too , i dress in blue jeans & old t shirts , i live in a neighborhood with home values as high as $20 million , Bloomfield Hills Mich for the record , while driving a 70 yr old harley thru my very wealthy highly policed neighborhood which borders Detroit , cops look at me , run my plate because i look out of place , my address shows up at our summer house in a town called Frankenmuth , which is 70 miles away , then the cops see im a convicted drug manufacturer with a code 10 warning , cruising thru one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in my state , obviously i get fucked with , do you get it now this time ? or do you need to constantly bring this shit up to make yourself feel better in some fucked up way while trying to belittle me ?

I grew weed & i beat the shit out of a armed thug who robbed me & my wife at gunpoint , either speak up for once & spell out the exact problem you have with a man taking revenge on another man who pointed a firearm in his wifes face , or let the stupidity go once & for all .

Other nonsense dealt with in next post .
You must know that, after all, its clear that you proclaim your skill at running a business but I've never heard anything about your mastery of politics. When you aren't getting your ass kicked by a cop that is. Come to think of it, why do you always get your ass kicked by cops? Does low social intelligence, something barely needed in business, have something to do with it?

See your posts are the difference between a liberal person like myself , and a liberal extremist such as yourself , in your initial post to me its attack , after attack , after attack , and all directed at my characature as a human being , thats the extremist tactic nowdays , when you disagree you browbeat the living fuck out of anybody who disagrees & allways use characture assassinatiin , as you've releatedly done here , even with an edit , you've left out islamaphobe lol , you may actually not go there though because ive had to straighten you out on that use of weaponry before , but as ive been told here being married to an islamic woman you can still be an islamaphobe , thats the idiocy of liberal extremism .

Look at that complete mess of a fucking statement you posted , and comming from another small businessman to boot , and yes i remember your businesses & the wages you pay , yet im not afforded the same respect because of your extremist views , your well aware i started 4 businesses from the ground up that employed 9 employees & were extremely profitable , weve compared profit margins before but im not afforded that respect anymore because your extremist liberalism, which as a liberal im ashamed to be associated with , says allways attack , allways slander , and when all else fails toss in a randon raicist accusation , or homophobe , or islamaphobe , which you actually called me before lmfao .

And yes im proud of what ive created from nothing , in my spare time , while working a 60 hours a week for 32 yrs full time union trade , and still be able to turn over 4 successfull store fronts to my sons , who've in 21 months expanded from my 9 employees to employing 31 full time high paid workers , have you exapnded your laundromat business & tripled the employees you create jobs for or are you still doing the same turn over ?

Now lets address your attack on my social ethics , weve been thru this before but since ive been locked up for a while , or not able to post lets compare social ethics , you've been made aware my wife & i have sponsored 2 pre teen islamic brides escape from slavery , at our full expense which is tremendously enormous , you've previously been made aware we donate heavily to Beaumont childrens oncology unit , you've been told we delievered brand new PS consoles & games to every kids room in that cancer center , you've previously been made aware we donate monthly to St Judes childrens cancer research , and we sponsor 1 familys entire living expenses once a year while their child is dying so they can be there with them , instead of working to pay bills , you've been made aware multiple times we donate monthly to the aspca , as with all others taken off the top of our account each month , ive had to post pics of $100,000 piles of cash because after 10 yrs here the extremist liberals challenge everything with bullshit attacks .

I do more because of the wealth ive WORKED MY ASS OFF FOR than most people i know , and i ask nothing in return , i dont even speak of it until some extremist liberal attacks my social morals , or social intelligence .

Im fucking pissed off , im drinking the rest of this botfle of brandy & smoking a bowl , you arent gonna make me ashamed of the spot in life ive achieved , or slander my social morals to make yourself appear to have a arguement platform .

This kind of absolute disrespect & asassination of characture is what should be banned at this site & something i championed in staff forum many times .

And dont nobody dare hand me any of that " if you cant stand the heat dont go near the fire " bullshit , if you cant act like a civilized fucking human being , and convey thoughts in a normal form of debate , then dont debate .